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Thread: USA politics following Trump's election

  1. #361
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    Its only been a month and people are acting like it's the end of the world. Because come on, people just hate Trump and want to find *any* little reason to set him up for impeachment. Hell, even witches are gathering together to cast a spell on Trump (LMAO)

    OH THE HORROR!!!! HE'S UNFIT TO BE PRESIDENT!!! Give me a break.
    Quote Originally Posted by onfireee View Post
    Let's be honest here. It really doesn't matter whether Trump does good or bad. Anti-Trumpers/(liberal)media will still find a way to hate him/make him look bad regardless. Like its already been decided to take him out. You can just feel the tension. Like sharks swarming around, waiting for that one drop of blood. After all, just one drop is all it takes. Like Trump has to run a perfect presidency or it's game over. And that's not fair. We as Americans need to stand behind our president.

    I'm just here to point out the false claims that are happening right now, in the present - because right NOW, it's the people that are OVERREACTING. It's the media throwing out exaggerated/misleading claims. THAT's leaving the country divided and worse off objectively. When people are wearing vagina hats and violently protesting the streets, destroying property/doing harm while simultaneously carrying a sign that says LOVE TRUMPS HATE while not understanding any of Trump's policies, it's a little concerning. THAT leaves the country divided and worse off objectively.

    As far as Trump being "so stupid," I don't know. I admit he has a bit of an ego and it's a double edged sword. But he did beat all the Republican candidates and ultimately won the entire thing. Maybe he's not as dumb as you think he is. Maybe he has something to offer, that is, if we even give him a chance. Or not... We can just keep "resisting" and have our teachers cancel classes so we can recover from the emotional trauma inflicted upon us and we can raise our foam swords and put on our armour while we bash/LARP Trump on the 16 types forum lol

    In the end, it's people's irrational and emotional tantrums that are both threats and liabilities to the country
    Here's what I posted back when Trump first got elected. (2/27/2017)

    : )
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 01-10-2020 at 04:24 AM.

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    I wanted to apologize but I can't recall what thread I posted things needing apologies. I got lost in politics and said things here that were wrong. I can't even remember them all. But I'm sorry. I am with you, your race, your religion, your creed. And I'm sorry I got lost.

    The things that can unify us are under attack. And I do care. And I never wanted to make it worse.

  3. #363
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    Currently laughing at Iran's threat of retaliation....we can send them back into the stone age without ever putting boots on the ground and turn little Iran into another American outpost. Iran would make a nice station for an eventual invasion into China which needed to have been done a long time ago. The two best generals in World History Patton and Macarthur both determined that invasion of China was necessary and wanted to go ahead with it. Pussy politicians put a stop to it unfortunately. By the way, beautiful execution and flexing of American power in the Middle East. The deceased was in Iraq, not Iran, when killed. Obviously not in Iraq for sight-seeing, always best in response to such uprising is to cut off the head and the body falls. Take out the brains of the operation. That's always been my philosophy, when the puppets attack, rip the ears off the puppetmaster and squash in its head.

  4. #364
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Currently laughing at Iran's threat of retaliation....we can send them back into the stone age without ever putting boots on the ground and turn little Iran into another American outpost. Iran would make a nice station for an eventual invasion into China which needed to have been done a long time ago. The two best generals in World History Patton and Macarthur both determined that invasion of China was necessary and wanted to go ahead with it. Pussy politicians put a stop to it unfortunately. By the way, beautiful execution and flexing of American power in the Middle East. The deceased was in Iraq, not Iran, when killed. Obviously not in Iraq for sight-seeing, always best in response to such uprising is to cut off the head and the body falls. Take out the brains of the operation. That's always been my philosophy, when the puppets attack, rip the ears off the puppetmaster and squash in its head.
    If you think it would be such a cakewalk, why don't you enlist?

  5. #365
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    The two best generals in World History Patton and Macarthur both determined that invasion of China was necessary and wanted to go ahead with it. Pussy politicians put a stop to it unfortunately.
    Yeah they probably should of invaded china back in the late 40s/early 50s, which to me just further showcases how garage the US's political system is and why we ought to be defeated by a country like China who actually got their shit together and are investing in their people.

  6. #366
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    If you were to ask almost any legitimate war historian, they'd tell you that Patton and MacArthur were, at best, decent generals and, at worst, active impediments to military victory.

  7. #367
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    RIP Yang gang 2020.

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    The hilarious part is if the Democrats can't unite behind a strong candidate, Trump will be re-elected, hahahaha.

