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    Default Religion

    I closed the previous thread about religion. I just want thing to be a little broader.

    - Do you believe in God ?

    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?

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    - Do you believe in God ?


    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    The Apostles and Nicene Creeds, and that this life is a crucible to be overcome to progress from the image of God to the likeness of God (Irenaean Theodicy)

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Monotheist, because I like believing in the true God

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    Partially. We also love His Justice and His Mercy. And it is an antimodernist teaching of the Church that God is rationally discernible from creation.
    Last edited by Sisyphean; 12-16-2018 at 04:32 AM.
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

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    - Do you believe in God ?

    - What believing in god mean for you ?
    I associate it with faith and with awe/gratitude for life because those are the qualities I think genuinely religious people have that I lack. I think of other things too, like social groups with shared values. Or methods of social control and exclusion. Or comforting rituals.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?
    Monotheism seems more intuitive and natural to me, like how can you take a god as seriously if they're a dime a dozen lol. But that's probably because monotheism is dominant in my culture.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?
    I dunno, I would have to speak for other people to answer this.

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?
    I don't know what you mean by revendicated. Since most of the laws and mores i've been brought up with are influenced by christianity I don't think i exist in a different moral universe, but there are differences in the motivations and in certain particulars.

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    Subthigh Socionics Is A Cult's Avatar
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    - Do you believe in God ?


    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    Believing in something that is not falsifiable.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Neither. Something that is unfalsifiable at its core is just as unfalsifiable as something else that is unfalsifiable at its core.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we believe in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    I disagree because I fear my judgment more than god's (and ideally, more than anybody else's), also, a belief in the existence of something does not become true because of another belief.

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who believe strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?

    Ideally, my morals are focused on doing the least amount of harm while bringing about the most amount of pleasure. My morals are not dependent on belief in the existence of a being. Thus I will differ from those who decide to follow what they believe their god tells them to do rather than following their own conscience.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    - Do you believe in God ?


    - What believing in God mean for you ?

    The Apostles and Nicene Creeds, and that this life is a crucible for overcoming it & yourself to progress from the image of God to the likeness of God (Irenaean Theodicy)

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Monotheist, because I like believing in the true God

    - Do you agree with the thing "we believe in God because we fear His judgment" ?

    Partially. We also love His Justice and His Mercy. And it is an anti-modernist teaching of the Church that God is rationally discernible from creation.

    Oppai said this great. This is what I believe, too. Exactly.

    I would only add that believing in the One True God is an endless source of peace and joy that does not come from within, but without. People who believe in becoming like god and manifesting things themselves are missing out on this wonderfulness. Maybe you can do some of that some of the time, and the evil ones would be glad for you to believe in your own power this way and never turn to God who is the true power. But the reality is, it is hard to muster that when you are low and down. That is when you most need God to do it for you. "Ask, and you shall receive." God is love, and He loves each person more than anyone person on this earth can love us. He makes Himself known to us if we desire it. He does not intrude. He waits to be invited.

    That God is judge is true, and it is a thing to be feared, but because of Jesus, we need not afraid. Jesus said if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father. The merciful love of Jesus is clear in all He said and did. He shows us Who God is: All Love and Fathomless Mercy. God has that love and mercy for every single person on earth, at every moment, as if they were the only person in the world.

    Merry Christmas, everyone. May God bless you greatly in this new year.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
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    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    - Do you believe in God ? Yes

    - What believing in God mean for you ? Believing in the existence of the only almighty God (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) as creator and sustainer of the universe, in the Son as the reason of the creation of the Universe and in the salvation through his only sacrifice in the cross and the Holy Spirit as living in true christians today.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ? Mono, the Bible. I believe in only one God but I do believe also in creatures superior than men which also exist and were and are considered "gods" by some ppl/cultures.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we believe in God because we fear his judgment" ? I haven't heard that phrase before. One need first to believe in Him to actually consider seriously something as his judgment so my answer is No.

  7. #7
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    - Do you believe in God ?
    No, I identify as "atheist", "agnostic" or "freethinker"

    - What believing in god mean for you ?
    God meaning there are powerful person(s) that are responsible for creating the universe, the elements, the world we live in, our fate, etc. that have minds of their own like humans do.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?
    Not either really.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?
    I only believe these are major factors in Christianity and Islam. Other religions tend not to have the exact same concept of hell, as such.

