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Thread: Regions in which a certain quadra is majority

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    idk the communal thing can be complicated, I'm not sure any one quadra has power over that. Deltas are very communal, but remember that they're also an aristocratic quadra. So Deltas really love authority structures and tiers. They just want Si H!tlers and not Se H!tlers. Not all Deltas are innocently sewing wheat in the field or whatever. They value Te so they are going to get involved in Te institutions.

    Gammas are democratic, not very communal more independent and advocating Te self-made stuff. Gammas are very "I want to go eat at an expensive and worldly Te restaurant but only with Fi people that I really like and get along with."

    Alphas are probably the most traditionally communal, but like you said (I think it was you) they are the quadra least likely to be around their own kind - so it's like, so-so community with everybody. Betas- Betas really like our own territory, it's somewhat sorta communal cuz of the Fe but I think Betas really like our own stuff and might come together sometimes but we seem too independently focused to do it on a consistent basis. Betas are 'in the middle of everything' so it's naturally a mixed bag. Betas like leading and being part of communities, but we also really value Free will & free speech and our own space so it can get messy and complicated. Betas are aristocratic too- so we like power hierarchies. Betas however, aren't usually up Capitalism's ass the same way Gammas are.

    Hollywood seems faux-communal in that a lot of Hollywood shows are based on having an ensemble cast, which is about a community- but it's main goal also is to make Gamma Te money. There are also a lot of "Delta SJW" in there making sure that shows are super bland and non offensive to anybody. There is a lot of Beta in Hollywood too though of course - but Beta can be very 'spiky' and being in Hollywood is often more about following a safe trend. Betas are more provocative, coming in with a strong surge all at once rather than smaller ripples over time. ((opposite of Delta Dreary World.))

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    idk the communal thing can be complicated, I'm not sure any one quadra has power over that. Deltas are very communal, but remember that they're also an aristocratic quadra. So Deltas really love authority structures and tiers. They just want Si H!tlers and not Se H!tlers. Not all Deltas are innocently sewing wheat in the field or whatever. They value Te so they are going to get involved in Te institutions.

    Gammas are democratic, not very communal more independent and advocating Te self-made stuff. Gammas are very "I want to go eat at an expensive and worldly Te restaurant but only with Fi people that I really like and get along with."
    That’s what I’m saying: the States have been getting less culturally communally oriented and less Deltaishly morally/culturally authoritarian. SJWness used is pretty tame compared to when Massachusettsites were torturing people who weren’t Calvinists or “cancelling” suspected communists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    US as a whole is obviously very Gamma, "listen to this LIE because they are a LIE" type of thing. Although I agree with Pookie that we are moving more into a Delta era of stability. Cancel culture seems really Delta
    i agree... the US has a Gamma spirit, but has let the Te run away with itself, so Delta is now all over it aggressively trying to fix the neglected Fi problem, but like Gamma, they fundamentally believe in a meritocracy, just a meritocracy of morality lol that they can be snobby and aristocratic about. Delta unlike Beta will burn the witch in self-righteousness and never even see what they did was wrong; whereas Beta will just be open about how this is kinda more about power than morality. Delta's blind spot is when they do things for power, because they want to deny their Beta shadow to themselves. Delta is able to gain when they have a moral advantage and then they try to convert the definition of power from Se-ish to Fi-ish: the most powerful should be the most benevolent and there should be ample transparency so that everyone is held accountable when immoral things are happening!

    The problem is I fear Delta will just make everything worse due to their Se blindness (blindness to their own Se and desire to deny it)... they will be like, well OF COURSE 67% percent of the population should be peons, only a minority is morally sound enough, but in the end we don't want the peons dying in the streets, we believe in our diamonds in the rough after all, the morally superior yet socially downtrodden who we must fight for while never letting them have our position of power! So we want to up the bottom standard of living and redefine the meritocracy by morality and precious identities while maintaining an income-based hierarchy. Then good will triumph! And Delta always wants good to win in the end...

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    America: Beta moreso with some influence from Delta currently. The Delta influence makes it just as difficult for me to relax as the Beta influence does. I'm thankful for many Alpha, a few Beta, and all Gamma elements.

