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Thread: The Best Career Test - and Maybe Personality System - On the Market

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    Default The Best Career Test - and Maybe Personality System - On the Market

    I just took a test here: recently. I think this is the best personality system on the market. The test is comprehensive, measuring a range of traits, it is based on the RIASEC model, which I find incredibly accurate, and the list of careers I got was comprehensive and incredibly on the mark. There was also a personality test, and it was accurate as well. It is so good that it has made me question the validity of socionics: the RIASEC model is nothing like Model A, and the test goes beyond just personality, asking questions related to interests and aptitudes unrelated to personality. It therefore makes me wonder if Model A is anywhere near as accurate.

    If anyone is interested here are my results:

    The personality test is different from what I have seen before, and spot on:

    Your strongest trait is Artistic, and your second strongest is Investigative, which makes you a Philosopher.

    Philosophers love being creative with their ideas. They have active imaginations and love exploring anomalies and sometimes scientific curiosities in the physical world. Philosophers like unstructured situations that provide them with room to get creative in their work. They like to interpret the world around them and thrive when they are able to express their findings.

    Hover over traits for more information.
    Your Archetype is powered by the traits that make up your broad interests.

    Skills You Can Focus On
    Philosophers are a relatively common archetype, representing about 8 to 9% of the broader population. They have a working combination of introspection and intuition, which enables them to be both strong rational and divergent thinkers that are able to take a holistic look at life and problems. Philosophers typically take time to think through things before they communicate them. They are naturally strong at working through real world problems, but their thinking can sometimes be overly idealistic and divorced from the intricacies and realities of how people and the world function. Their appreciation for ideas and sometimes the arts combined with their investigative function often makes Philosophers natural critics who appreciate dissecting and discussing forms of expression.

    Tendencies To Be Careful Of
    Philosophers tend to have a preference for introspective work where they can be independent and expressive, which can sometimes mean that in this autonomous state, they overlook the need to collaborate with others. They tend to be quite confident in their intellectual and creative ability, often overlooking existing solutions in blind preference for their own perspective. This can mean that they don’t function well within teams. While their way of thinking is often structured, they sometimes struggle in structured environments.

    Your Working Style
    You like analyzing information and using logic to address issues and problems. You likely prefer using creativity and alternative thinking to develop new ideas. You are inspired by tough problems, design, and the exploration of data or ideas. You are eager to take on new challenges or initiatives. You like setting goals, and then working persistently to achieve those goals. Your desire for excellence and persistence to see things through will serve you well in your professional life, but can be imposing on others in your personal and family life. It is helpful to sometimes step back and realize others may not naturally be driven by the same factors as you.

    Your Working Style is powered by the traits that make up your Broad Personality.

    Do you find yourself searching for new ideas? Do you enjoy talking about big, abstract ideas? If so, you may have a high openness to experience score. Some common traits of a high openness score include a desire for variety, high curiosity, and an active imagination.

    You have an enhanced sensitivity to experiences, which means your appreciation of art, music or film may be deeper and more visceral than others'. You likely have a general proclivity for self reflection, which makes you particularly receptive to your environment and your place in it..
    You don't typically need other people to keep you motivated. Most likely, you have no problem working from home, giving you greater flexibility for structuring your time.
    Watch Out For
    The constant desire to set future goals can get in the way of appreciating past and present successes. You should take the time to enjoy your achievements.
    Your easy going approach to work and life can be perceived as thoughtless, inconsiderate, or lazy by some.
    Be wary of making little slip ups like ”spelling mistakes in your work or missed appointments in your personal life that might unfairly impact people's perception of you.
    Your ability to over emphasize the negative consequences of things can be distressing. This can lead you to be less content with your job or relationships. You should particularly be mindful to appreciate the positive aspects of your life and celebrate success, as this wont come as naturally to you as it does to others.
    Team Interaction
    Extrinsic performance goals will tend to undermine your intrinsic motivation for self improvement and mastery. It is important you work with supportive supervisors who can nurture, as opposed to abuse, your natural motivation.
    You prefer not to conform to existing processes, particularly when you feel they don't make sense, which can make teamwork frustrating at times.
    You tend to prefer supporting your coworkers over leading them. You are constantly on the lookout for errors or negative consequences, which can be an invaluable asset when working with others to improve a product or service. You thrive when your ability to think critically is valued, but beware of shutting down ideas that might actually be successful. Pinpoint the risks or flaws in a plan, but encourage your team to find solutions, rather than dismissing ideas entirely.
    You may feel strained after spending too much time working within a group. You probably do not like having to contribute as much as you like to listen, which means your voice can sometimes go unheard. You are certainly capable of expressing yourself to others, but you may find the experience mentally draining.
    Personal Style
    You prefer to avoid too much planning in your life, preferring to go with the flow, seizing ideas and opportunities as they come to you.
    Your ability to reflect on relationships can aid strengthening them overtime, which makes you likely better suited for long-term relationships than casual dating.
    You are likely somewhat unpredictable, and may be perceived as moody, pessimistic or irritable by those around you. The nature of your emotions could be channelled creatively as did the greats like Freud, Dostoyevsky and Shakespeare, to name a few. Your friends appreciate your creativity and emotional depth, though they might not always understand your feelings.
    You tend to go about life one thing at a time, preferring to keep things simple whenever possible. Having to switch back and forth between tasks while you work, or between people during conversation, may be challenging for you. You may prefer listening than talking, staying in to going out, or doing something you know you love to trying something new.
    Ideal Work Environment
    You thrive in environments with flexible guidelines that encourage you to work on projects with less constrained outcomes or requirements.
    Because of your emotional sensitivity, your environment tends to have a profound influence on your work performance. Hectic, stressful work spaces make it hard for you to focus, while more supportive, positive environments can boost your productivity. A job in an art or writing might be an ideal match for you, as these professions often place high value on your ability to perceive, experience and understand complex emotions that others can't.
    It is important to at least have the option to work in a quiet, isolated environment for you to stay productive when you need it.
    You value spontaneity and novelty over routine. Whether you're meeting new people, tasting exotic foods, or learning a new skill, you enjoy variety and strive to keep life interesting day-to-day. This willingness to challenge the status quo is something you value in your friends as well as yourself.
    You value personal rituals. Maybe you take an extra half hour every morning to enjoy a quiet coffee before starting your day, or perhaps you have a favourite TV show you watch each evening after work. Whatever form they might take, these routines save you energy and restore you, especially when you feel burned out or anxious.
    You likely don't have particularly engrained political or philosophical leanings and can appreciate both conservative and liberal arguments.

    Feel free to comment or add anything you wish...
    Last edited by jason_m; 04-08-2019 at 06:53 AM.

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