Ni: Primarily focused on considering underlying meanings of and connections between events. Run through various scenarios in head to determine how they’re likely to play out. Can see a plan’s fatal flaws related to beneath the surface patterns. Understand symbolism. See how and why history repeats itself as well as when it’s likely not to. Grasp connections between events that don’t readily seem connected from a surface view.

Te: Collect information about what’s going on in order to feed it through the Ni scenario generator. Focused on effectiveness and efficiency. This is a natural strength and an area of active consideration. Able get the maximum favorable results with the least amount of effort. Strong focus on the logic of activity may come across as harsh to some.

Si: Aware of how people typically manage daily routines and care for own and others’ health and comfort. See the benefits of doing so and may feel they’re “supposed to” (whether they actually do or not). Take little to no enjoyment in focusing a lot on this.

Fe: Lack of awareness of how words and actions emotionally impact others and the energy dynamic of a group. Poor understanding of the nuances of own and others’ moods. Care more about effectiveness and personal values than the emotional atmospheres.

Se: Poor awareness of the physical features of their surroundings. Strong Ni focus on considering scenarios and consequences may make them hesitant to take decisive action steps while waiting for more information or seeing how things play out. Appreciate the right kind of push from the right people. Admire strong people with power to do. Poor understanding of how to push others effectively and directly apply the right type and amount of force to make things happen. (More likely to rely on Ni to find good leverage points to make things happen.)

Fi: Stubbornly adhere to their personal ethical values in areas deemed important. Desire to form meaningful connections yet may hesitate to let people in. Lack of nuanced understanding of the depth and nature of relationships and may therefore have an “all or nothing” approach to relationships. May have difficulty identifying and solidifying their desires and specific long term goals.

Ne: Generate and evaluate ideas for the sake of feeding Ni scenario generation and determining likely outcomes rather than focusing on the possibilities for their own sake. Quickly see the flaws in most ideas and discard them rather than continuing to expand upon them.

Ti: Understand nuances of logical principles and how information all fits together in a structured, logical system. See logical inconsistencies readily. This is done automatically in the background and is not an area of serious or active consideration. It is not seen as particularly important compared to Te effectiveness. They do not typically lecture others about this area.

Also, read about Se/Ni relationship dynamics here: