The Extended Questionnaire v0.2
What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

Right now I do nothing. After high school I started studying cognitive science because I thought that's something related to my interests, however it disappointed me. I expected it to be more about application of knowledge, using some unambiguous systems from many fields as tools to make some projects related to cognition. In fact from the beginning it was focused on things like philosophy of mind, which is maybe interesting and good as hobby, but for me it was too abstract, unrelated to reality. Comparing views of philosophers, how they make useless definitions and systems in many (sometimes contrary) ways is not my thing. I couldn't see how I can use things I was learning and that was discouraging so I left after 4 months. Next thing I tried was psychology. I studied it for one year and realized that most of theoretical things here are simple and I can learn them on my own from books and "understanding and helping people" part of psychology is something I'm not good at. So now I don't study or work. I'm focused on learning things that I like at my own, comfortable pace. I'll try to turn my hobbies into money, I think that's the best life strategy.

What are your values, and why?

I think I value simply being a good person. I dislike egoists who act to fulfill they own needs while being blind to how they harm others. I also value being kind, treating people with respect, listening to others needs instead of guessing what they want. Having own opinion instead of following what's socially accepted but not forcing other people to think the same way, accepting other points of view.

What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?

Everyday I read news so I know what happens in the world and I read about things that interest me. I also go for long walks, play games (especially one I play for years and I'm really good at) and listen to music. I like to gather information about many different things. I also think about how to use my knowledge in a practical way.

Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?

I have good relations with my family, it's important to me. I'll start with my father. He's SLI (LII also possible but less likely). I like that he has similar views to me, he's laid back and calm, just does things he likes without stress, optimistic about future, he never tries to force anyone into doing something. We cooperate well while doing some housework, repairing things. I dislike that he's a bit distant and uninterested in what I'm thinking. He's practical and helpful but not a person that you can have deep connection with. His feelings or internal problems are hidden. My relation with mother who I find difficult to type (probably LSI or some Gamma) is closer, but there are also more problems. I'm important to her, she always tries to make sure that I don't have any problems unsolved, supportive, gives a lot of advice (but warns about not following it in an uncomfortable way). I think she feels she's obliged to help me even if I can do everything by myself. The problem is she's overprotective, demands from me things like calling her every other day since I live on my own, asks too many questions about things I consider personal. She also has some kind of vision what is the right way to get a good job in the future. She was always critical of my performance in school and my decisions about higher education. But besides that we get along well, we understand each other and like to spend time together, there's just some clash in goals, motivations. I'm an only child so nothing about siblings. I have three friends, two SEEs and IEE. I like them because they make my boring life more interesting. We have similar interests and can talk about them, each of us see things from a different perspective. SEEs are fun, I like to talk about random things with them and find solutions to their problems. I understand their struggles, even if some are weird and unnecessary in my opinion. I like IEE's way of thinking, I value her opinions a lot, appreciate her lifestyle and priorities. I don't see many things I dislike in them, I understand they're different and sometimes value different things than me and have different reactions to what's happening. Maybe my SEE friends react too strongly when something bad is happening. They complain about the same people all the time. When I don't like someone I try to ignore his stupidity, I don't listen anymore. But my friends are always very irritated when they see such person again and again, have a need to talk about it, sometimes they even start to blame themselves for what happened. I have to calm them down and explain why they shouldn't care. Also how they perceive romantic relationships and sex is something I don't agree with, their unbalanced "all in" attitude, directness. What I don't like about IEE friend is that it's hard to tell what she really thinks about others, how much she likes or dislikes someone. And I think she tries to be too independent, she doesn't share her problems so easily as the SEEs, sometimes I felt like I could help her or do something together but had no idea how, like I wasn't even allowed. SEEs try to have closer distance in relationship, occupy my attention all the time so sometimes I feel a bit overwhelmed and need a break. IEE's approach is opposite, she wants to talk only about chosen topics we usually discuss, avoids discussion about her interests and problems, generally says little about her life, also can disappear for some time and then reappear.

What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?

I don't look for anything particular in friends, at least at the beginning, they just appear in my life and I accept them if we have similar values and interests that we can talk about. I tend to do everything by myself and I'm not a social person, I rarely start a conversation and only because I need some info or a topic I'm good at is discussed so I can add something. So friends are my friends because they started to talk with me about something more than my simple topics. Listening to their opinions helps me expand my views on many matters. I'm trying to have deep friendships, when I can feel comfortable and share my problems. Sometimes I don't know how to interpret a situation, when it's people or values related so I tell them about it. I also like to see that I can help my friends some way. I listen to their problems, I'm not a kind of person who can offer an emotional support but instead I'm thinking of solutions. I suggest what action to take, I make some things that require technical skills for them because I'm good at it and I like it. I've never been in a romantic relationship so I can only talk about what I guess I would like. I completely don't get a concept of meeting people with a plan of making close relationship from the beginning, all this dating stuff (or some worse, even more hurried ways). I can only consider such things when I already know that person very well as a friend, when we understand each other and our needs. I feel I need someone in my life that I can take care of. Be gentle, slowly get closer, do some pleasurable things together, discover what we like. Sounds nice but what's really important is to simply have someone to live together better than without, to benefit from each other, to help each other and cooperate in everyday matters.

What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?

Generally I tend to avoid conflicts. I don't have conflicts with random people because I rarely talk to anyone. Sometimes me and my friends have a different opinion about something, but when we see we can't agree on something then we simply avoid the topic. Or apologize when we accidentally say something in an unpleasant way that hurts the other person.

How would your friends describe you?

I don't know, ask them, not me. It's difficult to just describe myself and trying to describe what others think of me is even harder, I don't want to make bad guesses. However I have an idea what kind of difference may appear between how friends describe me and how other people describe me. I trust my friends to talk about things I usually hide, they see more of my emotional side so they may consider me more emotional than I actually am.

What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

Again, it's hard to tell what the other people think of me. But I can think of some situations when others appreciated my knowledge and how I used it, my calmness, being objective.

What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?

I'm lazy. I make excuses to justify to myself why I don't do something I planned. It's difficult for me understand other people, their motivations and goals. Sometimes I'm accidentally rude. Family thinks I'm too carefree and friends think I'm too serious. I dislike that I'm unsure of many things, in what direction should I go in my life. I'm stubborn and it's hard to encourage me to get out of my routines.

In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?

I believe I can manage almost everything when needed, organize my life in a way that makes me avoid things I don't like or I'm not good at and learn what's necessary. I want to be self-sufficient and seek for help not because I need it but only because I want it. I have a DIY attitude to life. For example I replaced many parts in my laptop by myself, I repaired my glasses with glue when they started to fall apart, this kind of things. Why would I feed those greedy services when with some research I can do many things by myself for free? And this way I always learn something new, there are always some unexpected problems to solve, great exercise.

What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?

I dislike almost every kind of socializing. I consider all this chitchat, meeting people just for sake of meeting people boring, I can't see how it could benefit my life. When I have to be at some kind of celebration or party (I try to avoid but it's sometimes impossible) I focus on enjoying food, music and talk to my friend if there's any. And dancing is okay, but only when I'm drunk. I don't care about the other people here, what they talk about, the general atmosphere. I also dislike doing anything that I'm forced to do and I can't see any profit from doing it. School is a good example, you have to learn things you're not interested in and 99% of this knowledge is useless in real life. I don't like to do something in advance, because maybe I'll need it or because everyone does it. My parents wanted me to have a driver's license. I knew I simply don't need it now, maybe I'll need it in a long future but what's the problem to get it later, when needed? But my parents (especially mother, father is just a supporter of her ideas) didn't understand, they have a rule "a man must have a driver's license, if not=pathetic" I hate this kind of thinking, this is against what I consider important and logical. I did what they wanted because I knew I can't negotiate and I don't want to make them hate me and disappoint them because they're my parents, they love me and gave me more than I'll ever be able to give them. I enjoy my slow way of life, doing only what I want, sleeping longer than I should, having not many responsibilities but many possibilities. Being absorbed in my interests, forgetting about passing time. Dreaming about the future, using imagination.

What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

My plan is to be good at something, become an expert. I want to make some useful things. I also want to feel that my future is secure, that my skills will give me enough money to live comfortably, without serious worries. I have some ideas about what I'll do in the future, but it may change, nothing permanent. Maybe I'll become a web developer because that's something I'm interested in.

If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?

Probably I wouldn't change a lot, still reading about everything I like. Maybe I'll travel a bit, now that's too expensive and time consuming to consider it. I'll try to find a quiet place with nice views and build a house there.

What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?

I like people who are very curious and full of interesting ideas, others may think they are not prepared for tough life and too unfocused. I'm annoyed by people who are not flexible and believe only in one way of doing things.

What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?