    Japan: was historically Beta, but may be more Delta now.

    France: generally always Alpha with some Beta.

    Germany: has always been Beta with some Gamma influence.

    Balkans: definitely Beta.

    American Jews and Jewesses: Alpha, ILE-Ti; they generally prefer Gamma over Beta and Delta.

    Middle East: Beta

    Other places: I have no clue.

    Unfortunately, America seems to be moving in a very anti-free market direction and beyond reasonable limits on corporatist policies. I need money, but I would want to keep my earnings more and choose what to do with them; if I find a good employer, great, if not, I doubt having medicare for all while taking what would be my tax dollars would make me better off... I doubt it would. I usually just don't think centralization of political power will guarantee good economic outcomes. And I don't like state capitalism, as much as free market capitalism, but it's better than pure socialism.

    But before anyone associates capitalism and socialism/welfare state with Delta, it should be remembered that it's really not exclusively delta. LSI-Ti especially sometimes don't like free market capitalism or low taxes; remember Michael Dukakis wanting taxes raised on "the rich"?; remember when Hillary Clinton wanted universal health care and then toned it down a bit? And LBJ's socionics type was SEE-Se and he started medicare, deep down, he liked capitalism and knew it wouldn't affect him as much because he already had enough money, so he would keep the most wealth from it. Gammas prefer state capitalism, and I'm ok with that but I'd still prefer it to be freer. If I ever work, I don't want to be paying any taxes (especially if I'm not making much money) and I see that some do, but many people don't.

    When I was in high school, I used to think socialized medicine would work too and I had just liked it thought it would bring security, but then I realized it has to be paid for, all the problems with what exists, and I don't want to pay for socialized medicine. i didn't know that i'd have to pay for it and that maybe I'd get treatment i didn't want. with more government running health care, forced medical treatment might be more likely and that's not good for my body, I don't know much but I know my body as well as anyone.

    I do see Deltas as the most morally conservative and binding, but some LSI are too, especially with the homophobia. I think that government should never try to censor and never try to bond people.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  5. #45
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    Well to be fair to Deltas...

    j/k. I don't wanna be fair to Deltas. That post was great, thank you haha.

    they will be like, well OF COURSE 67% percent of the population should be peons, only a minority is morally sound enough, but in the end we don't want the peons dying in the streets, we believe in our diamonds in the rough after all, the morally superior yet socially downtrodden who we must fight for while never letting them have our position of power!

    Yeah. I thought like how I think it's personally stupid worshipping a rich asshole and stuff while you yourself live so objectively poorly, like rural Delta ST Farmers voting for Trump- but I'm not sure they view it that way- cuz of Delta aristocracy + Fi valuing they don't have any problems just being some simple blue-collar farmer while Trump like hedonistically explores the world and selfishly buys something in a few seconds that would take them 10+ years to work for. ((and obviously easily purchases things they will never ever be able to pronounce much less afford.))

    I think the new Superman show by Greg Berlanti sorta has a guy in it like that- that's clearly being exploited and used by this rich asshole billioinare but he's so blinded by the Fi he has for the guy he doesn't care to see it. Lois tries to talk some sense into him but he's just 'durrr' all the way through. ((I've only watched a few episodes of the show so I don't know what happens to him.))

    I think my non-Fi valuing has not always been my friend, it's probably the main reason I have trouble with getting a romantic relationship in real life- I intrinsically cannot trust Fi, but the bright side is I don't really allow myself to be treated that way. My Fi connection with somebody will never be so intense where I'm so immune to their flaws and narcissism that hurts myself or the world. I mean of course 'Fe can be blind too' but it's not quite the same as like with Fi it has this sacred ness to it so it's like 'Yeah you can strike me down and exploit and hurt me- I don't really care cuz our connection and bond is so pure.' Yet it's not even really about forgiveness, because ironically enough Fe is more forgiving than Fi I think in most ways - like the Burn Witch thing you were talking about. Fe valuing pride.

