YouTube personality on fitness, strength, motivation, mentality.
I saw @Cassandra typing him as SEE 6w7 Sx/Sp? More opinions needed Thanks!
YouTube personality on fitness, strength, motivation, mentality.
I saw @Cassandra typing him as SEE 6w7 Sx/Sp? More opinions needed Thanks!
I'm camping here
Let's get @Horatio to our camping party What do you think?
Uhm.. super weird people here. I'm in
Second video: he looks inward for accurate words. In MBTI people often argued that looking for the right expression is a trait of introverted thinking. Would you agree that this is true for socionics, also? I haven't seen Te ego types doing that* and I have little experience with Ti ego types, except for an ISTj (irl) and I don't want to attribute accuracy to these types only.
Besides, videos where people look directly into the camera aren't very good for typing. The reason is that people see their own face when talking to the front camera of their mobile phone, or the display of the video recorder. That way the person falls victim to the mirroring effect. He basically talks to himself and may correct his behavior or facial expressions to fit a favorable image of himself. That leaves us, who try to type him, with a video sample that does not allow enough accuracy.
The last video is good. He looks like he is actually talking to somebody and not himself. I thought SLE first and ESE is a possibility, too. Yet, neither option sounds convincing so far.
edit: *not in corversations but they like to recite the exact words, metaphors and comaprisons from other resources
Last edited by Cosmic Teapot; 02-27-2017 at 10:29 PM.
Clearly a person who will put you under the pressure when he approaches. Just be aware LIIs you are about to meet your antimatter. He has more mass than you so he will not be converted 100 % radiation where as you...
Last edited by The Reality Denialist; 02-27-2017 at 10:55 PM.
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idiosyncratic type
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@Horatio good point.
Try some interaction stuff here, skip to 6:20 for the appearance of the guest
Please explain your reasoning.
@unsuccessfull Alphamale do you see yourself in him?
He's much too in touch and okay with to be an SLE.
As a caveat, he's not a T. That's clear. His arguments and theories are based entirely in's all feel-good, heart-to-heart, cookiecutter hallmark card stuff with no regard and probably no grasp for objective, concrete reality.
Now for me pulling a rabbit out of a hat, watch me translate that last sentence into socionic speak:
positivist > negativist
emotivist > constructivist
ethical > logical
It is hard to say. I can go through very quiet periods and then just talk a lot maybe bit like him but I'm mainly weird. According Gulenko's terms I actually see myself more like ILE Ne subtype (extroverted subtype is not indication of loudness more like spacey goof ball. Which is the thing people pick up immediately but I can show very rational face.).
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This one isn't even a close call. SEE-Se's like the Hodgetwins and Alexyss K Tylor at least make pseudo-rejections of Fi as part of their youtube performances. That makes it atleast a challenge to tell apart from SLE. Eddie Murphy's character in 48 hours was a SEE-Se fictional character that can pass for a SLE fictional character (Ganz was the SLE in that movie). Hulse is right there in the open accepting Fi in large quantities.
He's also selling an image of himself as a good person. That's textbook 2. He reminds me of Eliza Thomason. 2w1 is a double-daddy type, so the strong pull towards 'father' 'institutions' 'religion' underlines their sense of self. That's not to say SLEs can't be religious, but when SLEs see fit to talk about themselves, the stories that come out revolve around predatory stuff -- fighting, fucking (soc-lasters are prone to the occasional 'soulful' expression, but still you can see the rejection of Fi tinging that expression with an antisocial tar). All his talk and pride around having given his life up to a higher power and being a good, kind self-sacrificing family man that sits around youtube prattling on about his feelings and principles just makes him sound like a giant chump and is way off for SLE. He was probably one of those guys that had to check with a pastor first to find out if it was okay for him to have sex with his girlfriend before marriage. Needless to say, type 2 and SLE are not compatible.
SLE instinctively rejects End of story.
Last edited by Kill4Me; 03-01-2017 at 11:52 PM.
EIE - The Mentor
Motivational speaker and advice giver, uses symbolism/ metaphors in all his videos, tries to look at the underlying situation, very expressive in a dramatic way (I almost get the sense that he's overdoing it or acting but he's probably not), into esoteric spiritual stuff, clearly a feeler, his Ni is too strong for him to be Se leading, talks obsessively about becoming stronger (Se hidden agenda).
Big muscles and speaking loudly doesn't equal Se ego. He probably just has high testosterone.
