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Thread: Am I an ENFP, INFP or both depending on the situation?

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    Default Am I an ENFP, INFP or both depending on the situation?

    I have tested both as an ENFP (when I first took some assessments on the internet) and an INFP more recently, I feel like the way I was as a child I showed both traits of ENFP and INFP but I am not entirely sure what type I am.

    I would say I have few close friends but many aquaintances.
    I do consider my self to be like a catalyst, energizer and spokesperson.

    I am quite bright and I have been commented that I have been a gentle person.

    I don't like to be considered one type because it bothers me that I am an INFP to be honest. Some things on the internet say some negative thigns about INFP. Even though I might be so. I wish I would be more ENFP.

    I am pretty sure about the NFP for my personality but I am not sure about the Introversion Extroversion for me. Before I took the personality tests I was very outgoing but I didn't see myself as very lively. Several times I have been the center of attention at a party and have enjoyed it. I have been told once that I talk too much. I would say that I make pretty good presentations in front of a group. And I do enjoy people. I don't really know how others saw me.

    Anyone else who is stuck between the I and the E for their personality or between the ENFP and INFP. I think that ENFP is awesome.


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    XNFp wrote:

    I have tested both as an ENFP (when I first took some assessments on the internet) and an INFP more recently,
    Hence the problem with current methodologies for measuring type. Myers-Briggs, or measurement systems based on this system focus too much on preferences between E-I, S-N, etc...which is an over-simplification (imo) of how a personality is structured.

    I feel like the way I was as a child I showed both traits of ENFP and INFP but I am not entirely sure what type I am.
    This is entirely possible as the vast majority of type descriptions are based on observations of people suspected to be of a certain type, and especially since MBTI does not measure introverts accurately, many of these descriptions are a synthesis of multiple types (e.g. the descriptions for INFp and INFj are often a combination of the two types), making them highly unreliable.

    I would say I have few close friends but many aquaintances.
    That's something most people would probably say (except the most extremely anti-social individuals), and is not type specific.

    I do consider my self to be like a catalyst, energizer and spokesperson.
    This may be more indicative of your type, but it depends more on HOW you do these things, rather than the actual fact that you do them. I would ask how you energize people and what kinds of things you like to be a spokesperson for before assuming your type.

    I am quite bright and I have been commented that I have been a gentle person.
    Being bright is also not type specific (despite some people's views to the contrary), and being gentle is too vague a term. Where does your intelligence lie? How are you gentle?

    I don't like to be considered one type because it bothers me that I am an INFP to be honest. Some things on the internet say some negative thigns about INFP. Even though I might be so. I wish I would be more ENFP.
    If by being more ENFp, you mean more outgoing, you are capable of doing that even if you are an INFp. If you mean something else by it, then please explain. As for the negative comments about INFps, there are plenty of negative comments concerning ALL types, as every type has its strengths and weaknesses in the opinions of others. The good thing about weaknesses is that they can be strengthened, and while never becoming stronger than your natural strengths you can learn through experience and practice to become fairly competent in these areas.

    Before I took the personality tests I was very outgoing but I didn't see myself as very lively. Several times I have been the center of attention at a party and have enjoyed it. I have been told once that I talk too much. I would say that I make pretty good presentations in front of a group. And I do enjoy people. I don't really know how others saw me.
    Based on this last paragraph and a few other clues I'd be tempted to say you were an ENFp, but it's impossible to say without a good deal more information. I suggest you read a few postings by the ENFps and INFps on this forum and you may be able to recognize similarities in self-expression that will help you to reveal your own type.

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    What you were talking about doesn't really tell the diffrence between INFP and ENFP. You need to say more about who you are. Be outgoing or not isn't the diffrence for E/I.

    What are you searching for or need in life? Do you have to understand complex ideas? Can you see deep emotions in people and know how they feel? Questions like these might help.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    I strongly recommend the type descriptions on this Web site:

    Check out the likes and dislikes and the typical beliefs - I think they very well illustrate the differences between the types. ENFPs are extroverts, but they find it difficult to reveal their innermost feelings to others because they are so paranoid. I tested ENFP on all tests, but not always with a strong E. But when I read the description of ENFP above, I knew that was me. Just another sweet, enthusiastic, modest people person who has difficulties developing close relationships (unless with a partner, at least for me) and is constantly paranoid about people's perception of them. I was shocked by some of the things I read, but had to admit that they are mostly true of me.

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    Method 1
    Which description describes you the worst, the one for ESTj or ISTj.

    If you think the ESTj description describes you worst, then you are INFp, otherwise you are ENFp.

    Method 2
    Ask yourself, which of the following is more attactive to you: ESTp or ISTp.

    If you pick ESTp then you are INFp, otherwise you are ENFp.

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    It sounds like you are depressed to me. Maybe if you talk about why you are sad you will give us a bettter idea of what type you are? Your choice. I hope Male21 gets here it seems like he is most affected by the atmosphere created by Fps and can determine what type an Fp is by how they make him feel. I hope you feel better xNFP.