  9. #369
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    The hilarious part is if the Democrats can't unite behind a strong candidate, Trump will be re-elected, hahahaha.
    Right now it seems like Bernie is their best best, but it's obvious that the power-players in the Democratic party would rather shoot themselves in the foot than let him be the nominee.

  10. #370
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    I don't think Bernie will be the nominee, but I'd vote for a box of rocks over Trump.

  11. #371
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    Warren was looking good in the debate last night.

  12. #372
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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    The hilarious part is if the Democrats can't unite behind a strong candidate, Trump will be re-elected, hahahaha.
    We're living in climate change, if we get stuck with another science denying moron for 4 years the whole world is gonna be in deeper shit not just USA

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    We're living in climate change, if we get stuck with another science denying moron for 4 years the whole world is gonna be in deeper shit not just USA
    don't get me wrong man I get all that. i'm only saying what probably will happen, not what should. what should happen is he suffers a mild cardiac arrest and is ushered out of the most powerful seat on the planet.

    there feels like destiny, history making coming down the pipeline and he is the type of man that will act as an accelerator in the wrong direction.

  14. #374
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    its great watching the libtards commit political suicide as the identity politic cesspool (aka democratic party) stands on the verge of swallowing the DNC whole. what a bunch of losers! I saw this bloodbath coming awhile ago and aptly predicted it...they'd follow that diapered up commie shitbum off a cliff they're so goddamned dumb and hilarious job by Trump exploiting the rift. four more years of Trump is fine by me, I'm rolling in money, maybe even that seven million dollar a day choke artist bloomberg will make a third party run. so pathetic!

    Stuttering Pelosi is too late to stop the identity politic cesspool (aka democratic party).

  15. #375
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    Law cannot reach where enforcement will not follow.

  16. #376
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    shitbum bernie no fuckin chance of winning a general election in a good economy...only game changer here on the horizon is a global pandemic that tanks the US economy. He can't win in a good economy. He CANNOT WIN IN A GOOD ECONOMY. I'm fckin telling everybody now, he cannot win in a good economy. The deck has to be reshuffled twenty thousand times before you come out with a scenario he can win in. And that scenario is, which I called before any motherfucker anywhere, a global pandemic that tanks the US econodmy....St. Bernard can't win without some major, widespread loss of confidence...A global pandemic gives that demagogic do nothing loser opportunity to blame the Corporatists and Capitalists. But is too early to tell, I'm betting Trump is pushing day and night for a vaccine...! I'd be, fuck coronavirus!! Just kidnap one of them smart ivy league einstein motherfuckers from like switzerland, puts a gun to their head and say hey your ass has 72 days to get a vaccine. Believe me, you never seen a motherfucker pull a vaccine out of their ass so quick.

  17. #377
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    Before Trump was elected, there was a lot of concern that he would end up nuking some country like Denmark, just because he's a complete idiot and would get himself into trouble just by spouting off and saying crazy stuff, which would lead to, you know.....

    Well, his handling of the Wuhan flu proves something. He didn't nuke Denmark, he nuked the US.

    Me, said to a Russian national: "Putin doesn't have to nuke the US, Trump is doing a great job wrecking the country all by himself."

    Russian national to me: "While Putin wrecks Russia."

  18. #378
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Before Trump was elected, there was a lot of concern that he would end up nuking some country like Denmark, just because he's a complete idiot and would get himself into trouble just by spouting off and saying crazy stuff, which would lead to, you know.....

    Well, his handling of the Wuhan flu proves something. He didn't nuke Denmark, he nuked the US.

    Me, said to a Russian national: "Putin doesn't have to nuke the US, Trump is doing a great job wrecking the country all by himself."

    Russian national to me: "While Putin wrecks Russia."
    Yep, I've said since the election. Putin nuked America without an actual Nuke.

  19. #379
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    How do people reconcile the fact that liberals are all about identity politics with the fact that a woman or POC wasn't the nominee? I'm not lamenting any race dropouts and I'm sure this is a stupid question with an obvious answer, but I don't understand how some people think.

  20. #380
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    How do people reconcile the fact that liberals are all about identity politics with the fact that a woman or POC wasn't the nominee? I'm not lamenting any race dropouts and I'm sure this is a stupid question with an obvious answer, but I don't understand how some people think.
    Well, for one thing, most women don't like female candidates. This might sound strange, but it has been shown to be true.

    It's sort of like, "Nobody likes old people". Hell, even old people don't like old people.

