Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
Wow, it my first ad hominem and it wasn't even intended as one, since it sees to be Fi that's moralising on my side it could be plausible that you as a polr won't get it.

I would say i've opened the door for more ad hominem against me but i guess they would have been there anyway.

I don't see my behaviour as destructive, no.
I'm a very nice person and easy to get along with, at a certain point i will call out things that i deem wrong tough.
It's not my intention to put her down, what should i gain from this?
For me it is important hold up at least some values and someone who spits on them with no regret can be called out for it imho you are doing nothing else right now only that our stances differ on the matter.

I don't see where this discussion could start to become productive.
I don't like cluster-b people, not at all, i don't see them as wholesome in any way.
When they without any regret flaunt how cool it is to shit on basic values and decency than they may bring some kind of honesty with themselves but imo it does not make it in any way better.
You will propably not change my mind and i won't change yours.
No. PROPABLY not...