Thanks @Plumes, for all your insight!

I don't think this holds much socionics value, I see it as belonging in the realm of Enneagram, type 4, more than anything. Switching from a pretentious elitist to a people pleaser is exactly what 4 > 2 disintegration looks like, mostly. In Socionics terms, this could signify aristocratic tendencies when it comes to how you approach inclusion (aristocratic quadras being Beta and Delta), so if you wanted another confirmation that you're an NF, you have it now. : P

I'm certain I'm a 9w1. Behaviours aside, when I worked my way back to my personal motivations for being the way I am, looking for harmony and balance (through being conflict-avoidant and merging with other people when I'm on a lower level of health) are 100% me. Sure I used to type as 4 when I was younger. But being different isn't the core problem of my soul. Being ignored and unseen is.

Enterprising and creative, you have initiative when it comes to starting career projects and were very optimistic about the prospects-- I would've just broken down crying if I were you. Fine-tuned your options as soon as you found a solution and went into the whole online retail deal. Ne + Te Hidden Agenda IMO. Random energy spikes, low boredom threshold are characteristic of irrationals (Ep in this case). When life gives you lemons, you squeeze it but not entirely.
Well put.

Low Si. Nothing more to say, and nothing less really. Maybeeee a low priority placed on sp when it comes to instinctual stacking.

You tend to forget about body needs when enticed by other pursuits but appreciate good food. It tastes so much better when you're not the one cooking it, doesn't it? Haha, this points to Si DS. Attaching personal meanings to things is characteristic of Fi ("This series means so much to me because...", "This pendant looks terrible and it's worn out but I'm still keeping it because it was a gift from a dearly departed") but what you say about "superimposing" sounds Ni, honestly.
Tastes good regardless of who cooks it, really, and I cook well when I do. It's the staying in the moment and paying attention that I can't stand. There's no story in it for me, no scenario I could live in to make it interesting. Superimposing is all I do, all the time. Without it, there's little flavour to reality for me.

Brainstorming approach to problem-solving, scouting the mindscape for solutions, solutions, solutions. You seem to work on a pattern-based system but not one that's reminiscent of Ti. I suck at explaining it, but are you familiar with the site "TV tropes"? You should check it out, as I feel it's the essence of Ne. And speaking of essence, that's what Ne is about. And that seems to be just the way you navigate the world; Through essences. "Oh this is something I already know, so I can draw from this source to quicker grasp the new data". Keep expanding those categories
How are you feeling about analogies and similes? What about metaphors?
TV tropes is one of those sites that I can stay on forever. Love it.
I'm probably fine with metaphors and analogies and similes but what I find really helps me understand and explain is giving real-life examples. I want to see things as they would play out in the real world. If you described something to me in technical terms, I'd have trouble understanding. If you added an analogy to the real world, then I would understand probably immediately. That is also how I can explain my train of thought better, by thinking of real-life situations or sort of simulations (when I haven't had personal experience).

Overall, while I stiiiill do have some doubts about where to place you, I think IEE-Ne is the best fit for you. Welcome to the forum and enjoy your stay, @ToTheMoon!
Thanks! So it seems my first instincts were right about being ENFp.