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?
    I think people tend to start with some moral principle, then rationalize a justification afterwards. Whether that explanation is god or a secular source, the outcome is similar. It's not an absolute thing, but in general I see people as being very pragmatic in their morality, not dogmatically following their holy text to the letter or obeying some strict concept of utilitarian hedonism on the other hand.
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    - Do you believe in God ?

    - What believing in god mean for you ?
    A God exists that is in control of existence/everything, is existence/everything, and possibly created everything if it wasn’t eternal.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?
    No preference, but... I’m more familiar with the idea of one main God and I also believe in the possibility of other significant deity-like things existing but I think they’re more like universal archetype-like things.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment"
    It’s true for some people but not all.

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist
    Yeah, I think I’m more moral than them in a way because I have to actually think about what I do and decide for myself out of my own free will instead of just letting my pre-programmed brainwashed mind run on its own.

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    Do you believe in God?

    I am agnostic so I am open to the idea of God existing in some form as life being an accident seems a bit of a stretch.

    However, logically it makes sense for God to not exist based on the evidence so I understand where both the atheist and religious viewpoints are coming from.

    What believing in god mean for you?

    If there is a God, I don't think he exists in the form religion portrays at all. In a sense, humans are gods compared to insects and bacteria so it is possible for a superior life form, which can be our God or gods to see humans as we see insects and bacteria.

    Also, God may not be necessarily benevolent or malevolent, but merely indifferent or simply does the bare minimum interaction due to logistical reasons.

    Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist? Why?

    Doesn't matter. Monotheism is more popular, but polytheism is just as possible.

    Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment"?

    The belief in him is likely partially driven by fear, but other factors are just as important IMO.

    Atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist?

    If I were religious, I don't think my morality will differ much. I would seek repentance for my sins at church instead of just feeling guilty and wanting to stop repeating my sins anyways. Maybe I would be slightly more successful in following my conscience with religion, but it isn't necessary.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raver View Post
    Logically it makes sense for God to not exist based on the evidence
    Really? Wanna try and prove it Raver?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    - Do you believe in God ?


    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    The Apostles and Nicene Creeds, and that this life is a crucible for overcoming it & yourself to progress from the image of God to the likeness of God (Irenaean Theodicy)

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Monotheist, because I like believing in the true God

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    Partially. We also love His Justice and His Mercy. And it is an antimodernist teaching of the Church that God is rationally discernible from creation.
    I know this is offensive but honestly I thought that you were trolling at first. Are you? Actually I’m not sure.

    Also I read “Theodicy” as “The Idiocy”.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Really? Wanna try and prove it Raver?
    Hah, not going down that road. I will say that the reason it looks like there is no God because from our mere human lens, there is no such evidence. So looking at it logically, it is an understandable conclusion to make. So I understand where atheists are coming from.

    However, God can exist through evolution and science as merely a catalyst. A comet seeding life is a credible scientific theory and all it takes is God or gods to send a comet to earth with instructions for life (DNA) and then boom there is life and the rest plays itself out like a biological computer program.

    So anyways, I guess my point is that if God exists, it can be explained by science and it doesn't have to be all mystical and mysterious like religion makes it out to be.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I know this is offensive but honestly I thought that you were trolling at first. Are you? Actually I’m not sure.
    Not in the slightest. I pray the rosary daily and once my absurd work schedule dies down I'll be incorporating the Breviarium Romanum
    Last edited by Sisyphean; 12-16-2018 at 04:21 AM.
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I know this is offensive but honestly I thought that you were trolling at first. Are you? Actually I’m not sure.
    As a postscript on the Breviary comment for bona fides of not trolling. One of the nicer things I own.
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Oppai Anschluss View Post
    As a postscript on the Breviary comment for bona fides of not trolling. One of the nicer things I own.


    Any whips?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post


    Any whips?
    Isn't BDSM a gamma thing?
    "I would rather be ashes than dust"

    "Ultimately, man should not ask what the meaning of his life is, but rather he must recognize that it is he who is asked."

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    - Do you believe in God ?

