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Thread: Trump Hate = Germanophobia?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    lol Because I now believe that you must legit suffer from some sort of chemical imbalance or neurological impairment, I will no longer insult you, but simply place your ass on ignore. Byeeee
    No, that's just you.

  2. #42
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    Everybody here is neurologically impaired except me

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    - FOSTA
    - Death of Net Neutrality
    - Edit to a civil rights legislation that now legally permits companies to fire people based on sexual orientation
    - Tariff/trade policies that grant China an advantage whilst making sound-bite lip service against our competition with China, rather than pursuing a trade policy that would unite Western-hemisphere and Pacific allies against them
    - Alienating Shinzo Abe of Japan, which could have been our most valuable partner in the western-pacific trade war
    - Failing to "drain the swamp" in a way that would've stripped the overgrown federal government of its irresponsiveness to democratic needs, despite campaigning upon a promise of this

    I could honestly have seen either side to things like the border-argument he capitalized on to gain the office, but many of the above are issues that the average non-partisan citizen could easily see as inexcusable oversteps. The presented death of political decorum he seemingly made as an implicit promise to dismantle the political machine might be seen as a breath of fresh air, but his actions demonstrate no desire to fulfill said promise. They are authoritarian measures that harm the general public without benefiting them in any way, and could not be construed as benefiting anyone except the dynasty he helped instate. However, an impeachment that would lead to a Pence administration would be blatantly worse for the country.

    Note, the main reason most of his "reactionary" base claimed to disown him was his stance of Zionism (strong alliance with Israel), which is a big meh to me. Yeah, they are a benefactor of our alliance with KSA and the Petrodollar system, but not the main cause.
    This is one of the few sane replies to the entire thread. However, Trump Derangement is kind of still somehow worse than actual Trump. If people didn't prefer literally cutting themselves and making Germanophobic jokes, we probably could've impeached both Trump and Pence by now. People who didn't exert themselves in their lives generally are channeling all their derangment into scapegoating Trump for being Drumpf ******, genociding Muslims and Jews, taking their job, murdering puppies, and other things he had no part in while actually making relevant info like this difficult to find. Notice Colbert never jokes "hey gays, you're fired!" That's not even funny. It's only "Baby hands! Baby dick!" People do like scapegoating him more than they actually hate him.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Everybody here is neurologically impaired except me
    Just realized the absent minded ableism I was spewing, though I certainly wasn't directing it at you, dear one (you were at least debunking their bullshit). But apologies for being a jerk.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Yep, satire with a thin veil of social critique is permitted, but none that makes any attempt to meaningfully subvert the neoliberal political engine. Yet another demonstration of how the right wing, """"left"""" wing, and corporate-media heralds of the neoliberal establishment collude to protect their own interests.

    Your ails are not with "Trump Derangement Syndrome," but the bureaucracy of the system, which has disguised the perpetuation of its own interests as a "Moderate, bipartisan center", with a false promise of amicability that will not severely alienate any major faction of the population; when in reality, the interests of the general public are invariably disregarded in favor of said machine.
    I'm going to do a real satire soon, probably in verse and more people will hate or like it than have actually read it. Honestly, I don't want to be moderate. I'm too full of sturm und drang to even find that notion appealing. I don't want to be on "the right side of history" either; I want to be involved in history, and better to be a villain than a cheerleader (luckily, I've already been involved in history.) "Hey gays, you're fired!" could totally be funny in a deeper context, just not as a schtick like Colbert does.

    I think I'll revive the modified democratic socialist logo with the blue rose and call it The Sturm und Drang Party: Anything As Long As It's Not Moderate. Then we all vote Bernie Sanders. Though, more seriously, we probably could get away with an Immoderate Party with that exact logo, or some sort of Immoderate Society.

