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Thread: ESI-LSI Obvious Differences

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rebelondeck View Post
    You quoted me but your comments referred to subtypes and what Stratiyevskaya said so I'm assuming by the deflection that you're simply not agreeing with anything that I said. A hard interior refers to a detached, objective (cold) view of life where only their rationalizations of (feelings about) things are considered valid. ESI, ESI-Se and ESI-Fi don't often accept other peoples' opinions at face value although many may give outward appearances that they do. Regardless of subtypes, ESIs handle information in the same rigid fashion (similar in structure to LSIs); one has to look below appearances to see thinking processes, preferences and priorities.

    a.k.a. I/O
    Well Thank you! I agreed with some of what you said since we were both making generalizations, but I just saw what said as applying more to ESI-Se. When I said that I did abstract out prominent ESI-Se who were far from externally soft like, say, christopher hitchens. Some seem to go between sweet and salty (eminem), and I tend to go between salty and sweet as well, depending on how negative my internal state is. I ultimately prefer make my decisions based upon my own likes, dislikes, and principles (I prefer to keep Fe exactly as my ignoring function) and feel offended when someone tries to impose their opinion on me (especially if they're expressing extremes about my inabilities even though I do) or what I need or don't need but I don't know if that makes me have a hard interior.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Disturbed View Post
    ........ but I don't know if that makes me have a hard interior.
    When it comes to choosing between theirs or mine, Ijs will usually chose the latter regardless of subtype - unless perhaps it's family but even then. ESIs tend to have a bigger what's-in-it-for-me attitude (similar to SEEs). They seem more adept at rising above the animalistic fray than can LSIs who may present tough exteriors but tend to be more emotionally vulnerable. Fi-types are best equipped to mentally distance themselves from problematic relationships; however, they tend to have trouble seeing and or dealing with their own emotional baggage, which often becomes problematic for those close to them. Many ESIs think of themselves as soft on the inside because of this inability but the emotional issues of others are not usually stressful to them unless it's directed at them.

    a.k.a. I/O

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