    Well, depends to which description of God we are talking about. I know this is most likely referring to monotheistic gods, especially the Judeo-Christian-Islamic God/Allah, which I do not believe is likely to exist, while I can't also deny the possibility of there being some kind of power out there, be it the universe itself, energy, what have you. We still have so much we don't know about the universe and our senses as human beings are fairly limited, so I can't say that I know/understand for sure what the hell anything is so certainly to completely deny such "absurd" possibilities existing, as we are a race that counted medieval herbal knowledge as witchcraft and burned people over it. What is absurd and seen as magic might not be so in the future, or the vice versa. I simply personally can't help but notice the levels of self-interest in supposedly never touched and changed holy books when you look at who was and is in power at such places for information from such sources to be anything trustworthy, if in fact, there is some sort of power out there.

    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    It means that someone finds comfort in the idea that there is someone, something watching out for them and their loved ones, for the human race in general if they are a particularly altruistic person, they might go through religious rituals more fanatically or be someone who casually follows them and not as concerned about them and simply believing that there is some being out there watching and protecting them, or that someone is pressured and/or brainwashed into acting as they do so by literal threat to their and their loved ones' lives because crusading for their religion was a thing especially in Christianity/Islam, and for some extremists, it still is. But mainly, I think it is simply for trying to feel safe in a universe we still have a lot we don't know, added to culture/family/peer pressure and norms of said society, probably.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Eh, neither, honestly? Again, I don't see more vocal monotheistical religions as likely to have accurate info on the matter, but I am not making any claim on truth being either, because we will either know when we die, or we won't. I can sit here and speculate all day, but that won't change. I personally feel closer to polytheists though, but that is more because of the fact that given the fact that Judeo-Christian-Islamic monotheism involves more of a push to get others to believe, and given how widespread they are you are bound to run into extremists more than with any other religions, while I don't mind Shintoism/Buddhism as much due to the vibe of it being chiller, though that might be simply because I am not surrounded by people actually believing those/don't have as frustrating experiences with them.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we believe in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    I agree that fear is a great part of belief, as humans do fear what they can't understand AND what they perceive as more powerful than themselves. There are many who say/try to convince themselves out of fear too, while they personally are skeptical about it. For the ones who do personally believe in again Judeo-Christian-Muslim God/Allah, that seems to be a huge part of it- as most of the rituals are done to stay in said deity's good side, so I would say so. You can insert that "If life was a gamble, then even if you don't believe, by acting like you believe/by choosing to believe, you actually can win the game/you wouldn't have anything to lose if you believe" quote thing I recall hearing ages ago, which sounds like the rationale some people go with on that topic as well.

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?

    I tried to check the word revendicate because this is the first time I see it, but looking up its meaning, I'm kind of confused on this one? Did you mean atheist who "found the way to Judeo-Christian-Islamic God/Allah" or?

    Regardless, even if I wouldn't consider myself an atheist (as in, only ones I would say I don't believe close to certainity is currently defined monotheistic one true impeccible God, I would say my "beliefs" are on somewhere between ignostic-agnostic to even move to belief stage as definition of God as only accepted by one or three connected currently majorly accepted religions sounds wrong to me, especially since even then people have so much differing opinions and descriptions of what that deity is like and wants, with a weird sprinkle of optimism that universe isn't out to get us and at best is benevolent and at worst is neutral towards our space rock) but to answer this as well, it honestly depends what type of strong believer you are talking about.

    If they are simply someone who believes on their own personal terms and isn't some sort of asshole who uses people/someone who regardless of their religious view my opinions wouldn't match in general, I wouldn't say I differ that much. I simply see people as a product of their nature and nurture, with also the genetic information that passes on being biased on some things, added to what experiences sticks with them as they grow up etc, so that unless it harms someone else, or themselves at certain points, I believe that everyone is free to believe or don't believe in whatever they want, which is normally what any sensible person I know regardless of whatever they believe in or don't has as core of their morality as well, so no. Not to strongly believing, obviously yes to extremists because they either think I and any other person should be converted or killed for not believing their version of sky deity, which I would say is wildly different to "live and let live unless under life threating situation" motto of mine.

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    ive never had religious beliefs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post

    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    Believing in something that is not falsifiable.
    Do you beleive 1+1=2 ?

    Anyway, I see what you are saying here, it's almost the definition of insanity

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    - Do you believe in God ?
    Lately my focus has been on a swimming door knob.
    But the question about personified "god" is weird. There is pantheism and stuff.