    Oh I don't know if I remember telling you this story before so sorry for being redundant but I remember that Delta IEE at Starr who went on this intense moral tirade because a SLE used the word 'retarded' and he got so super offended. He just did not let it go because he had a special needs brother. It's not like I jumped for joy when that word was used- but the way he was getting so bent out of shape over it was... strange to me, but now I think I understand it better. I think Delta Fi can be so sensitive that they can want somebody to literally burn in hell for eternity for merely saying the wrong thing- so Hela knows how they handle a Beta that really is "evil" and criminal lol. They probably are the type that goes to real life court meetings to get a lot of what Betas do banned that's actually not even objectively harmful but to them it is so they need to like use Te's real power coupled with their own hurt Fi feelings to put an end to the evil Betas making them sad and hurting their feelings.

  6. #46
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    Have you lived in a rural area recently? There are no commercial farmers anymore in the States; 20 years ago at least they all got bought out or starved out by big Ag. There are laborers, maybe, and sharecroppers; and a tiny minority of very wealthy “farmers,” if you consider Bill Gates a farmer (he’s the biggest landowner in some states, like Nebraska). Small rural towns aren’t doing so hot; mostly they’re old people who don’t really work anymore, and can’t leave. All the young people have had to leave. The only “rural” areas I guess that are doing well are the areas that are becoming suburbs, or are tourist destinations. I don’t think there’s any culture of Delta STness in these places; they’re just drug-riddled depressive hubs of decay.

  7. #47
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    I don’t think there’s any culture of Delta STness in these places; they’re just drug-riddled depressive hubs of decay.
    I guess my point is it feels to me like many Deltas don't care that they are in an objective state of decay because EII God will come down and make everything better again so maybe they tough it out and stay in decay in ways others won't. "The meek shall inherit the earth." type of thing.

    Or like this song:

    But yeah as a T type you helped like make my point more rational or something so thank you lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    Well to be fair to Deltas...

    j/k. I don't wanna be fair to Deltas. That post was great, thank you haha.
    hee. sorry. lol.

    Yeah. I thought like how I think it's personally stupid worshipping a rich asshole and stuff while you yourself live so objectively poorly, like rural Delta ST Farmers voting for Trump- but I'm not sure they view it that way- cuz of Delta aristocracy + Fi valuing they don't have any problems just being some simple blue-collar farmer while Trump like hedonistically explores the world and selfishly buys something in a few seconds that would take them 10+ years to work for. ((and obviously easily purchases things they will never ever be able to pronounce much less afford.)
    i don't understand it at all... but since i have Ti HA i might solve this mystery eventually... like i know i'm being "a liberal" who doesn't "understand why the right wing ppl vote against their own interests." but i think it's bc they actually don't vote against their own interests, but i can't quite understand how. it's like from my vantage point they're being shitted upon, and i don't understand why they don't see it.

    I think my non-Fi valuing has not always been my friend, it's probably the main reason I have trouble with getting a romantic relationship in real life- I intrinsically cannot trust Fi, but the bright side is I don't really allow myself to be treated that way. My Fi connection with somebody will never be so intense where I'm so immune to their flaws and narcissism that hurts myself or the world. I mean of course 'Fe can be blind too' but it's not quite the same as like with Fi it has this sacred ness to it so it's like 'Yeah you can strike me down and exploit and hurt me- I don't really care cuz our connection and bond is so pure.' Yet it's not even really about forgiveness, because ironically enough Fe is more forgiving than Fi I think in most ways - like the Burn Witch thing you were talking about. Fe valuing pride.
    this is interesting bc it reminds me of how on this fiction forum there were these constant debates about this kind of thing and i began to realize that the ppl i didn't like in these debates were all coming from an Fi perspective. i think it's hard when you have 4d Fi bc at first i was like i do understand/care about the complexity of Fi buttttttt i don't care for this moral righteousness in this particular way in which you can't step out of your own morality and see how someone else might view morality. it kinda made me feel superior to them, bc i COULD do that. i wasn't bound by Fi inflexibility, mine is more flexible while still being very strong, and i just kind of felt mine was the best (not narcissistic at all!). maybe there's a lot to be said for the demonstrative fct bc it can understand even those that "blaspheme" it. it will forgive them for that bc ofc its dual will be terrible at it lol.

