anyone has deeper insight into this? or examples.. especially how the ranges look in real life. the descriptions are too vague for me.

The three ranges for so/sx:

"Lightside" So/Sx (strong soc, weak sx) - So is an unquestioned dictator here, just as in warmside So/Sp, and on the other end is the darkside: So as the chairman, and Sx as the vice chairman who sleeps with the chairman. And the midrange, that lovely muddy area in between where soc is the boss but sx at least has its own corner office.

Lightsiders vs darksiders is almost like a phobic/counterphobic split in attitude. The Lightside is engaging, ingratiating even, and is the closest to what has become the stereotype for So/Sx. Unmistakably friendly, amusing, eager to attend to others in a personal, customized way. Also hesitant or unwilling to upset the delicate chemistry or harmony of individual or group dynamics, since So cohesion is at a premium.

"Midrange" So/Sx's have a less pre-committed way of dealing with people, and therefore appear to express the mercurial aspects of the so/sx stacking more so than the other ranges. I used to call it the "grey" range since it made me think of dusky unreadability, or manipulation through inscrutability. "Midrange" So/Sx's seem especially averse to being predictable, preferring to hold the license to adapt whatever attitude the situation requires. Until those conditions become clear, they default to a kind of seeming indifference or nonchalance (a stark contrast to the sociably upfront quality of their cordial So/Sp cousins). This is a pliant, laid-back so/sx.

"Darksider" So/Sx's (strong sx), on the other hand, seem eager to prove their So isn't in full control, so they typically test the boundaries of traditional So values. May exhibit knee-jerk reactions and voice resentment against shared peer and culture behaviors and fall on warmside strategies for making connections. They aren't any less healthy by definition, but can seem that way due to their darker, more confrontational manner. They use highly customized interactive tactics like all so/sx's, but in a more uncompromising "keeping it real" way, owing to the active tension between "good" So and "bad" Sx. May get mistaken for Sx first stackings Sx/Sp and Sx/So.