Quadra progression is utter bs in my opinion. History probably doesn't go in circles, even if some patterns repeat. I've often observed the tendency to ascribe a linear regularity to highly complex probabilistic systems that Causal-Determinists (SEE, ILE, LSI & EII) have. Take it as a result of your preference for C because B because A kind of thinking.

From what I gathered, gammas tend to :
- Anti-rationalism, illustrated by the quote from Hume "Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions"(meaning a motivation for action is not/should not be reason).
- Ethical subjectivism, ie. thinking that what's right and good depends on the person/situation evaluating and not some social standard(which doesn't mean that you can't judge someone). Can make them cruel, stubborn and unable to see ethical situations from another point of view.
- Believe freedom means to take whatever action they deem necessary(in contrast to freedom of thought/speech/association for example) to ensure their prosperity. Can make them competitive and ruthless.

All quadra values have a shadow side and in a lot of ways alpha values are the shadow of gamma. Current neo liberalist thought is pretty much gamma NT, and current western populist politics(for example Boris Johnson) alpha.