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    "Culture Party" logo I posted ages ago when Raver was still alive. Yes, it's just Democratic Socialists with a blue rose instead of red. @mu4 ignored the fact I designed this when trying to call me a neoliberal SJW which is lol. The goal of the Culture Party is to be as pretentious and anti-bourgeoisie as possible. The Culture Party isn't economically left/socially left/right/whatever so much as it just uses government funding to support important things like: the arts, education, sending people to Mars, etc. I don't care what moral decisions you make in your personal life as long as you support these public projects. I feel like political compass is another thing made to mislead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Your ails are not with "Trump Derangement Syndrome," but the bureaucracy of the system, which has disguised the perpetuation of its own interests as a "Moderate, bipartisan center", with a false promise of amicability that will not severely alienate any major faction of the population; when in reality, the interests of the general public are invariably disregarded in favor of said machine.
    And yes, amicability itself alienates me. People who don't alienate anyone alienate me. I would be fine with a society of bureaucrats that, for example, likes painting and doesn't have philistine tastes, but even China isn't like that anymore. So now I feel like a punk: alienate everyone.

  8. #48
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    I am German and I despise Trump. So do all Germans I know except that one weird uncle.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    I am German and I despise Trump. So do all Germans I know except that one weird uncle.
    Good, because no one in America despises him even if he rustles their jimmies. His approval rating is supposedly 30% yet he's still in office, and Colbert hasn't made a single "Gays, you're fired" joke on his awful show.

  10. #50
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    I guess in Germany bragging and self-praise are much less valued as in the USA. The extend of the narcissism Donald Trump shows would disqualify him for most voters (in Germany) as a political leader. (He is similar to the narcissistic boss no employee can stand. Positive results are the merrit of the boss only, and negative results are the fault of the employees.)
    He has a quite cult-leader style approach... something our ancestors had bad expierience with.

    Bending and twisting truth and facts are also disvalued by most Germans.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    I guess in Germany bragging and self-praise are much less valued as in the USA. The extend of the narcissism Donald Trump shows would disqualify him for most voters (in Germany) as a political leader. (He is similar to the narcissistic boss no employee can stand. Positive results are the merrit of the boss only, and negative results are the fault of the employees.)
    He has a quite cult-leader style approach... something our ancestors had bad expierience with.

    Bending and twisting truth and facts are also disvalued by most Germans.
    Such is the appeal of Authoritarian leaders to Authoritarian followers.

    Please remember, Trump did not win the popular vote in the States. (Even my very Republican mother hates him.) He won the Electoral College vote, which is a hugely anti-democratic kluge put in place by the founding fathers to get the slave-holding Southern states to join the Union.

    It just goes to show that if you violate your principles to achieve some short term goal, you will come to regret it.

  12. #52
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    Did I trigger the need to clarify some aspects of my statements in you, Adam?
    My impression is that you're a sensible and rational person and don't stick to irrational ideologies.
    I don't think that the majority of US citiziens are bad people, but... I guess I'm at the point to criticize the US election system. I can understand why it was established the way it is in the 18th century, but from an outsider view point it lacks some voting fairness nowadays.
    And two large political parties might not represent the political views of all citizens. In Europe there are much more political parties in the parlament. And I know, the status quo is always the result of past events and decisions.
    There are people to fight for the own personal gain at the expense of equal opportunity of the people.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Did I trigger the need to clarify some aspects of my statements in you, Adam?
    My impression is that you're a sensible and rational person and don't stick to irrational ideologies.
    I don't think that the majority of US citiziens are bad people, but... I guess I'm at the point to criticize the US election system. I can understand why it was established the way it is in the 18th century, but from an outsider view point it lacks some voting fairness nowadays.
    And two large political parties might not represent the political views of all citizens. In Europe there are much more political parties in the parlament. And I know, the status quo is always the result of past events and decisions.
    There are people to fight for the own personal gain at the expense of equal opportunity of the people.
    People vote their self-interests, and very few consider the welfare of all citizens. I seem to have read that Germany went through similar stage not so long ago. I even witnessed some of that when I was in Gera. Lots of houses, formerly owned by wealthy Jews, all empty.

    It is fine to point out the failings of other people and other systems, but it is wise to consider why people are doing what they are doing, and if what they are doing is bad for the group, to work for constructive changes.

    I happen to strongly disagree with the idea that we should throw away the rule of law in order to keep "our guy" in power. But rather than complaining about it, I think we should consider what to do with a segment of the population that is terrified that they are losing power and will never regain it.

    Your assertion that the political system in Europe is so great, omitting the fact that the US practically wrote the German constitution after WWII, reminds me of guys I've met who say that they don't owe anyone anything because they did it all themselves without any help whatsoever. They personally build everything you see, and even invented language.

  14. #54
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    Do people vote in their self-interest? Hm.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    Do people vote in their self-interest? Hm.
    They vote in their perceived self interests. Which can be very different from their real self-interests.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    People vote their self-interests.
    Mostly, yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    and very few consider the welfare of all citizens.
    For Germany that's not so true, because there are a lot of people having socialistic political attitude.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I seem to have read that Germany went through similar stage not so long ago.
    Germany even had a period of radical left violence. The movie "The Baader Meinhof Complex" is about that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I even witnessed some of that when I was in Gera. Lots of houses, formerly owned by wealthy Jews, all empty.
    I can't tell what happend in that specific case.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    It is fine to point out the failings of other people and other systems, but it is wise to consider why people are doing what they are doing, and if what they are doing is bad for the group, to work for constructive changes.
    I agree with you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I happen to strongly disagree with the idea that we should throw away the rule of law in order to keep "our guy" in power.
    I don't support changes to the law that reduce democratic principles, either.
    Maybe we a have little different pov to democracy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    But rather than complaining about it, I think we should consider what to do with a segment of the population that is terrified that they are losing power and will never regain it.
    I can understand that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Your assertion that the political system in Europe is so great, omitting the fact that the US practically wrote the German constitution after WWII,
    I don't think it's so great, it has it's own flaws, different than the political system in the US. The German constitution is mostly a reworked version of the Weimar
    Republic one, ofc with a lot of modifications to strengten the principle of separation of powers.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    reminds me of guys I've met who say that they don't owe anyone anything because they did it all themselves without any help whatsoever. They personally build everything you see, and even invented language.
    It seems to me it's th pov of people who live in their own created reality

  17. #57
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    Generally the most hated person of any generation will be the US President, particularly if they are Republican.

    I could not say objectively if Trump is worse than George W. - in terms of deaths caused by warmongering, Trump is more moral. In terms of sheer maliciousness however, Trump could still be worse.

    Worldwide, if people hate Trump, it is more likely to be because he is terrible than because he has German ancestry. It is also more likely that he is hated more for being American than being German. "Heil Drumpf" remarks are a clumsy way of calling him a fascist or even a Nazi. People are more likely to hate Trump for being "a Nazi" than for being German. Trump's grandfather was actually banished from Germany for being a draft dodger (much like Donald himself), so Germany hated them too. (I should mention I don't necessarily have a problem with "draft dodgers").

    I don't know if Trump is a Nazi and/or a member of the Ku Klax Klan. He may well be neither. All I know is that such labels would not be surprising. But it would be better to make a sophisticated criticism of his behaviour. Although...apparently he had a book of ******'s speeches by his bedside. That is rather odd. If people have a book of ******'s, it is Mein Kampf, but Trump had a book of his speeches. I ask you to make of that what you will, rather than making a sophisticated criticism. Trump by all accounts however seems like he has never read a book in his life, which means he would be a rare sort who has published more books than he has read (although admittedly not written by him).

    I don't have a problem of other some degree, although I find the concept of nationalism absurd. It seems there is an unspoken rule that you should not make fun out of "poorer" countries, which is arguably a form of racism.

  18. #58
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    Trump is quite different from 1. "Standard" germans from 2020 2. German politicians from 2020. Germans are generally more low-key and logical. The center of germans' political debate is somewhat left-shifted so Trump would be a fully right wing politician in today's Germany.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    True story: Trump's grand father (great?)