    but yeah the Fi valuers on that forum were very into the meaning of "messages" in fiction and how some messages would feed their tendency to let ppl exploit them while thinking it's wrong, and how the world has betrayed them. i've always been too selfish for that. if someone is exploiting me, i'm also... getting something out of it... which was why i continue... i am not blindsided by it. with this one ESI on that forum i couldn't understand it bc i thought 4d Fi helps us get to the bottom of these things and not blame the other person when we see what their bad Fi will do to us... but that's not how Fi leads see it at all.

    although i think in a way my fi connection can be that intense, but it'll be like i know your flaws but i love you anyway and so i don't care, not enough for it to matter... i mean that seems pretty "Fi" to me.
    same. if i love someone i don't care what they are. i might try to affect it over time, but i still just love them even though...

    Oh I don't know if I remember telling you this story before so sorry for being redundant but I remember that Delta IEE at Starr who went on this intense moral tirade because a SLE used the word 'retarded' and he got so super offended. He just did not let it go because he had a special needs brother. It's not like I jumped for joy when that word was used- but the way he was getting so bent out of shape over it was... strange to me, but now I think I understand it better. I think Delta Fi can be so sensitive that they can want somebody to literally burn in hell for eternity for merely saying the wrong thing- so Hela knows how they handle a Beta that really is "evil" and criminal lol. They probably are the type that goes to real life court meetings to get a lot of what Betas do banned that's actually not even objectively harmful but to them it is so they need to like use Te's real power coupled with their own hurt Fi feelings to put an end to the evil Betas making them sad and hurting their feelings.
    YES. i don't wanna block their sensitivity, but also they don't have a right to make everyone else conform to it... AND THEY SHOULD KNOW BETTER WITH 4D FI... (lol)

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post

    I guess my point is it feels to me like many Deltas don't care that they are in an objective state of decay because EII God will come down and make everything better again so maybe they tough it out and stay in decay in ways others won't. "The meek shall inherit the earth." type of thing.

    Or like this song:

    But yeah as a T type you helped like make my point more rational or something so thank you lol.
    I don’t think anyone living in a rural area just doesn’t care about or notice the fact that he and everyone he knows is getting poorer and more miserable, or that half his friends have become Oxycontin addicts, no matter his type. Actually, I think Delta STs no matter where they live are generally perceptive of the cracks in our empire.

    Most who stay in declining areas stay because they can’t really move, not because of their type or outlook. Homes near cities are very expensive (now more than ever; Jesus, short of a massive economic crash I’m never going to own a house, even if prices fall by like 50%), while homes in rural areas aren’t, because who wants to live there? They may have other problems that makes selling them more difficult as well. And even if they had somewhere else to go, no old person wants to uproot himself suddenly at the end of his life to go live somewhere noisy, where he doesn’t know anyone, and where he’s surrounded by ugliness, even if a trip to the hospital or store is quicker. At that point most would probably just accept an earlier death than spend their last years unhappy in this kind of environment.

    Anyway, as I said, I don’t think Deltas or Delta STs are particularly stupid. I also don’t think they needlessly subject themselves to misery. I think they just care about what their own lives and those of “their own” are like, and maintain a firm barrier between themselves and their group and the outside world. Whatever goes on in the outside world doesn’t affect them so much because they don’t really care so much. Betas have a more combative attitude; they do very much care what goes on in the world and demand it change to suit their desires. When they can’t change it they give up and try to go somewhere they feel is more suited for them. That’s how I see the difference, at least.

