Quote Originally Posted by Armitage View Post
The short answers are yes and yes, the long one is that you turned something emotionally difficult for her about you. You focused on that the situation made you feel bad and how you could solve this for yourself, while ignoring that she must feel far worse, because she actually lost her dog.
What is worse, however, is that you immediately propose to replace her dog by another, even though she is still full-blown mourning her loss of Outlaw, as she mentioned herself that the pain is still very present. Pets and people are no items that you can replace, Adam.

She reasoned after a while that your comment to replace her lost dog was not intentionally offensive, but something you said in all naive earnest, because you lack tact and are poorly socialized.

And with this rude joke you clearly crossed the social event horizon, because it showed that you are not just socially clueless, but consciously insensitive too by turning the serious topic of her sorrow into a crass joke. In her mind you went from oblivious, yet well-intentioned fellow to rude dick in just one move. In all honesty, this is probably why she broke contact with you in the first place.

I can imagine that after the whiny comments she deems you a little immature and this perception of you was only reinforced in her mind by your desire to date young women. She may subconsciously believe you to be stuck in adolescence given your behaviours, hence she advises you to pick up where you left, namely by serial dating like adolescents do, in order to get out of this life stage and move on.

I know that I'm being direct with you, but I know that you like direct, clear answers more than thinly veiled socially polite vagueries, because from the former one can learn, but from the latter not.

Ah, your lesbian ESI-Se Friend tends to disappear too for periods only to return later like my straight ESI Friend does?
@Adam Strange, I have made some amendments to the latter half of this post, which might be worth your time to read.