    Owned and ran a brothel in Alaska during the Klondike Gold rush.

    It really is an American dream story.

    Just research it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Yep, satire with a thin veil of social critique is permitted, but none that makes any attempt to meaningfully subvert the neoliberal political engine. Yet another demonstration of how the right wing, """"left"""" wing, and corporate-media heralds of the neoliberal establishment collude to protect their own interests.

    Your ails are not with "Trump Derangement Syndrome," but the bureaucracy of the system, which has disguised the perpetuation of its own interests as a "Moderate, bipartisan center", with a false promise of amicability that will not severely alienate any major faction of the population; when in reality, the interests of the general public are invariably disregarded in favor of said machine.
    edit: actually just fuck it.
    Last edited by valhalla; 12-18-2019 at 07:08 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Good, because no one in America despises him even if he rustles their jimmies. His approval rating is supposedly 30% yet he's still in office, and Colbert hasn't made a single "Gays, you're fired" joke on his awful show.
    Plenty of people in America despise him. And I would venture to guess that if Colbert were the Democratic nominee, he would beat Trump in a landslide.

    Also, elections in Germany are far far less about the individual than about the party. Also all the rest @WinnieW said.
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    For Germany that's not so true, because there are a lot of people having socialistic political attitude.
    I always wondered how much of that comes from East Germany's past as a socialist state.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I always wondered how much of that comes from East Germany's past as a socialist state.
    I guess I have to clarify this point.

    The system of government of East Germany from about 1961 to 1989 wasn't socialistic in reality. My pov is that true socialistic political systems don't exist or can exist for long, because they're not stable.

    I'd label the form of governent in former East Germany as a covert dictatorship. The socialistic political system was established by some elitist groups, and was largely unwanted by the majority of people.
    Why I call it a dictatorship? Because there was only one political party. No truly free elections. Because when there is only one political party, what's the point to vote at all?

    And when it comes to political systems there are some distinctions between socialistic, communistic and social-democratic.

    Socialistic doesn't necessarily means democratic, but social-democratic means democratic.
    The influence of socalistic and non-democratic political parties in Germany is very small nowadays, but there is a tradition of social-democratic parties. And that means average citiziens are involved in political debates and decisions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    Why I call it a dictatorship? Because there was only one political party. No truly free elections. Because when there is only one political party, what's the point to vote at all?
    I suppose but in my view elections are really just lip service to freedom and democracy anyway. Whether you are in a one party dictatorship or a liberal democracy, you are most likely stuck doing what some boss tells you in your day to day life with little to say no say in how anything actually gets done regardless. I would support an iron-fisted one party state if it was fully devoted to improving daily lives if it's daily citizens and it needed that iron fist to get stuff done faster and more effectively. This isn't to disagree with what you said about East Germany's government being shitty and corrupt which I'm sure it probably was.

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    Theres a phobia towards WASPs in general (White men). The demographics have changed. White people are no longer an outstanding majority. The country's changing and so is the balance of power.

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    Bro all people I know who dislike Trump didn't even know about his German ancestry

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Those electoral maps should paint the Atlantic and Pacific oceans red, too. I'm pretty sure that most fishermen are conservative.

    And yet, and yet.....Trump lost the popular vote.
    Well, as can be verified by empirical evidence, the "dead" vote democrat. As does most everyone who isn't a verifiable bonafide citizen of the USA. Given that, he actually did most likely win that category of vote. Good bit of forward thinking on the part of founders on that part as well I might add. Cities utterly rely upon the production of food only the sparsely populated rural areas can provide. Best create a system that encourages even the most sociopathic asshats to pay attention to their concerns because hey, if the farmers go full "in-group loyalty" the city dwellers are doomed to a most slow and painful death by starvation.