I like to have my room clean, not in some obsessive and pedantic way but simply to don't have rubbish around, visible dirt or something. I rent a room at the moment so I don't have many possibilities to beautify it, it's something temporary. Maybe I'll buy some potted plants though. I'll also try to encourage landlord to install blinds because I have big window on the eastern wall and in the summer my room early becomes very bright and hot, bad for sleep.

How do you behave around strangers?

Mostly I keep to myself, I don't talk to strangers unless I have some important question/problem. But when they start talking to me I politely respond. I'm rarely interested in what others are doing or talking about, I mind my own business or observe them when I have nothing to do. Sometimes when I'm in a social situation I'm not used to I feel anxious and uncomfortable, I don't want strangers to notice I do something wrong way because of inexperience.

How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

I don't like conflicts so I attempt to explain to person attacking me why he's wrong, I use facts. If he can't listen and stubbornly continues to insult me, I make an ironic smile and move away, I won't waste my time to convince idiots or fight when the reward is nothing.

What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.

I think people care too much about items that improve their status, buying things that don't have any practical application or even make life harder. Think of rich people who own expensive watches, like Rolex. How does it make their life better? It displays time the same way as some cheap watch. That's a waste of money, when you don't know what to do with cash because you have too much, just give it to charity. I also dislike when women wear high heels. Others consider it beautiful but I can't stop thinking how impractical it is. It makes walking more difficult, puts feet in weird position that may result in health problems later in life. Just take it off, give your legs a rest.

What did you do last Friday?

Nothing interesting, I was doing all the routine things I usually do. Reading something, eating and doing other things related to physiological needs, talking with my friends, completing this questionnaire. I remember I was thinking about how some smartphone apps are poorly designed. My friend tried to send me a video in messenger but something went wrong, when I tried to watch it it got stuck after few seconds. And it's not the first time it happened. I think that's related to bad Internet connection, it couldn't be sent completely. I thought it's weird that such a popular app doesn't have a mechanism to detect failed file transfer. I'm not an expert, but I believe it's not hard to implement something like this. I thought of md5 checksum, it's something that makes you able to check if the file you received is exactly the same as the file that was being sent. It could be done automatically. Just configure the app to generate and send the checksum together with the file, then generate the checksum for the received file, compare the checksums, display error when don't match. Sometimes the same friend sends me some pictures, she wants me to make a white frame around, because she puts it in some social media app (I don't use this stuff so not sure which one), she said that without the frame the pictures are not fully displayed, I guess the app adds some unnecessary zoom that can't be disabled, seems like a big design flaw.

If you are doing a video you can stop here or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.
If you are answering in writing, please answer ALL questions.

What is your biggest accomplishment?

Many years ago I played a game and had my own team in it. I had to make a team logo so I downloaded a graphics program, read some instructions and started working with no experience. When I finished it I sent it to the admin, he rejected the logo because he thought I stolen it, he thought it looks too good for something made by a beginner.

What is something you regret?

I don't think I really regret anything because every experience teaches us something, we can't always guess what decision will be good and we have to try and check. Of course I made some mistakes in my life, let's call them "regrets" to have something to write about. Basically I regret most things I did recently, I had a bad period in my life. Things were going in bad direction, I decided to drop out of university for the second time, relationship that I thought had potential... something went wrong. And even before it went wrong it was something new, uncertain and very stressful. I became emotionally unstable. Started thinking of pessimistic variants or too optimistic. Idealized people and at the same time seen "proofs" that they don't care about me. Written some bizarre poems. Cared less about what my friends say, instead I tried to guess what they think or want, interpret their subconscious motives. I don't usually think this way, I do mistakes when I think this way, my bad mood and strong worries about future triggered it. Now I'm better, I'm back to my normal, calm, simple and logical thinking.

Who do you admire, and why?

I'm not someone who searches for authorities and gets inspired by some particular persons. I think everyone has their strong and weak sides and everyone does good and bad things. Maybe I admire experts it things I'm interested in but not very strongly. I value more what is said, not who said it.

What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?

