Quote Originally Posted by maniac View Post
I guess that in your life there's probably some correlation between the instinct stackings (enneagram thing) of your relations, of which have been good and bad. And you have tried to fit these people into the socionics types. Which is what I mostly see people do; fitting people into stereotypes in how they "come off" (things unrelated to the functions) instead of actually seeing if they use this function or not. Intuition is definitely helpful in things as Enneagram but it seems irrelevant in socionics because there are a very limited amount of types and you're supposed to type people on whether they like cooking (Si) or like math (Ti). Which can be two extremely different people.
Completely agreed with your point of view. Socionics is based on Information Elements. We should use them to type people (that's what I try to do). Intuition can have its weight when it comes to typing, but in a world like Socionics, logic (and theory) should be always the first weapon to use.