    I fear that we are about to see why I think they were so mind mindbogglingly ahead of their time. That election map. I've said it here and to many a person of most every race and ethnicity. Cut that shit out and look at it. Who would you bet on if it came down to a full on war? Team Red, hands down. The map says it all really. Superior numbers mean jack shit to that kind of "map advantage" if ya know what I mean.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Theres a phobia towards WASPs in general (White men). The demographics have changed. White people are no longer an outstanding majority. The country's changing and so is the balance of power.
    True, but they still are in many areas. I hate this fact but for all my study I cannot find it false. Diversity+Proximity=War.

    As an interesting string of thought: Who exactly managed to achieve the unique feat of essentially conquering the world? The Chinese had first dibs BTW. They could have beat whitey to the punch, yet they were too afraid of losing sight of their own shore. I'll go on if people express interest in me doing so but suffice it to say it is no real wonder why the pale skinned followers of Christ managed to succeed where all others, despite having every advantage imaginable at their time, failed .

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAngelFireWolf69 View Post
    Bro all people I know who dislike Trump didn't even know about his German ancestry
    I personally thought he was descended from a carrot plant.
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    I personally thought he was descended from a carrot plant.
    So you hate carrots? Is that what you're saying?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAngelFireWolf69 View Post
    So you hate carrots? Is that what you're saying?
    *trigger warning for anyone who likes carrots*

    carrots suck
    they are the worst vegetable
    the irish picked to starve with potatoes over carrots for a reason!
    ・゚*✧ 𝓘 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒶𝒸𝒸𝑒𝓅𝓉 𝒶 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒 𝓘 𝒹𝑜 𝓃𝑜𝓉 𝒹𝑒𝓈𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒 ✧*:・゚

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    *trigger warning for anyone who likes carrots*

    carrots suck
    they are the worst vegetable
    the irish picked to starve with potatoes over carrots for a reason!
    Disgusting. Get away from me, filthy bigot!

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    True, but they still are in many areas. I hate this fact but for all my study I cannot find it false. DiversityLack of resources/access to resources+Proximity=War.
    Fixed that for you. I’m guessing your “studies” never led you to behavioral ecology and the wealth of knowledge gleamed about human nature by way of studying small scale human societies AND our closest primate relatives, bonobos and chimps, the former sharing 99% of their DNA with humans. Bonobos and chimps evolved into distinct species with distinct behavioral traits over the course of 1 million years, separated by the Congo River (chimps being to the north of it and Bonobos to the south). Bonobos, inhabiting more resource rich terrain, are more peaceful and egalitarian than chimps, nurturing amiable bonds in a matriarchal society. On the other hand, chimps inhabit an environment where resources are more scarce, and are characterized by intensely aggressive, hostile and competitive behaviors rooted in hierarchical, male dominance**.

    From a behavioral ecological perspective, which links behavioral variation to environmental differences, behavior (e.g., cooperation and conflict) is context-dependent, as individuals and groups across species flexibly adjust their strategies to the perceived fitness (the ability to survive to reproductive age, find a mate, and produce offspring) costs and benefits in their current environment. Humans, like bonobos and chimps, have evolved behavioral reaction norms to cooperation and conflict that predictably shift in response to socio-ecological conditions > the degree to which they can defend resources such as food, material wealth and females, and the degree of bargaining power differentials between dominants and subordinates (fighting ability, mate quality, social support, etc...).

    When speaking of human conflict, shallow, short sighted takes that focus and center ethnicity and race based “diversity” OVER the availability and distribution of resources (which is better correlated to “class” and directly impact inequality margins) and the ability to acquire them, egregiously miss the mark. And though race and class have often been intertwined in America, Trump, for example, would still have much more in common with Jay Z and Oprah, as far as values based on mutual benefit/access/lifestyle, than he would Joe the Plumber, who would almost certainly NOT be invited to Maralago, skin color and ethnicity be damned.

