I think nothing is so disgusting as planning your life until death. What if we didn't have to die? Of course that's science fiction, but so are most things before they happen. Even if you still die at 80, you're going to miss everything if you plan everything. If you got 20 old people and lined up their lifetimes, you'd reach back to Jesus. I'm sure you've seen 20 old people in a room together, though of course you can't actually line up people's lives. History as an idea was invented and first recorded at about 500 BC. If you plan your whole life, you're bound to miss at least 1/26th of it, if all the events you've ignored don't kill you first. Of course, you should plan events, plan your education, career moves, etc., but only based on reasonable information, which imaginary images of your hagiography at your funeral are not.

Why would anyone base their lives around using outdated information to leave the prettiest corpse possible to begin with?