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    Anyway, as I said, I don’t think Deltas or Delta STs are particularly stupid. I also don’t think they needlessly subject themselves to misery.
    I don't think it's about intelligence or lack there of. I think it boils down to Delta Fi Faith. And if you genuinely really do so strongly believe that Heaven is real and if you are saved by God you would put up with a lot of misery if you thought in the end you were going to get an eternal reward of ever-lasting happiness. It makes sense to me. I mean, a lifetime of dreary torment in exchange for Everlasting Life in Paradise.... If your faith is strong enough to really think it's for real... but yeah I don't think they really go out of their way to be miserable or sad or anything, just that- what's a lifetime of sadness compared to eternity with God being happy with him etc. ((seeing it through the lens of pure Ni and Fi))

    Or even if they aren't religious, they can use their Fi family bonds or whatever to help them cope with the pain.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    I don’t think anyone living in a rural area just doesn’t care about or notice the fact that he and everyone he knows is getting poorer and more miserable, or that half his friends have become Oxycontin addicts, no matter his type.
    but the question is why do they keep voting right? i understand that voting left only offers minimal help bc the left wing are also liars. but the right wing loves free spirited capitalism and Te with no bounds, and that is what's hurting them.

    i guess the issue is the neoliberals love it too... no one loves the ppl so what can they do?

    we're supposed to be "informed voters" but informed about what? informed about the ways we can view things that will make some billionaire class richer? like?

    honestly i kinda hate them all lol and so i am the reason they fear even though if given the power i'd never kill any of them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    but the question is why do they keep voting right? i understand that voting left only offers minimal help bc the left wing are also liars. but the right wing loves free spirited capitalism and Te with no bounds, and that is what's hurting them.

    i guess the issue is the neoliberals love it too... no one loves the ppl so what can they do?

    we're supposed to be "informed voters" but informed about what? informed about the ways we can view things that will make some billionaire class richer? like?

    honestly i kinda hate them all lol and so i am the reason they fear even though if given the power i'd never kill any of them.
    Both parties are right-wing and aligned on most issues. Clinton did NAFTA, so that's one good reason to spite the Dems. Another is that Republicans play ball on ideological, though not material issues traditionalists care about: abortion, religion, guns. Dems hate religion and guns and are OK with killing babies; if neither party is doing anything else for you, why not vote for the party that doesn't kill babies and likes the things you like?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Both parties are right-wing and aligned on most issues. Clinton did NAFTA, so that's one good reason to spite the Dems. Another is that Republicans play ball on ideological, though not material issues traditionalists care about: abortion, religion, guns. Dems hate religion and guns and are OK with killing babies; if neither party is doing anything else for you, why not vote for the party that doesn't kill babies and likes the things you like?
    yeah that's fair. i do feel there isn't valid left representation in the US which is why i am annoyed when right wing ppl complain about "socialism." like if this were a democratic socialist society there would not be this homeless problem. ugh. anyway i'm sorry but the thing about killing babies in an overpopulated human world? i'm sorry, i really am... but the wealthy countries need to keep that right going, because we're all gonna be fucked. we have too many already, we take too much, we can't sustain ourselves as a species. like i'm pissed that this is a political issue. i'm honestly pissed at divisive politics bc all this shit keeps humanity from coming together for a shared goal. but if things aren't equal ppl just wanna use others, so i understand it... like that's not right either.

    why would i vote republican, the party that is most FOR class inequality? i think class inequality is a major force behind this destruction i see as a problem. the republicans are clear that they are only rich ppl caring about themselves. the democrats just lie about it, but within their ranks there are always a few. they speak the better words, which in a way means, they understand the better ideas... but they are still a bunch of shits. like all of all politicians who leave us in the cold. they do not deserve to be paid. fuck them.

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    @BandD and @inumbra

    I think the reason why people voted for Trump is that they assumed that Trump would be one that would disrupt the status quo of cosmopolitan global homogenization (i.e. Gamma Woke Capitalism). There's a reason why the term "Drain the Swamp" is very popular among Trump supporters. While Trump is a rich guy, the opposition is much worse. The Democrats now include former neoconservative Lincoln Project / Never-Trumpers who are basically upper middle-class who live in the gated communities and suburbs (with above average housing price). Every elites from the Silicon Valley to Big Pharma to Big Tech supported the Democratic Party now. It's Gamma alienation of the Aristocratic ST types that led to the rise of Trump. Not to mention that Wokeness of the Left would make any ST's hate on the Gammas.