    **I also think it's interesting to look at this dynamic through the lens of the quadral progression from Alpha to Beta.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I suppose but in my view elections are really just lip service to freedom and democracy anyway.
    You think voting doesn't change much. I guess I know what you mean. It depends how much imfluence a goverment has on the economics of a state.
    And I guess there might be less laws and more flexible regulations in the USA compared to European countries. But that's only a rought estimation from what I know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Whether you are in a one party dictatorship or a liberal democracy, you are most likely stuck doing what some boss tells you in your day to day life with little to say no say in how anything actually gets done regardless.
    Mostly, yes.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I would support an iron-fisted one party state if it was fully devoted to improving daily lives if it's daily citizens and it needed that iron fist to get stuff done faster and more effectively.
    That's sound so Beta to me. I guess you're type is Beta ST based on that statement.
    Bettering the lives of people to force them into a certain behaviour? That's actually restricting the freedom of people. How should that improve the lives of people?
    It's proven that carrots are a much better motivation for people than sticks.
    People accept ideologies better when they served together with carrots then with sticks. Don't take my words literal, it's a (carrots and sticks) metaphor.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    This isn't to disagree with what you said about East Germany's government being shitty and corrupt which I'm sure it probably was.
    The problem was more like that it was a police state. A lot of people actually were members of the secret police. So freedom of speech was repressed because everybody had to fear jail sentence for political non-conforming behaviour.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Fixed that for you. I’m guessing your “studies” never led you to behavioral ecology and the wealth of knowledge gleamed about human nature by way of studying small scale human societies AND our closest primate relatives, bonobos and chimps, the former sharing 99% of their DNA with humans. Bonobos and chimps evolved into distinct species with distinct behavioral traits over the course of 1 million years, separated by the Congo River (chimps being to the north of it and Bonobos to the south). Bonobos, inhabiting more resource rich terrain, are more peaceful and egalitarian than chimps, nurturing amiable bonds in a matriarchal society. On the other hand, chimps inhabit an environment where resources are more scarce, and are characterized by intensely aggressive, hostile and competitive behaviors rooted in hierarchical, male dominance**.

    From a behavioral ecological perspective, which links behavioral variation to environmental differences, behavior (e.g., cooperation and conflict) is context-dependent, as individuals and groups across species flexibly adjust their strategies to the perceived fitness (the ability to survive to reproductive age, find a mate, and produce offspring) costs and benefits in their current environment. Humans, like bonobos and chimps, have evolved behavioral reaction norms to cooperation and conflict that predictably shift in response to socio-ecological conditions > the degree to which they can defend resources such as food, material wealth and females, and the degree of bargaining power differentials between dominants and subordinates (fighting ability, mate quality, social support, etc...).

    When speaking of human conflict, shallow, short sighted takes that focus and center ethnicity and race based “diversity” OVER the availability and distribution of resources (which is better correlated to “class” and directly impact inequality margins) and the ability to acquire them, egregiously miss the mark. And though race and class have often been intertwined in America, Trump, for example, would still have much more in common with Jay Z and Oprah, as far as values based on mutual benefit/access/lifestyle, than he would Joe the Plumber, who would almost certainly NOT be invited to Maralago, skin color and ethnicity be damned.

    **I also think it's interesting to look at this dynamic through the lens of the quadral progression from Alpha to Beta.
    *whoopee cushion noise*

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
    Plenty of people in America despise him. And I would venture to guess that if Colbert were the Democratic nominee, he would beat Trump in a landslide.

    Also, elections in Germany are far far less about the individual than about the party. Also all the rest @WinnieW said.
    People don't despise Trump or he'd be impeached: "Trump, you're fired." They love scapegoating Trump. There would be no Colbert without Trump, and in my opinion no Trump without Colbert. Colbert is just the American Thomas Mann: a cryptoconservative and Nazi watching ****** with popcorn instead of actually doing anything so he can have his cake and eat it too. "We all watched the fascist Italian magician torture us, until he tortured Jews unwillingly, which was too much and he got shot. Wheew! At least they're kind of OK and it's all over." Read Mario and the Magician by Thomas Mann, which is the story I just summarized. It shows everything wrong while pointing the finger back at Thomas Mann himself. Colbert is our version of Thomas Mann. I would recommend people read my article and summary about why Thomas Mann represents a relevant problem in most people's lives today that I posted in the Interesting Articles Thread, and read the novella Mario and the Magician. Colbert is primarily watched by a small powerful segment of the population which could easily mobilize themselves against Trump, yet prefers mocking him over irrelevant things like orange skin and baby hands.