    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?
    There are concepts related on pantheism such as pandeism. I don't have a clear set opinion.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we believe in god because we fear his judgment" ?
    I think from those kinds of assumptions it follows that god was not perfect in the first place. It is just matter of luck then if you can grow onto a god later not being a cancerous bit. All in all the view in which the story happens is far too human centric. It misses something. Why on earth divinity had to be broken and get purified? Or something else like perhaps to refine it (seems so cruel). All those assumptions hint that there is something else going on behind the scenes.
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    - Do you believe in God ?
    Nope, I don't think I'm capable of that yet.
    - What believing in god mean for you ?
    A major alteration in brain chemistry which I'm not yet able to achieve.
    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?
    Monotheist because I grew up with it and it's more comfortable.
    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?
    Makes sense, yes.
    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?

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    - Do you believe in God ?

    I consider myself agnostic. But I suppose I see God as creation, so in a way I do.

    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    I think having faith in God can be a blessing, as it can see some through hard times, like addiction or the death of a loved one. But it can also be dangerous. It can be used as a tool to oppress and control others, and foster ignorance. It can be a filler for things we can’t explain, and later science could explain them, but before that, the filler could promote fear and superstition.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Well, raised in a culture of mostly monotheistic religions, I suppose that is what I’m used to.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    This statement doesn’t seem to make much sense to me. However one could say you are better off to be a believer and be wrong about there being a God, than be wrong and there be a God, and go to hell for being a nonbeliever. However I don’t believe one can force faith, so that is problematic.

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?

    Honestly, I felt like I had a better moral code when I was religious in my youth. Sometimes I wish I could get my faith back. Thinking that nothing really matters in the end to me is depressing and makes everything seem pointless. Also, it makes it harder for me to deal with death.
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    If I asked the last question, I just wanted to see if the question of individualism would pop up.
    Can't explain more, just saying, Ive no time now

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    Quote Originally Posted by noaydi View Post
    Do you beleive 1+1=2 ?

    Anyway, I see what you are saying here, it's almost the definition of insanity
    I think 1+1=2 is true by definition. In a sense, it is not something I believe, it is something I know.

    It is possible that I have many beliefs that are unfalsifiable. In addition, I have many beliefs that are based on things I have not observed myself. I can only say that is undesirable to have the core of your life being based on something that can be neither be proved true or false.

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    - Do you believe in God ?

    Yes I do.

    - What believing in god mean for you ?

    It means believing in His prophets and scriptures and seeking to live in a way that is pleasing to Him.

    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    I believe there is only one god. The other things people call gods are just creations like us if they exist at all.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    I'd say we fear His judgment because we believe in Him. How can you fear him if you don't believe in him?

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?

    Being religious means taking a hard look at your own behavior and recognizing what you're doing wrong, and trying to fix it as much as you can. If you deny the existence of a higher power then you have very little in the way of a standard to even begin to measure yourself with.

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    Christianity scares me.

    It scares me when I think that some people need scriptures and books, preachers and Sunday worships, along with the streamlined fear of not burning in Hell and reaching Paradise, in order to be kind.
    The wishful dreaming turd inside of me dies a bit, knowing people are not kind because humans should fundamentally be so, but rather because their sins won't be forgiven otherwise and the Devil will fork them for all eternity. It's not bad per se, as having a world where people don't freely rob and kill others is a better option than one in which they do. But it's...disappointing.

    I might believe in God or I might not-- I'm an agnostic. God or not, I don't believe in one thing: the Church.
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    - Do you believe in God ?
    Define "believe".
    Define "God".
    Why do you use the preposition "in"?
    Most people have tape recorder brains. They spit out whatever is put into them. How can they do anything? Belief for most if not all is just a reflexive firing of neurons with thoughts echoing in the mind that are egosyntonic enough to be accepted as part of the self, i.e. they don't cause cognitive dissonance because there is no contrary thought that echoes in the mind with any sense of self attached to it.

    No, I don't "believe in God". I think the universe might be unitary in some pantheistic sense, like Tao, Kia, Chaos, etc. I don't think it's moral. But I can't prove the existence of anything like this. It's just fun to think about.

