That's a very good insight and constructive criticism of her @RaptorWizard Fool. - (god why did you put the 'Fool' at the end of your name? You're not a fool. <3)

It's the spiritual part of her that is essentially BS to me. Spiritual realm is I think in a way about transcending certain physical limitations but she just accepts these things. I think she's a good Life Coach at times with practical self help book advice. Her advice is realistic and hardened not really spiritual or floaty or creative or magical. She's practically assisting some nerdy mama's boy/girl how to think and act on their first day at the office or something- she's not helping them with their spiritual life.

I said this before but when she did her Shadow Work stuff there was this gay kid there named Justin who was a lot like me and she told him to 'not be nice!' when they had to discuss their Shadow side. I thought it was funny - but it's an essetinal part of her character. ((and why it's easy for me in my stories to turn her into some campy demon))

She doesn't want kindness - she wants to be Alpha Bitch. She just wants people to talk about their 'Shadow' all day which I don't agree will in the end have the positive benefits that she says it will have. What she doesn't seem to get is few people will realistically ever accept a person's true shadow - because the Shadow is this scary thing for many people. The Shadow is often repressed because it leads to misunderstandings. You're not supposed to supress your shadow personally - but talking about your shadow in society is confusing and off-putting for people.

((I have an urge to write a fantasy story of Teal Swan vs Inumbra in a magical battle with Inumbra using Shadow magic in the right, good way and Teal Swan using it for evil. Because that's really how I see her lol)) She's like hypocritically being against Light magic what she doesn't want Light magic to do to her... the Byron Katie turn-around of 'don't be nice' is 'I need to be nicer.'

I think the 'Shadow work' stuff is all self Fi stuff because if you try to work with your Shadow with others it can often lead to distratous consequences- and that is the responsibility she's not accepting. And why she comes off like an uncaring jerk when people kill themselves under her care etc. She has this ideal that people can over-come their Shadow sides together. Quite frankly I think she mostly just wants to hear about your creepy Shadow thoughts so she can sexually get off on them. Eh I'm not really judging her doing this- I have done similiar things lol. I understand the power of sexual fantasies, even "abusive" ones. Whatever type she is- I think we have the same thinking style.