A problem started when I felt I'm wasting my time studying psychology and I want to do something different in life. I know what my mother thinks, "study or go to work, we won't support you if you don't want to study, get money to live on your own". But I wanted to study something by myself, things that I can learn quicker and with less stress by reading books and watching courses, this is a method of studying I strongly prefer. My mother is too old-fashioned to understand that you can learn anything just from the Internet, but in some fields, especially computer science related it's possible. I could just go to work and study in a free time but I know myself, I'd lose motivation, I even have problems to do anything planned when I have unlimited time. I don't want to get stuck in a way of life I don't like, lose my possibilities. So I decided to lie. I say to my family that I'm still studying. I'm not 100% sure that I won't get caught but I'm rather optimistic about it. My friends also accept what I'm doing and it makes me feel better. But I have another problem that maybe sounds funny but it's real. Now I feel that I have to learn something and be good at it, that it's my duty. That I'll have to tell to my mother after some years that yes I lied, but I did something else and I'm successful now, don't disappoint her. And that's a trap. Now I have some kind of mental block, I get a bad mood when I plan to start studying because I feel I have to do it really well, don't change my mind and start soon because the clock is ticking, I changed my hobby into an unpleasant obligation. That's so dumb, a nonsense. But how to explain this to my mind?

What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

I'm not religious, I don't believe in any god and don't consider such things important. There's definitely some kind of scheme that controls how the universe works and humanity can see only some parts of this scheme (physics, math etc.). But where this scheme came for, what power made it is unknown. What people do is guessing, trying to find explanations for the unexplained. Because it gives a feeling of stability and predictability, purpose in life. That's why religions developed. But this is my point of view and I have no problem when someone thinks different. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want, anyway we never know what's the ultimate truth.

What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

I don't stick to any particular political ideologies or parties. Sometimes I think about ideas that parties have or imagine my own for fun but I don't treat it very seriously. There's generally a problem about politics that people care too much about ideologies, they support one side and think of it as some magical solution that will heal the society (alt-right for example). I think it's better to focus on small things that can be improved than any revolutionary tendencies.

Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?

Business? Definitely not in a traditional meaning of this word. Not any complicated companies where you build the whole hierarchy and decide what employees should do. Not my thing. Maybe I'll consider a kind of temporary business where I work on the base of project and hire someone for a specific task, like hiring a graphics designer in a project of my own Internet site.

What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?

I never had a job but I'm sure I'll prefer self employment when possible. In a job I would look for high salary of course. Other than that, I think I need to experience actual work environments to decide what's best for me.

What is or was your favorite school subject and why?

Biology was my favorite. I liked it because it's strongly connected to reality, it's interesting to learn about how the nature works, because it surrounds and influences us.

How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

Responsibility is important. When someone promised to do something but is irresponsible and suddenly decides not to do it then we have a problem. Plans have to change, work is delayed, sometimes one act of irresponsibility can start a chain reaction. Luckily I don't plan too much and prefer to be flexible, so when someone disappoints me I can think of emergency solution. I expect others to do what they promised (if you're not sure just say you're not sure...), don't change their mind too drastically. When they do it on purpose and it was in some important matter then I'll have serious problems to trust them again and forgive. I don't tell people they're bad or something, such words don't repair everything but I'll just say the facts that they didn't do what they promised, I have a problem because of it and I'm disappointed. Another thing is when someone acts irresponsibly by accident. Well, everyone makes mistakes. When I see that person recognizes their error and is willing to compensate it then alright, just don't do it too often. But I hate those who don't repair their mistakes. I'll tell you a story. I play a multiplayer game and have a small business here. I buy VPS servers, configure them to host the game and sell it to other players, with a small fee for my work added to price. One day I saw that someone wants his money back from paypal because unsuccessful service or something similar, I don't remember. I didn't even know there's such an option, that's my fault I didn't know enough to protect myself but I'm not the one who did a bad thing. Basically I had to provide some evidence that I really gave him what he bought. My "business" is just a hobby, nothing professional so I had a problem to do what's needed in this case and it wasn't worth it anyway, spending hours to explain a $10 fraud? So I talked to the person who wanted the money back, he was surprised and thought that maybe someone stolen his password, he didn't use that account for a long time. Ok, that's possible, still a weird coincidence but possible. But there's still a problem, I don't have my money. I expected him to pay again because it's the only fair thing in this situation but he did nothing, couldn't even say sorry. And this is a kind of person I hate, immoral egoist who lack basic values, fairness, empathy. Some time later I saw him joining a team in this game, where similar people play together, known of their insults, racist behavior, looking down on others and nasty jokes. I'm not surprised.

Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?

I went to the mountains with my parents in the summer, it's a tradition we have since 3 or 4 years to go there every summer. There's also an amusement park on the way, so we spend one day there. I like this place, roller coasters and other rides that make you feel various forces, sense of speed, being upside down, great experience. Then we arrived in a city near the mountains. We visited some places that are popular among tourists, walked in the mountains, enjoyed views and nature. One lazy day in thermal water park, relaxing in warm water that is supposedly good for health and sunbathing. We also went on a traditional rafting, sailing down the river between mountains with Góral rafter (ethnic group in polish mountains), who tells fascinating stories about living in the mountains, entertaining with local sense of humor. I liked the trip, sometimes it's good to get out of daily routine and spend time in interesting places.