    - What believing in god mean for you ?
    See above.
    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?
    Who's we? I think a lot of people have been conditioned to "believe in God" as a result of imaginary stimuli related to extreme pain and pleasure, i.e. hell and heaven. "Believe in God" however is just a string of words. What exactly is going on inside the mind when people say they "believe in God"? If the thought is the result of conditioning, how can it be a true thought?

    Also, why he? Why not she or it or something else? Does your deity have a dick?

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?
    I read the question several times and still can't understand it.

    All of these questions assume "god" is a noun. None of them think of "god" as a verb. Interesting.

    One thing is certain, though. I love Satan, whether or not any thing exists called Satan. Harold Bloom: "If you love poetry, you love Satan."
    Last edited by Aramas; 12-23-2018 at 09:09 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    - Do you believe in God ?
    Define "believe".
    Define "God".
    Why do you use the preposition "in"?
    Most people have tape recorder brains. They spit out whatever is put into them. How can they do anything? Belief for most if not all is just a reflexive firing of neurons with thoughts echoing in the mind that are egosyntonic enough to be accepted as part of the self, i.e. they don't cause cognitive dissonance because there is no contrary thought that echoes in the mind with any sense of self attached to it.

    No, I don't "believe in God". I think the universe might be unitary in some pantheistic sense, like Tao, Kia, Chaos, etc. I don't think it's moral. But I can't prove the existence of anything like this. It's just fun to think about.

    - What believing in god mean for you ?
    See above.
    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?
    Who's we? I think a lot of people have been conditioned to "believe in God" as a result of imaginary stimuli related to extreme pain and pleasure, i.e. hell and heaven. "Believe in God" however is just a string of words. What exactly is going on inside the mind when people say they "believe in God"? If the thought is the result of conditioning, how can it be a true thought?

    Also, why he? Why not she or it or something else? Does your deity have a dick?

    - atheist : do you feel your moral differing by those who beleive strongly in god if "revendicated" atheist ?
    I read the question several times and still can't understand it.

    All of these questions assume "god" is a noun. None of them think of "god" as a verb. Interesting.

    One thing is certain, though. I love Satan, whether or not any thing exists called Satan. Harold Bloom: "If you love poetry, you love Satan."
    I like your answers which discuss the presence of all these assumptions in the question, and I think this is necessary to do. In my post, I preferred to not even acknowledge those assumptions while knowing how much of a part they played in asking those questions, as a way of erasing their power and influence on people’s psyches. That’s how to change the discourse on a topic IMO. At some point you just need to say things and start to use language how you want it to be said and inject your own convictions in, just like how others do with their previous ideas. Get your foot in before you can be simply registered as an ‘ignorant’ dissenter and tuned out. It’s easier to change something like this from the inside out than it is from the outside in.
    Last edited by sbbds; 12-23-2018 at 10:01 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Feathers View Post
    Christianity scares me.
    Whenever I have felt scared, my solution has always been to rise to the occasion, become even scarier, and fight back.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    I think 1+1=2 is true by definition. In a sense, it is not something I believe, it is something I know.

    It is possible that I have many beliefs that are unfalsifiable. In addition, I have many beliefs that are based on things I have not observed myself. I can only say that is undesirable to have the core of your life being based on something that can be neither be proved true or false.
    And if something is true, one should not have to manipulate information or control others to get them to believe it. That’s inherently immoral and points to a lack of rational backing and confidence in one’s own convictions.

    Like what Oppai Anschluss did in this thread:

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    And if something is true, one should not have to manipulate information or control others to get them to believe it. That’s inherently immoral and points to a lack of rational backing and confidence in one’s own convictions.

    Like what Oppai Anschluss did in this thread:
    While I agree with you, that is an aesthetic judgement.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subteigh View Post
    While I agree with you, that is an aesthetic judgement.
    Oscar Wilde would say that all judgments are aesthetic judgements xD

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I like your answers which discuss the presence of all these assumptions in the question, and I think this is necessary to do. In my post, I preferred to not even acknowledge those assumptions while knowing how much of a part they played in asking those questions, as a way of erasing their power and influence on people’s psyches. That’s how to change the discourse on a topic IMO. At some point you just need to say things and start to use language how you want it to be said and inject your own convictions in, just like how others do with their previous ideas. Get your foot in before you can be simply registered as an ‘ignorant’ dissenter and tuned out. It’s easier to change something like this from the inside out than it is from the outside in.
    What's your point? I'm still trying to find your elbow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
    What's your point? I'm still trying to find your elbow.
    No single overarching point. There are a few in there.

