Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
Well that's just a yet another amazing evasion of criticism against Socionics.
Nice try at a straw-man, but I'm not an idiot.
I've made my fair share of criticisms of socionics. I never said it was a good system or that it couldn't improve. In fact, I've talked about many of its flaws, and I've also recognized areas that I'm wrong. This is what I mean by personal modifications. I'm just assessing the reality of what it is and how people respond to it. It won't improve because people don't care enough to improve it. Your wanting it to improve is completely fine, but I think its a waste of your time since it'll never happen. Also, even if we can't type people, that doesn't matter because people can learn a lot about themselves in the process. A terrible system can still have its uses when the alternative is no structure at all.

If this is "evading criticism of socionics", then you're deluded.