What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

Family says I was a gifted child. I learned to read and write quicker then the most. I was reading a lot, when other children were still in fable phase I was getting all the popular science books from local library. Even my teacher had to warn my parents because I refused to read something, I said it's an unrealistic and stupid story and I don't want to read it, animals don't talk! I also liked to construct things. I was making flashlights from wires, batteries and lightbulbs my grandfather had. I loved sandpits, I was making complicated tunnels, some "cities" with sand buildings and road network. I wasn't that good in drawing or other artistic activities but I remember I sang songs about my pets. I also cared about money when I was a children, counted how much I have and wanted to help parents only when I'll be paid for it, also tried to make suggestions about money management in our family. I didn't interact with peers too well, I was that kind of kid who spent his time alone and was doing some weird things. I was a smart child but now I don't feel smart anymore, seems like my brain development started too soon and ended too soon. I was an insensitive child, laughing when watching a TV program about people's misfortunes "They got a loan and now can't pay off because something bad happened? What a naive idiots, borrowing money when they're not sure they can pay back, they don't deserve help". Fortunately I gained some empathy over time. I was a loner in the past but now I value people that are close to me more.

What was your high school experience like?

Not very good. I always disliked school because it's boring and you have to learn things that don't interest you. At least I had a good friend here, a companion in suffering. My school was in a city far away from where I live so I spent around 3 hours a day in the bus or waiting for the lesson or bus. I used some of this time for studying and napping.

Talk about a significant event from your life.

I don't know what was significant in my life.

Do you like kids? Why or why not?

Kids are just kids, I don't know how can you like them or not. It's like asking do you like trees.

If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

I'd try not to make the same mistakes my parents made. I'd try to spend a lot of time with my children, do a lot of things together, respect their plans and support them. I want to introduce simple and fair rules, like "your room so you have to clean it", "your homework so you have to do it", help them when they need it but don't do their work, teach dutifulness. I'll never violate privacy of my child. I'll teach them what's dangerous and should be avoided but I won't make many prohibitions. I believe in learning on own mistakes and importance of experiencing new and difficult situations instead of putting children in a protective bubble.

Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

Yes, it happens to me all the time. I do things I'm used to without much thinking. I put my brain on energy saving mode. I imagine what I'll do in the future, plan some activities but then I think it's too much effort, I'm not sure if I'll like it and I'm back to doing the same things I do everyday. Sometimes I dislike it and try to force myself into doing something new, sometimes I think to myself that's a part of how I am and I don't need to change it.

How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

How I see people as a whole? I don't know how to answer, this question is too philosophical. I think that there's a problem that society is full of injustices, for example when someone is born in poor family it's difficult to escape this "poor people position" even later in life. Such person has to make difficult decisions early in life, like "study to get my dream job" or "go to work now and support my family". And at the same time bank director's son is on a yacht with friends. Some have it easier and some harder and it's not their fault.

What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

I don't know, it depends on a situation.

Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?

I don't like leadership for the sake of leadership, as some kind of goal. When a group of people works on something they should choose the one who's the most experienced and knowledgeable as a leader. I try to take leadership roles only when I see it can improve something a lot, when current leaders are incompetent. Usually I stay away from being at the top. I just want to focus on my work.

How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?

I rarely get angry, I control my emotions and react logically. I can get angry when someone denies facts and spread false theories. Or when I see injustice, suffering of innocent people.

What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

I finished the questionnaire.

What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?

Finishing the questionnaire. I didn't expect it's so hard to write about myself and it took much more time than I expected.

What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?

I think the purpose of life is to find by experiences what makes us happy and stick to it. It's important to work on self improvement, to be prepared for the future.

What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

Maybe these German fortifications I've seen on a school trip. There are remnants of a defense line made by Germans before WW2 on their territory, now that's in western Poland. A huge amount of bunkers connected by kilometers of tunnels. When you go there it's like you go back in time to another world. It's interesting to hear how and why it was built, purpose of rooms we entered, what happened here after the war.

How do you dress or manage your appearance?

I always wear comfortable clothes, not very fashionable but neat. I just try to look like a normal person, I don't need to have any unique style.

Do you like surprises?

It depends...