The subject line is not all there is to it haha.

This person however does whine a lot. I notice frequently it is either a) something about their health or b) something about their mood (" i just feel iffy today" etc).

And if it's neither of the above, then it turns out a new leak has materialized in their apartment. Or they commuted to visit someone and the bus was 'extremely late' to come.

It bugs me because they answer exactly in the negative to my morning question 'how are you today". And while i am often interested in the other person's wellbeing, i notice this person uses the answer to this question as an excuse to dump w/e. It does impact me immune as i try to be.

They have a relatively monotonous way of speaking. Except, when they don't. That is occasionally they use very (but very) exaggerated gestures combined with a an exaggerated tone of voice to imitate someone else (like when telling a story). I find this sort of exaggeration very gross.

They like to say often how much they work. Even if by other people's accounts it doesn't all add up.

Have a general "i try and work so hard" attitude.

Any type suggestions?