I met a woman at a party. She’s on my MIL’s side and I hadn’t talked to her very much previously. She always acts like we know each other semi-well and tbh I have a hard time remembering names and I forgot her name. Despite her over familiarity, which I didn’t mind, but since I’m not like this, it’s strange to me, it was also comforting, as I have a hard time getting passed formalities with people.

I started noticing she was very take charge in a place that I thought it was somewhat inappropriate to take charge of. However I also didn’t mind, because it’s nice when people are sitting around twiddling their thumbs and someone has the inclination to move forward. I thought, however, that it might make my mother upset, as she was the one throwing the party and was interested in what my mom would think when the party was over.

Someone asked me if I was interested in having more kids, and she spat out, ‘Another!’ Really loud, like it was unthinkable. And I began to think she was kind of rude. I said nothing and ignored her. My mom quickly started defending me in her understanding way.
the woman also kept telling me not to do certain things and I didn’t like it. She also offered to take some stuff to goodwill for me that I brought up I needed to take, which I thought was nice, but also kind of strange since I didn’t think we knew each other well enough for her to be taking things to goodwill for me, but then she started getting pushy about it and it made me feel really awkward. I had to make up a ton of excuses to get her to back off.

When it was time to clean up, the woman took serious charge and put a box together of things my mother had bought that she didn’t want my mother getting her hands on since the things would go to waste, ‘since she is trying to throw everything away.’ She said. Well, yes, I know my mom likes throwing things away because she thinks it sat out too long and was contaminated, but she did buy the food. It seemed kind of rude and intrusive to me. And she said this in front of my mother! I was worried she was going to hurt my moms feelings, so I took the box, looked over at my mom, and winked at her. To kind of smooth things over and as a sign for her not to worry that I was not going to eat the contaminated stuff and die of food poisoning.

Sure enough, when I got home, my mom was calling me, on me about throwing away the sour cream because it sat out too long. Nobody in our house likes sour cream anyway, so I threw it away. I told her ‘that lady was something else, wasn’t she?’ Kind of fishing to see what my mom thought of her. But she didn’t say a whole lot because my mom isn’t one to shit talk. I’m sure if it was my SEE sister, she’d have a lot to say. I don’t think my sister would have liked her at all. Probably would have even gotten in a fight with her. It’s probably a good thing my sister wasn’t there, now that I think about it. I think the lady might have been SLE. I’m beginning to think my mom might be IEE instead of ESE. I honestly don’t think I know very many SLE women, so this was an experience.