Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
When people were trying to keep Trump from being President, the insult hurled at him was "Drumpf." Drumpf is just a kind of silly-looking German name... like most German names.
To shed some light on this.
Drumpf is the family name at birth of his grandfather. I see it as a reminder that they're people who see him not as a member of the own group or in that case they deny that he is a true US citizien from their pov.

The grandfather of Donald changed his family name in the USA from Drumpf to Trump. In Germany you can change your first and middle name – if you're at legal age – but you can't change your family name.
There are only two exceptions from that rule: Being member of a witness protection program or for the sake of reintegration into society, and even that has to be granted by a decision of a court.

My perspective is that Donald Trump isn't a representation of a typcial German citizien. German politics nowadays are little more on the left-wing side; so from a German pov he isn't conservative, he is a true right-wing politician. The majority of Germany are moderate centrists leaning left-wing.
Part of that could be overcompensation after WW2, nowadays supporters of true right-wing politics tend to earn bad reputation from most people.
Nearly all radio and television broadcasters represent a rather left-wing position in Germany.

The concept of hating somebody because of the ethical origin is totally foreign to me; and usually I don't care if somebody can't stand me.

I'm bewildered of the claim that disliking one person of a specific origin means being afraid of all people of that origin.