    I was talking to an old EII drinking buddy of mine and we were reminiscing about old times and the people we used to work with and hang out with, and I complained that the people in my high school reunion party were OLD. They were all tired, wrinkled, overweight, and old. My buddy looked at me and started laughing. Fucking hell.

  21. #381
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    Yep, I've said since the election. Putin nuked America without an actual Nuke.
    Russiagate in a nutshell: some foreign organizations, some of which were Russian, supported Trump, Clinton, Sanders, or other candidates by buying advertisements or comments on social media.

    Give me a break.

    Meanwhile there's probably domestic fuckery in our elections. There's no need to blame the Soviet Union Russia for everything.

  22. #382
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, for one thing, most women don't like female candidates. This might sound strange, but it has been shown to be true.

    It's sort of like, "Nobody likes old people". Hell, even old people don't like old people.

    I was talking to an old EII drinking buddy of mine and we were reminiscing about old times and the people we used to work with and hang out with, and I complained that the people in my high school reunion party were OLD. They were all tired, wrinkled, overweight, and old. My buddy looked at me and started laughing. Fucking hell.
    Lol, that doesn't directly answer my question but if the discrepancy is rationalized by acknowledging that people don't practice what they preach, it would be an accurate and reasonable answer.

  23. #383
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Well, for one thing, most women don't like female candidates. This might sound strange, but it has been shown to be true.

    It's sort of like, "Nobody likes old people". Hell, even old people don't like old people.

    I was talking to an old EII drinking buddy of mine and we were reminiscing about old times and the people we used to work with and hang out with, and I complained that the people in my high school reunion party were OLD. They were all tired, wrinkled, overweight, and old. My buddy looked at me and started laughing. Fucking hell.
    Everyone's an amateur sociologist, and I have a theory that women tend more frequently than men to be misogynists. Hard to prove, but I think I've got great anecdotal evidence of it!

  24. #384
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Russiagate in a nutshell: some foreign organizations, some of which were Russian, supported Trump, Clinton, Sanders, or other candidates by buying advertisements or comments on social media.

    Give me a break.

    Meanwhile there's probably domestic fuckery in our elections. There's no need to blame the Soviet Union Russia for everything.
    ??? is this a joke? it's fairly obvious Russia interfered with the US elections

  25. #385
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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    How do people reconcile the fact that liberals are all about identity politics with the fact that a woman or POC wasn't the nominee? I'm not lamenting any race dropouts and I'm sure this is a stupid question with an obvious answer, but I don't understand how some people think.
    There's no need for actual reconciliation because they were never making good faith arguments to begin with; they've always known full well that they were gas lighting on a straw pile of intellectual dishonesty. A "Christian, white, straight male" is an identity, the de facto identity upon which all American institutions were founded; perhaps less so today, but still primarily so. To sincerely ignore or deny that requires a sort of mental gymnastics only the pathologically deluded can successfully mount and land. I don't know if there is a more insidiously cynical entity than the American right wing--the only difference between today and yesteryear is that they're now unabashedly mask off about their "Christian, white, straight male" agenda, and finally calling a thing a thing, allegedly in response to leftist identity politics. But there never would've been a need for leftist identity politics had their not already existed a prevailing identity that needed to be countered and de-centered. In the 18th century, voting rights in the 13 colonies were only given to white males who owned property. How the fuck is that not a politicized identity? LOL Gas lighters, the whole lot of em.

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    The "Christian, white, straight male" is a reminder to me that Sanders is a jew who had swastikas waved at him. Oops.

  27. #387
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    Bernie Sanders is the U.S.A's last hope.
    (My name is Yon Yonson,
    I live in Wisconsin.
    I work in a lumber yard there.
    The people I meet as
    I walk down the street,
    They say "Hello!"
    I say "Hello!"
    They say "What's your name?"
    I say: (My name is Yon Yonson...

    All posts licensed under the GNU General Public License. Some rights reserved.

  28. #388
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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    ??? is this a joke? it's fairly obvious Russia interfered with the US elections
    Obvious to whom? Not to anyone with a brain.

  29. #389
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    Quote Originally Posted by SocietyOTLittleFlower View Post
    Bernie Sanders is the U.S.A's last hope.
    Don’t hold your breath.

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    @ashlesha @Alonzo I’m calling it: the first female non-white President will be a Republican. Who will also be Christian and straight.