Elliott Hulse - ISFJ - Dreiser
LIE-Te so/sx 3w4 - his Se feels compensatory, more like an addendum to him talking into the camera for long stretches of time, similar to Expat's description of Se HA:
I personally can't stand this guy whatever his type is.
I think beta, there is definately Se all over the place but also tons of Fe, I don't see any Te or Fi. He just has the beta vibe not internally "dark" enough to be gamma, though I'm not gonna watch two hours of his videos because I find them really off-putting.
I think either EIE or SLE. 3w2.
EIE-Fe would be my guess.
At least / extro is clear, that helps
He's a Result/Involutionary type in addition to being Se/Ni valuing, leaning towards information simplicity and oversimplification in many cases, which neatly rules out any EIE typings for him.
Earlier I questioned the accuracy of VI but now I'm going to contradict that statement and say he looks like a feeler, having seen a few of his videos. I'll need to see more to narrow it down.
If you know EIEs who "do oversimplification all the time" then you have not carefully read through the type descriptions and have mistyped a number of people, it's as simple as that:
"I will frame this dichotomy in the second sense, namely as simplification vs. complication of thought structure. Meaning that in deductive thinking, given a set of simple and obvious statements (axioms, postulates), the resultant consequences can be necessarily derived (theorem). Reasoning flows in the direction of simple to complex. Evolutionary/Process types therefore mentally complicate the situation."
He's clearly not complicating his thought structures in his videos, which goes to show that he belongs on the Result/Involutionary side of this dichotomy while EIE is a Process/Evolutionary type.
Well, I tend to believe in Reinins but I also feel Gulenko is adding his own interpretation here, since he changes the name and is describing something completely different with involution/evolution than what is described by the more neutral wikisocion article on result/process.
That's not to say Gulenko is completely wrong, just that not every thing that is written about socionics is scripture either. I find Reinins useful to the degree they can narrow down possibilties within probable types, but not if they are taken as the sole basis for a typing.
I feel you're being too linear and simplistic in your thinking here. I mean I get you self-type as a result type, but c'mon now.
Though I suppose Elliot Hulse can be SLE (result type), I've nothing against that typing.
Which "neutral wikisocion article" would this be?
That's exactly how it works - glad you're learning to recognize it. Instead of simplistic think of it as an ability to "cut through the bullshit", as an SLE friend calls it - when you said you know so many EIEs who do oversimplify it did sound like a bunch of b.s. and you could add however many frills, superfluities, and social niceties to that - that statement will remain being utter bollocks (which is btw how SLEs figure out when you've been lying).
Edit: I'm not gonna get into a fight over what this guy's type is or if my typing of EIEs I know irl is correct.
That is all.
This video shows unvalued Te
This video is the most revealing
Shows clear lack of foresight.
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idiosyncratic type
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At first I thought he was SLE, but, it's too painful to watch, maybe i'll psyche myself up later. In the stills in the youtube videos LIE isn't impossible (like how Dwayne Johnson looks a bit like Hulse.)
Strong, I'm going to be strong, strong, strong together.
Is there an IE for that . I don't know, how about:
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idiosyncratic type
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Isn't the about ability to ee how vertain people fit together and what kind of end result it produces?
Hanging out with gangs, robbing people, being arrested.
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Not wanting to be controversial, but I think (to me) it's clear he's on steroids. Not professional body building level but on them. That sort of looking for power is possible and happens for HA, well his might be about getting his roid body and making himself a career on youtube (without the bod, he wouldn't have a career). Might even show business skills in terms of being manifest through his bodybuilding/youtube vision, but hey this is just an idea haha.
Then I want to hear how on earth he is dynamic? His body is pretty much in static state (immovably object) and in heavy body concentration state which is .
Winning is for losers
Sincerely yours,
idiosyncratic type
Life is a joke but do you have a life?
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steroids are super common and I bet as time goes on hormone use of that kind will be more common (TRT is already gaining mass acceptance)... I don't think it deserves to be hushed up or something to be ashamed of really. like anything else its a tool to be used wisely not off limits a priori. in the end I dont think of it as "cheating" since it still requires competent use and there's no circumventing that. it may be dangerous in the same way alchohol or other drugs are but everything has a cost, it doesn't circumvent the natural economy so much as reposition the emphasis. that said I find Hulse kind of grating on a personal level, but he seems like a decent guy, personal preference aside. Arnold was on steroids and if people could just wake up they'd realize he embodied the kind of use people naturally admire, although they're torn when it comes to admitting it to themselves. same with most of our heroes in special forces in the Army, who I know from personal experience also make use of hormonal support to do their jobs