INFps quickly detect and understand connections and relations amongst people as well as people's interactions with their environments. However, they normally do not share any of their insights with others; instead, they'll adjust their behaviour to conform with the beliefs, habits and tastes of those around them suppressing their own true natures and opinions. This enables them to easily appeal to the emotions of everyone in the room, which makes them appear inoffensive, likeable and trustworthy; they can be superb diplomats and survivalists. They can distinguish falsehood, hypocrisy, ruse and debasement, but also can discerningly produce the same for their own purposes.

Their knack for making people feel at ease and boosting their spirits does not apply to themselves. The act of hiding their true selves can make them conflicted, agitated and or moody but they will rarely show discontent or ever try to resolve their internal struggles. Paradoxically, they will sometimes go to great lengths to resolve external conflicts. They seem to be afraid that hostility or discord among co-workers, family and friends will lead to disaster for themselves so they try to ensure smooth relations among all who are deemed important to them. Because they're usually charming and adept at persuasion, they can usually facilitate harmony within groups.

INFps are usually very critical of their own abilities, and may often devalue their own worth even while spouting bravado and confidence. Personal image is so very important to them; they're usually afraid of being unneeded or thought of as incompetent so they regularly seek compliments and encouragement. They're so much more adventurous, energetic and productive when they feel that they have the approval of others. Their mood is further improved when surrounded by a positive atmosphere. In a comfortable environment around familiar people, they seem to become bold and confident, and perhaps even a little opinionated and bossy. They really shine and perform best when surrounded by good interpersonal relations.

Even with the self-doubt, INFps are generally optimistic and believe in positive outcomes. Their visions of a future are usually much more idealistic and positive than could possibly ever exist. Therefore, they're not inclined to save for rainy days or keep strict track of finances, and they may also waste resources on things that make them feel better in the moment. As well, they often act as if they've time to spare so they'll put off much until it's too late. If they fall into difficulties, they seem to have faith that they'll find a way - or a saviour.

INFps see humour in life, like jokes and anecdotes, are playful and impish, and love evoking positive emotions. They will try to run away from conflict and when they can't, they'll seek immediate reconciliation and will often settle for compromises that are not favourable to them. They will avoid personalities that force them to reflect on their own shortcomings or failures; they do not like rehashing mistakes of the past. They get along best with people who are self-confident, strong, determined and who take the focus away from them; however, they will not allow themselves to be ruled. They can suddenly become obstinate, self-righteous and assertive when they sense threats to themselves or their loved ones. For those they love or admire, they'll do a lot - sometimes too much. If threats persist, they'll become provocative, rude and aggressive.

They look upon long-term relationships rather pragmatically. They know that they need clarity because without it, they become lost and confused. Chaos, disorganization and lack of support plunge them into despair so they will choose people who can provide a logical map of the future and help them with achieving objectives. With clarity, they find that decision making isn't as daunting. Without structure, they become too complacent to the point of carelessness; they're too disorganized and easily distracted. Although they need people of strength, they really dislike strict control – they detest control-freaks and disciplinarians. With such individuals, they become cool, unemotional and sometimes venomous. Although they will try to manipulate to get what they want, INFps live by the principle of non-interference and cannot tolerate harassment of anyone by another.

They prefer a casual look but will expend a huge effort on their physical appearance and on being appealing to others. They're very perceptive of style and taste, and they know how to be pleasing to the eye. However, their rather idealistic standards and values can be their downfall; their fanciful pursuit of unrealistic goals can be self-destructive. They often feel very burdened about not achieving their lofty goals. They will then sometimes complain about their health, poor care or the indifference of others as perhaps an excuse for own disorder or lack of achievement; however, they usually don't despair for long.

The INFp chameleon-like persona allows them to adapt to most social situations even when they don't feel truly comfortable. But because they can almost tell what the other person is thinking, they can usually head off most potential awkwardness. Most see their peaceful, laissez-faire attitudes as friendly and nonthreatening, but many others see them as noncontributing; they don't seem to offer many opinions outside of a very narrow range of interests. They are extremely observant of minute nuances in body language, intonation and rationalization but they say little about their real beliefs. Their curse is that they leave too much unsaid; their own reticence makes them greatly misunderstood and underestimated. And, their seeming avoidance of those that don't exhibit buoyant positivity toward them can also limit their horizons.