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    You sound more like an ENFP to me. Though you didn't demonstrate much evidence, the thing about being the center of attention is a big factor. INFP's in general don't tend to be too into being the center of attention, at least in my case. ONLY in a group of people I know well, and for a very short time do I, once in a blue moon, enjoy being the center of attention. And as a general rule, not really at all. I prefer to watch. At the same time, I HATE being ignored if I have something to say or if I want to put my opinion in. I hate when my opinion is disregarded. ENFP's tend to crave attention much more. They like it. Weather it be a group of strangers or their closest family members, they always seem to enjoy it. They tend to really like a party-type atmosphere. They tend to like most all people and at least come off as loving everyone. They also may come off as flirty, even when not intentionally. INFPs are VERY strong about their values and will not sway their beliefs in order to please another. Maybe it my own thing, but I have a very negitive view of a lot of socialization in general. ENFPs tend to contribute to social situations quite readily. My ENFP friend tends to find it quite obscure that I need a hearty abount of recharge/alone time. Hope this maybe helps a little.... If you need more differences I can give them to you, I have seen them first hand.

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    Find someone you know that is ENTp and ask him/her for some advice ... if it is totally useless advice than you are probably ENFp ... if the advice actually relates to you and helps you more than him in any way you are probably another type.

    This is of couse going by the Comparative relationship that ENTp/ENFp have with each other. My stepfather is ENFp and I am ENTp, I do not think there was ever a day in my life where he had any worthwhile advice that actually helped me more than it did himself. And I determined that before I even ever knew about socionics.

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    First off, there's nothing wrong with being an INFp. Some of my best friends in the world are INFp's and some of the people I admire most are INFp's. I have great respect for these people because they are extremely genuine and profound compared to other types. In order to truly find out what you are, realize that no type is superior to another. That choice is God's, not ours. The only thing that'll make you a better person is knowing yourself for what you really are.

    For the record, I am an ENFp but I had a similar doubt about a year ago (when I discovered personality theory) about whether I was an "E" or "I". Turns out, I was just becoming much more instrospective and developing my "I" side, which I had sort of neglected for much of my life.

    Try this: as an ENFp, our Introverted Feeling plays Robin to our Extraverted Intuition's Batman. And vice versa for an INFp. Which are you more comfortable with-- do you find yourself more often in tune with the world around you or with your own thoughts and feelings?

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    Quote Originally Posted by rockingdom

    Try this: as an ENFp, our Introverted Feeling plays Robin to our Extraverted Intuition's Batman.
    Please choose different protagonists for your analogy
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    hehe Rockingdom that was apparently a very ENFp quote about Batman and Robin. I would never say something like that but many ENFp would i suspect

    I also had similar doubts. It was all due to Myeres Briggs. I got into Myeres briggs when i was about 18 and did type myself as an ENFP then. I got bored of MBTI as something didn't add up. Now i have learnt about Socionics everything adds up. I feel sorry for people who still use MBTI to be honest.

    I also agree with Rockingdom. No type is superior to any other type. ENFp have major strenghts and also major weaknesses. I think the confusion is that ENFp's can have moments of real introversion.

    Anyway what shits me is this dude never replied. It always annoys me when someone asks for help, 10 people reply, then they dont even say thank you. Probablly an ENFp that got bored and moved on
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    true, meatburger, true. lol.

    really good point though about having moments of deep introversion. the fact is that we ENFp's are so externally focused with a whirlwind of thoughts/intuitions at any given point that any balanced ENFp needs to devote a substantial amount of time alone to introspect and understand themself.

    i'm curious though; i've read tons about the 16 types and i feel i understand them all really well but what does socionics entail that MBTI does not? am i missing something important?

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    Example: the "opposite" of a socionics ENFp isn't an INFp, it's an INFj. The first two functions of these types are:

    ENFp = Ne and Fi
    INFj = Fi and Ne
    INFp = Ni and Fe

    In socionics, what a type's first function is can be easily seen from the acronym. The "E" in ENFp means that the first function is an extraverted one, the "P" means that the first function is a perceiving function, i.e. Intuition.

    With an INFp, the first function is introverted ("I") and it's a perceiving function ("P"), not a judging function. Ni. And so on for all the other types.

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    Yeah, some differences are:

    Myeres briggs seems to equate being outgoing as extraverted, whereas Socionics says that your an extravert if your dominant(program function) is an extraverted one. This makes more sense to me.

    Socionics advises a hypothetical order of your strongest functions(brain processes) and tries to describe what behaviours it will cause.

    Socionics is to do with Interpersonal relationships between people.

    Im sure there is many other differences, Socionics just fits far better(at least from my viewpoint).
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

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    Rockingdom, if you want to read more about socionics, this is a good site:

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    I test pretty borderline with my E/I traits. I do feel though that I'm definately an ENTP/p personality. When the scores are close I think you just need to start focusing more on the profiles themselves and indentifying the similarities.

    I've noticed what is going on in my life has an impact on my scores. If I'm spending a lot of time alone and working too hard, I start to score more introverted.

    When things slow down and I take the time to start socializing again and making time for fun, I come out more E.

    When I am around someone taking care of details for me, my F scores shoot up.

    I knew an ENFP who came out as an ISFJ. I was REALLY suprised at the results so asked him to take the test when he was in a better mood. Sure enough, he came out an ENFP. He had a horrible day when he had taken his test. It was like a comedy of errors all day long. He was feeling frustrated and ticked off at more than one person.

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