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    Yes, I believe in God
    To believe in God means respecting Him, obeying him and being in fear of him. Also praying to him for myself and other, guide of morals and morality is love. Doesn't mean you can't have morals if you don't believe in God just that you may have different morals and going by that people with religious convictions have had very twisted morals (I'm Fi - just making a judgement that some of those morals didn't align with my own and that makes me upset to think about them THOSE people).
    Monotheism because it's inconceivable to me to argue that there are so many gods going about arguing with each other
    No. I believe in God because I fear him as an ultimate being.
    my father (ESFp) was an atheist with strong believed in being altruistic, contributing to art and artists so that they could have a livelihood and share their art and talent with others and be able to sustain themselves in the means of creating their art. He just didn't believe in God because he saw it as a created and imagined form used to control people's will he much preferred to experience freely as he chose fit.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    - Do you believe in God ?


    - What believing in god mean for you ?


    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Polytheist, I find multiple gods more interesting then having only one that you need to suck dick to.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    Me, no.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Plumes View Post
    Christianity scares me.

    It scares me when I think that some people need scriptures and books, preachers and Sunday worships, along with the streamlined fear of not burning in Hell and reaching Paradise, in order to be kind.
    The wishful dreaming turd inside of me dies a bit, knowing people are not kind because humans should fundamentally be so, but rather because their sins won't be forgiven otherwise and the Devil will fork them for all eternity. It's not bad per se, as having a world where people don't freely rob and kill others is a better option than one in which they do. But it's...disappointing.

    I might believe in God or I might not-- I'm an agnostic. God or not, I don't believe in one thing: the Church.
    You are scared of what you are told about Christianity, not real Christianity. What they say that of Christians and what Christians believe and think IS scary - I agree! But it's not the truth.

    Throughout my life, A truth I have found to shine that out in all things in my life, in matters big and small, is that the truth sets you free.
    "A man with a definite belief always appears bizarre, because he does not change with the world; he has climbed into a fixed star, and the earth whizzes below him like a zoetrope."
    ........ G. ........... K. ............... C ........ H ........ E ...... S ........ T ...... E ........ R ........ T ........ O ........ N ........

    "Having a clear faith, based on the creed of the Church, is often labeled today as fundamentalism... Whereas relativism, which is letting oneself be tossed and swept along
    by every wind of teaching, looks like the only
    attitude acceptable to today's standards."
    - Pope Benedict the XVI, "The Dictatorship of Relativism"


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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    - Do you believe in God ?


    - What believing in god mean for you ?


    - Do you prefer monotheist view or polytheist ? Why ?

    Polytheist, I find multiple gods more interesting then having only one that you need to suck dick to.

    - Do you agree with the thing "we beleive in god because we fear his judgment" ?

    Me, no.
    Suck dick to. What, like a song? You summon the deity and suck dick with the deity watching?

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    This is closest to what I believe but divorced from any specific religion.

    The tao that can be told
    is not the eternal Tao
    The name that can be named
    is not the eternal Name. The unnamable is the eternally real.
    Naming is the origin
    of all particular things. Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
    Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations. Yet mystery and manifestations
    arise from the same source.
    This source is called darkness. Darkness within darkness.
    The gateway to all understanding.

    When people see some things as beautiful,
    other things become ugly.
    When people see some things as good,
    other things become bad. Being and non-being create each other.
    Difficult and easy support each other.
    Long and short define each other.
    High and low depend on each other.
    Before and after follow each other. Therefore the Master
    acts without doing anything
    and teaches without saying anything.
    Things arise and she lets them come;
    things disappear and she lets them go.
    She has but doesn't possess,
    acts but doesn't expect.
    When her work is done, she forgets it.
    That is why it lasts forever.
    I suspect it isn't very appealing to those who have a strong sense of right/wrong good/bad.

    Edit: It is an ideal. I am not consistently following the way, yet.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Is it so hard to conceive God with one's senses?
    Why must He hide in a midst of vague promises and invisible miracles?
    How are we to believe the believers when we don't believe ourselves?
    What will become of us, who want to believe, but cannot?
    And what of those who neither will nor can believe?

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