Quote Originally Posted by Fay View Post
My mother's ESI, but she has basically zero tolerance for laziness and slacking, so her method is to shame and humiliate people, who are like that and that really isn't very helpful. Maybe Se doms are different.
I'm not sure, but I think the mother of my friend is ESI-Se. She was a guerrilla girl and his brother is an SLE military. He moved right after finishing hs. One of his reason was that when he was at home, his mom was always nagging. That forced him to become self sufficient soon and leave. His brother left soon too to enter in the military school. So maybe what you describe is part of the process. I can say that my friend is one of the "happiest" and conscious IEI I've known, in the sense that he has traveled more and enjoyed his life. I think he's married now with another ESI woman. In contrast, I know one with Si parents that's 40yo, who's neurotic, unhappy, inconsiderate and immature and never left home. These Si parents always tried to give and do what was best for her according their own perspective ofc, which was basically unconditional benefits with few rules and limited opposition.