Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Some things to consider:

What subjects did he do well in, in school?
Does he have a lot of acquaintances, or just a few really good friends? Or one friend who is a stuffed animal?
He sounds introverted from your description, but you have to be really empathic to sell real estate as an introvert.
What subjects does he get excited about?
What subjects upset him?

This isn't type related, but how does he treat waiters and people of no great importance? Because this is how he will eventually see his SO.

FWIW, a lot of SLE's say they want to make a lot of money. Caregivers typically want to "take care of you", but other types can do this, too.

Wait a minute. I just re-read your description of him. He's in real estate and works all the time (Te) and is a stylish dresser (Si) and knows people but is not close to them (low Fi) and is amused at the things you show him you can do and pays for dinner like a gentleman and likes the way you present and wants to take care of you (caregiver) and wants to be the best person he can be for you (Ne) and seems aristocratic (Delta or Beta). I think he is LSE.

Now, having said that, I'll remind you that I once typed you as ESI.
(I've since changed my mind. Lol.)
Thanks for the thought out response. Aren't LSE more tough and idk "'manly"? Lol. This guy I would say is calm, yes to empathic, he is not feminine at all he is a regular guy but he doesn't have a tough exterior. He doesn't put up any type of front. He grew up in a very rough poor area so that alone is kinda surprising. He said he would sometimes get picked on as a kid because he never got into fights. He also seems more spacey than an LSE would be lol. One time he walked me to the wrong subway stop - he's lived here his whole life. Etc. He doesn't seem to have many CLOSE friends but he has a lot of acqaintences and he knows a lot of people. When he was a little younger (he is 24) he was very involved in the party/nightclub scene..he helped found a music business startup (that was ultimately unsuccessful) and made a lot of connections in that area. He is very proud of this. Currently he doesn't really party much anymore - he said he is sick of it and it's always the same. He seems to want to just relax after work now and spend a lot of time one-on-one. He likes to spend long periods of time with just me. However he also said he misses the career and opportunity he had. He does love selling real estate tho