    The racism of the typical Republican voter is overplayed. They’re morons and generally don’t like people who don’t seem like them, but that dislike is only so deep. There’s no systematic thought behind it. Once a minority expresses the proper opinions they’re welcomed into the fold, often particularly vigorously because they ‘prove’ they aren’t racist. Think Candace Owens.

    That’s my prediction of the day

  31. #391
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @ashlesha @Alonzo I’m calling it: the first female non-white President will be a Republican. Who will also be Christian and straight.

    The racism of the typical Republican voter is overplayed. They’re morons and generally don’t like people who don’t seem like them, but that dislike is only so deep. There’s no systematic thought behind it. Once a minority expresses the proper opinions they’re welcomed into the fold, often particularly vigorously because they ‘prove’ they aren’t racist. Think Candace Owens.

    That’s my prediction of the day
    I don't think Republican racism is overplayed, but I do think their racism exists along a spectrum. Most probably wouldn't support the KKK or white extremism or say the n-word but they'll definitely endorse and vote for policies that disproportionately disenfranchise POC because they low key believe that they are lazy "takers" who want "hand outs," alongside other stereotypes. That would still qualify as racism/racist behavior to me. And again, it's even more cynical that they'd gladly vote for sellouts like Candace Owens because she will say the things they won't say outright, i.e., openly denigrating other black people and reaffirming biases, but certainly believe behind closed doors and act upon in the voting booth.

    But you're probably right about the first woman president being a Republican--some standard, right of center shill like Nikki Haley (mixed race, half Indian but downplays it), who I actually believe will run in 2024.

  32. #392
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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @ashlesha @Alonzo I’m calling it: the first female non-white President will be a Republican. Who will also be Christian and straight.

    The racism of the typical Republican voter is overplayed. They’re morons and generally don’t like people who don’t seem like them, but that dislike is only so deep. There’s no systematic thought behind it. Once a minority expresses the proper opinions they’re welcomed into the fold, often particularly vigorously because they ‘prove’ they aren’t racist. Think Candace Owens.

    That’s my prediction of the day
    The dislike of people unlike yourself that isn't cohesively tethered to an explicitly xenophobic chain of reasoning + a genuine desire to be a good person as "good people" are described in popular culture (ie non racist, sexist) + typical shallowness of thought in general = kinda puts it together for me, it makes sense thinking about someone in those terms, how they'd be so quick to gasp in defensive horror at the mere insinuation of bias and accuse everyone of being all about identity politics and only caring about "SJW" issues (like not waving swastikas) for psychological self protection.

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    I had a continuation of my thoughts after reading @Alonzos post and now that I'm not getting ready for work...
    Republicans are low key racist, yah, and one way that manifests is a behind the scenes thought process going on, when not "giving handouts" or catering to "thugs," or whatever, but I think that for most, it's broiling under the surface of fully spelled out awareness, and I think that this racism exists on a spectrum of political views that might be more shaded on the right but isn't unique to Republicans or never in Democrats. I was gonna say, just point blank, that it's moreso a feature of whites, but then I realized the (excuse the unintended pun) black and white moral implication in that statement, which I think IS unique to the Republican frame of mind. Ie if you point out hints of racial bias in a Republican, they will respond with ARE YOU SAYING IM INHERENTLY EVIL AND BAD, and they genuinely seem to interpret it this way, which is a manifestation of this unique (odd Fi) style of thinking they have about things. Which further explains their tendency to perceive liberals as All About the Race Stuff because they hone in on this idea that they're being accused of Evil (instead of unfortunate human tendencies that accumulate while, like, living in a Society that has certain messages, and stuff).

  34. #394
    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    White power will rise again!

    ​yes, this is joke. However un-tasteful it might be.
    previously Megadoodoo

  35. #395
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    HELLA I SAY back when Trumpster was downplaying whole Coronavirus thing:

    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    Trump is pushing day and night for a vaccine...! I'd be, fuck coronavirus!! Just kidnap one of them smart ivy league einstein motherfuckers from like switzerland, puts a gun to their head and say hey your ass has 72 days to get a vaccine. Believe me, you never seen a motherfucker pull a vaccine out of their ass so quick.

    "Trump was doing everything to secure a vaccine against the coronavirus for the US, “but for the US only”.

    The Trump administration has offered a German medical company “large sums of money” for exclusive access to a Covid-19 vaccine, German media have reported.

    The German government is trying to fight off what it sees as an aggressive takeover bid by the US, the broadsheet Die Welt reports, citing German government circles.

