As far as I can tell, this may be the instance @Eliza Thomason was referring to, given that I quoted her and that I mentioned hell. But it seems as though I talk about the subject fairly frequently with various people over the years here.

Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
Christianity's central doctrine is that you if you do not follow Christ, you will be tortured in hell. I find this utterly immoral, and not something I could follow. The distinction between Catholicism and Protestantism is rather irrelevant, except that anything "not Catholic" is more likely to not believe in the doctrine of Damnation.

You talk of Catholicism having the oldest traditions, but ignore that Protestants tend to believe that their particular sect follows the core of Christ's teachings as they are written in the New Testament, without all the obsession with gilded treasures and invented rituals of Catholicism. When Christ told his followers to eat and drink in remembrance of him, it was not at a formal ceremony in Latin with the disciples clothed in fancy dress and drinking from silverware.

If the Catholic Church sold off all its treasures that it doesn't actually use, poverty could be immediately eradicated. Instead, we have to wait another couple of decades or so. That tells you all you need to know about the Church's level of concern for the poor.