    Honestly, the Republican Party is transitioning from a Party of Gammas (Reaganomics and Interventionist Foreign Policy) into a Party of ST's (Nationalist Populism). @Disturbed might got a point here. There's Delta ST Midwesterners who support the Party but there's a lot of Beta ST Southerners who is gaining influence. In the more Beta Deep South, people here voted for Beta politicians (like SLE Marjorie Taylor Greene) but they need anyone no matter who it is to disrupt the status quo. With the merger of the Woke corporations and the Democratic Party dominated government, I think the politicians will have to appease the new Republican voters (void of Never-Trumpers but full of ST's club). Otherwise, Nick Fuentes (Beta extrovert) or some other nationalist populist would be calling for their destruction. Most Republican voters are not happy with the Republican Party and want it to reform into a more populist party. Throughout the history of the United States, there have been different party systems and we're basically transitioning into the 7th Party System.

    It might be my Ni suggestive but I was reading and enjoying a prediction from a dissident right-wing website on how the Republican and Democratic Party would go from here. The author predicted that the Republican Party would become a party that is socially conservative and opposed to Gamma taste-less modernism / cosmopolitanism but have to adopt economically populist agenda. It's the Gamma politician that is the problem than the voters. The Republican need to change their platform from the party of New England and Wall Street (who no longer vote for them) to the party of the Deep South (and Midwest). They have no understanding of the demands of the voters. Keep in the mind that the flyover states (especially the Deep South) once were a supporter of William Jenning Bryan, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Huey Long so they have an ability to vote for their own interest. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party are full of Woke social reformers and now globalist free trade supporters.
    Last edited by Tim; 06-25-2021 at 09:16 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Both parties are right-wing and aligned on most issues. Clinton did NAFTA, so that's one good reason to spite the Dems. Another is that Republicans play ball on ideological, though not material issues traditionalists care about: abortion, religion, guns. Dems hate religion and guns and are OK with killing babies; if neither party is doing anything else for you, why not vote for the party that doesn't kill babies and likes the things you like?
    because the dems at least play lip service to income inequality and climate change which are my two most important issues. the republicans just say they want everyone to be poor and that climate change doesn't exist. they have their heads up their asses in a way that gets my goat more specifically. but the deepest anger politically i have is towards my own party for betraying their supposed ideals. they are LYING but they at least understand enough to know what lies to tell.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    I think the reason why people voted for Trump is that they assumed that Trump would be one that would disrupt the status quo of cosmopolitan global homogenization (i.e. Gamma Woke Capitalism). There's a reason why the term "Drain the Swamp" is very popular among Trump supporters. While Trump is a rich guy, the opposition is much worse.
    yeah but his actions showed nothing of the sort. trump and his ilk ARE the swamp... whether we trade one version of the swamp for another doesn't matter. no one as rich and blind as trump can't be the swamp. he is the enemy he said he was going after. i really think basically he and his family are very self-interested and all of this was just about them personally. nothing donald or ivanka or any of them say can be trusted.

    The Democrats now include former neoconservative Lincoln Project / Never-Trumpers who are basically upper middle-class who live in the gated communities and suburbs (with above average housing price). Every elites from the Silicon Valley to Big Pharma to Big Tech supported the Democratic Party now. It's Gamma alienation of the Aristocratic ST types that led to the rise of Trump. Not to mention that Wokeness of the Left would make any ST's hate on the Gammas.
    look like if you are trying to say that the right wing isn't for elites that's just wrong. the right wing does everything in their power to deny income assistance to poor ppl. they WANT the class divides more than any other. they are the most unabashedly evil. the left (in US) is evil too, but they will speak as though they are not, which is to say they at least understand evil lol.