    The US president had offered the Tübingen-based biopharmaceutical company CureVac “large sums of money” to gain exclusive access to their work, wrote Die Welt."

    Just like I knows members' enneagram and socionics types on the forum, I knew Trump was doing everything he could to grab a vaccine in a one-sided manner. I said "einstein motherfuckers from like switzerland." Trump tried to muscle it off einstein motherfuckeres in Germany. Germany is like switzerland. Get it. I didn't come up with the only valid breakdown for every type wing and stack using 2500+ exemplars and high quality VI templates for every socionics type and subtype for nuthin. Because Stackemup Typology is empirically validated, it provides tremendous predictive power when it comes to the behavior of global/domestic actors. My shit is scientific. R & H, fauvres they are just throwing up puffs of smoke but have made no demonstrations of predictive accuracy. Neither has Ausra, Elena "no show" berdutina, bullshit socionics society, little miss jackie oliver aaron, expat, aestrivex, rick. They only just offer explanatory models. My shit carries predictive power! Their Puffs of smoke a real fire does not make!!

  36. #396
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    ...I'm betting Trump is pushing day and night for a vaccine...!
    Even some time in the past his pov was that Vaccinations cause Autism. Now he is begging for it. He is afraid of germs, afaik.
    Looks like his motivation is driven by fear.

    I don't see any problem to share the knowledge to produce the inoculant.

    But the German government doesn't appreciate his attitude to gain exclusive access to the med, if that's true, and so I don't appreciate it either.
    It turns his attitude of "America first" to "America only"; which is not acceptable. I'm pretty sure that die German government will block the sale of the company doing medical research and will use legal means to prevent that sale under that conditions. One reason for it is that the research is subsidised by German tax money.

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    As I write this, the US is holding presidential primaries and is in the middle of a flu epidemic. Ohio has postponed its primary for some weeks while its legislators try to figure out what to do. Trump's most formidable opponent, Joe Biden, is predicted to win in a landslide. Russia seems to be holding out for a Bernie victory. Those Russians. Such jokers. Don't they realize that Bernie is an uncompromising democrat? They probably do know he's a socialist.

    The logical course of action in Ohio would be to encourage voting by mail. However, this might not be what Ohio's Republican government eventually does, because there was a recent experiment done in Utah in which half of a town voted the normal way, which is to line up at the polling station on a Tuesday (super-convenient for poor working class voters, of course), and the other half was able to vote by mail.

    The half of the town that voted by mail increased its percentage of participating voters by 18 percent; 81% vs only 63% for the half that voted the "normal" way.

    Since the Republican strategy for winning elections hinges almost entirely on reducing the number of people who vote, voting by mail seems like it would be something that the Republicans would oppose by tooth and nail.

  38. #398
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    As I write this, the US is holding presidential primaries and is in the middle of a flu epidemic. Ohio has postponed its primary for some weeks while its legislators try to figure out what to do. Trump's most formidable opponent, Joe Biden, is predicted to win in a landslide. Russia seems to be holding out for a Bernie victory. Those Russians. Such jokers. Don't they realize that Bernie is an uncompromising democrat? They probably do know he's a socialist.

    The logical course of action in Ohio would be to encourage voting by mail. However, this might not be what Ohio's Republican government eventually does, because there was a recent experiment done in Utah in which half of a town voted the normal way, which is to line up at the polling station on a Tuesday (super-convenient for poor working class voters, of course), and the other half was able to vote by mail.

    The half of the town that voted by mail increased its percentage of participating voters by 18 percent; 81% vs only 63% for the half that voted the "normal" way.

    Since the Republican strategy for winning elections hinges almost entirely on reducing the number of people who vote, voting by mail seems like it would be something that the Republicans would oppose by tooth and nail.
    They're hoping for a Bernie victory because they know he won't beat Trump

  39. #399
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    Quote Originally Posted by WinnieW View Post
    But the German government doesn't appreciate his attitude to gain exclusive access to the med, if that's true, and so I don't appreciate it either.
    It turns his attitude of "America first" to "America only"; which is not acceptable. I'm pretty sure that die German government will block the sale of the company doing medical research and will use legal means to prevent that sale under that conditions. One reason for it is that the research is subsidised by German tax money.
    I have to correct my previous statement. There were info from multiple press sources that the President of the USA offered money to buy a German medical research company, but the CEO stated today that such an offer never happend.
    Looks like a press canard to me, now.

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    "EARN IT" Act is gonna destroy encryption and give messages and the internet a government backdoor if it passes.

    Quick rundown.

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