    For the record, Trump is nowhere near as bad as ****** yet and I don't believe he ever will be. I still believe despite Trump's administration being horrible, frenzied mass Trump hatred directed at nothing concrete at all is much worse.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    People don't despise Trump or he'd be impeached: "Trump, you're fired." They love scapegoating Trump. There would be no Colbert without Trump, and in my opinion no Trump without Colbert. Colbert is just the American Thomas Mann: a cryptoconservative and Nazi watching ****** with popcorn instead of actually doing anything so he can have his cake and eat it too. "We all watched the fascist Italian magician torture us, until he tortured Jews unwillingly, which was too much and he got shot. Wheew! At least they're kind of OK and it's all over." Read Mario and the Magician by Thomas Mann, which is the story I just summarized. It shows everything wrong while pointing the finger back at Thomas Mann himself. Colbert is our version of Thomas Mann. I would recommend people read my article and summary about why Thomas Mann represents a relevant problem in most people's lives today that I posted in the Interesting Articles Thread, and read the novella Mario and the Magician. Colbert is primarily watched by a small powerful segment of the population which could easily mobilize themselves against Trump, yet prefers mocking him over irrelevant things like orange skin and baby hands.

    For the record, Trump is nowhere near as bad as ****** yet and I don't believe he ever will be. I still believe despite Trump's administration being horrible, frenzied mass Trump hatred directed at nothing concrete at all is much worse.
    lol the density and tragedy of it all. Can you provide ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING AT ALL, beyond embarrassingly shit takes based on asinine philosophical ramblings loosely tethered to reality? Utterly worthless.

    1.) Trump has indeed been impeached. More evidence you don't inhabit the same reality as the rest of us. The side that you claim Colbert represents is actually attempting to hold Trump responsible for his actions, in this particular case, abuse of power and obstruction of justice; but seeing as how his unscrupulous, corrupt Republican supporters in the senate benefit from a power imbalanced system they’ve rigged in their favor over the span of decades (e.g., voter suppression, gerrymandering, etc...) the left can not remove him. A consistent pattern with you is placing a disproportionate amount of blame on the wrong parties. Simpleton.

    Trump can't be made a scapegoat when he rightfully deserves the blame for his actions. DUH. Having said that, it is both true that Trump has brought this on himself AND that his having been elected in the first place is a culmination of the failings (largely perpetuated by the relentlessly callous right wing but abated by a spineless left wing) of the democratic process in America–Trump is a noxious symptom indicative of a greater systematic cancer but he is nonetheless reaping what he has sowed as an individual, which still is FAR less than his actions actually warrant. Obama couldn’t have done 1/100th of the things Trump has and so, again, your premise is built upon a porous trash heap.

    Furthermore, it’s not as if Trump is solely or even primarily being attacked/critiqued based on things like his appearance (which, again, he certainly brings upon himself due to his own fixation on insulting the appearances of others), which you’d know if you took in more information from objective news sources and not late nite TV shows.

    2.) It would be wonderful if you could try, just TRY to think things through, as hard as that is for you. You acknowledge that Trump’s administration is horrible but then allege that the “frenzied mass Trump hatred is directed at nothing concrete.” LOL TF? Your brain can’t establish the connection between horrible administration and the deserved “hate” based on the concretely horrible things they’ve done? lol You're the worst, most tired and stale joke. Only an unabated emptiness of the highest magnitude would keep someone like you from logging off forever, because everything you say has little value, save for providing a clear example of 1D Ti’s limitations. Therefore, please spare us what you "think" will or won't be because time and time again you prove that your "thoughts" are anything but sound/meaningful/true/balanced/accurate/actionable/interesting/sane.

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    this is what vitamin d deficiency looks like

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    this is what lead poisoning looks like

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