
This is probably going to be my one and only post here (I've registered just for this). I won't reply to comments here, either. If anyone wants to read about this, and then maybe ask/comment, you can find me at https://akhromant.tumblr.com (you don't need an account to send messages there), but first make sure to check the index page, read the texts/links carefully (even several times), and think things over, please. This requires some time (not just a few hours) because most people are too used to the widespread misconceptions, and the needed reevaluation is not easy (also, many people make a living out of them, or have their sense of "identity" built around them, so they basically can't/won't ever admit that they have been wrong all this time). Some important posts are #01, #13, #19 and #25 (but also #24, #31, #35, #59, etc). There are also tables, lists (including the Socionics correlation), and even some memes

This is a very brief summary of the problem: what the famous (but nonexistent) e-i-e-i/i-e-i-e "stacks" call "functions" are not what Jung discovered and described in his book. They are not functions, but behavioral traits that correspond to different pairs of letters:

Their "Te" is not the real extraverted thinking, but a mix of TJ-traits.
Their "Fe" is not the real extraverted feeling, but a mix of FJ-traits.
Their "Se" is not the real extraverted sensation, but a mix of SP-traits.
Their "Ne" is not the real extraverted intuition, but a mix of NP-traits.
Their "Ti" is not the real introverted thinking, but a mix of TP-traits.
Their "Fi" is not the real introverted feeling, but a mix of FP-traits.
Their "Si" is not the real introverted sensation, but a mix of SJ-traits.
Their "Ni" is not the real introverted intuition, but a mix of NJ-traits.

The real cognitive functions are different (for example: Fi is not about "emotions", Si is not "memory", Ni is not about "the future", etc). Socionics has a different set of misconceptions about the functions.

There is a second group of people that have a sense of what [some of] the functions are, somehow, but they use those same mistaken "stacks", so they mistype everybody (I talked about this in post #58). They should be using the correct function arrangements of the types, which are as follows:

ESTJ is Te-Se-Ni-Fi
ENTJ is Te-Ne-Si-Fi
ESFJ is Fe-Se-Ni-Ti
ENFJ is Fe-Ne-Si-Ti
ESTP is Se-Te-Fi-Ni
ESFP is Se-Fe-Ti-Ni
ENTP is Ne-Te-Fi-Si
ENFP is Ne-Fe-Ti-Si
ISTJ is Ti-Si-Ne-Fe
INTJ is Ti-Ni-Se-Fe
ISFJ is Fi-Si-Ne-Te
INFJ is Fi-Ni-Se-Te
ISTP is Si-Ti-Fe-Ne
ISFP is Si-Fi-Te-Ne
INTP is Ni-Ti-Fe-Se
INFP is Ni-Fi-Te-Se

Most people are going to reject this, I know, but that's how the MBTI types and the real functions match. That's how everything fits.

There is a third group of people (the smallest in number of the three, of course) that have found this, usually by themselves, after reading and thinking a lot about these things. Maybe you can be one of them