Here is the issue:

I am clear Se-PoLR - there is really no other function that could fit in that spot. The problem is that I can then only be EII or LII. However, I do not seem to really value either Te or Ti. As an 'EII,' I have not read even a single description of Te that I find 'cool' or 'interesting' or 'intelligent!' Not one! Maybe I am dual with LSEs. However, they are the only Te type that I find even mildly interesting. (Barring ILIs, but that is only because of the way they use Ni). LSEs are also just mildly interesting to me and that's it... If I am an LII, I also struggle with Ti as my main function. Just like Te, it is something anal that is not really interesting to me. And just like with LSEs, I find the ILE's Ti cool, but that is the only one with Ti that I find interesting. With IEEs, I find their logic so poor that I often struggle with them, so that is also not a possibility. Anyway, I am going to take a break from the theory for several months. I have been struggling with it for years. It is time for a break!

(For years, I had been struggling with the definition of Ti, because it is the only function that can fit in my ego-block and therefore make the theory work. And just when I find a definition that makes sense, I am bombarded by all this stuff about Ti as 'structure,' and 'classification,' and 'precision' that is just dry to me, and therefore doesn't fit into my ego block! Now it's back to the drawing board again!)