    Honestly, the Republican Party is transitioning from a Party of Gammas (Reaganomics and Interventionist Foreign Policy) into a Party of ST's (Nationalist Populism). @Disturbed might got a point here. There's Delta ST Midwesterners who support the Party but there's a lot of Beta ST Southerners who is gaining influence. In the more Beta Deep South, people here voted for Beta politicians (like SLE Marjorie Taylor Greene) but they need anyone no matter who it is to disrupt the status quo.
    i'll die bf think MTG is SLE. she's a total ethical function ruled idiot. what logic? give me a break. i like Ti creative and she can't help me with Ti because mine is stronger than hers lol. maybe it's an IQ difference? she's a really stupid person lol. i think both beta and delta STs can often be right wing in general though...

    Most Republican voters are not happy with the Republican Party and want it to reform into a more populist party.
    well, that would be nice, but then they'd have to stop voting for the richest among us to get even richer... like do you see how the way in which they vote contradicts this? maybe they just wanna win the culture war? but that's like winning the what's the best garnish for your plate war. it's a distraction imo.

    It might be my Ni suggestive but I was reading and enjoying a prediction from a dissident right-wing website on how the Republican and Democratic Party would go from here. The author predicted that the Republican Party would become a party that is socially conservative and opposed to Gamma taste-less modernism / cosmopolitanism but have to adopt economically populist agenda.
    although i think mb populism indicates a failed system, that would kinda be better... honestly i would prefer beta rule i think to this runaway gamma capitalist crap. it's basically that gamma IS neoliberalism and it has failed, so it's either progress (deal with mire of delta morality) or regress (go back to power dynamics in their raw form - beta). gamma got way too high on the Te, it has no checks, and delta doesn't check it the right way imo.

    It's the Gamma politician that is the problem than the voters. The Republican need to change their platform from the party of New England and Wall Street (who no longer vote for them) to the party of the Deep South (and Midwest). They have no understanding of the demands of the voters. Keep in the mind that the flyover states (especially the Deep South) once were a supporter of William Jenning Bryan, Franklin D Roosevelt, and Huey Long so they have an ability to vote for their own interest. Meanwhile, the Democratic Party are full of Woke social reformers and now globalist free trade supporters.
    what do you think about the idea that they just go with their rich donors? i mean that's all i see... i just am here, and so many of us are, and they promise things and we vote for those things but they never deliver bc they don't really serve any of us accept in words alone.

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    I don't think it matters too much in the end, whoever's meant to win will win. Take full advantage of good, prepare for the bad. It'll be okay regardless

  18. #58
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    @Tim, why don't you like globalist free trade supporters?

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    because the dems at least play lip service to income inequality and climate change which are my two most important issues. the republicans just say they want everyone to be poor and that climate change doesn't exist. they have their heads up their asses in a way that gets my goat more specifically. but the deepest anger politically i have is towards my own party for betraying their supposed ideals. they are LYING but they at least understand enough to know what lies to tell.
    Lip service is worse than nothing. Climate change won't affect most people in the states and it's unrealistic to expect most people to care. Income inequality, right; the Democrats are going to do something about that any day now. I don't think lying about what you're going to do is any better than saying "we're going to shove a knife down your gullet" before doing it. In the meantime it just serves to deradicalize people and legitimize the system. "Aw, man, if only those nasty Republicans weren't in charge, our country would get so much better! Better turn up at the election booth next year to make sure my vote counts!"

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Lip service is worse than nothing. Climate change won't affect most people in the states and it's unrealistic to expect most people to care. Income inequality, right; the Democrats are going to do something about that any day now. I don't think lying about what you're going to do is any better than saying "we're going to shove a knife down your gullet" before doing it. In the meantime it just serves to deradicalize people and legitimize the system. "Aw, man, if only those nasty Republicans weren't in charge, our country would get better!"
    well it's kinda like a dog begging for scraps... it knows most of the time it doesn't get any, but sometimes it gets a few pieces or some juice to lick up.

    i think climate change is going to radically change life on earth in the next 50-100 years, and so yeah i think it's a major issue and the world (especially the US) doesn't wanna look into it to much bc the cost of what they would have to change is huge and well as i said everything's run by a bunch of self-interested ppl. i don't mean this totally as a dis. most social animals on earth can't reach the overpopulated level the human race has. we come from all of the (recent) ancestor species that would struggle to get their population to even 1 million. so ofc we have nothing inborn to help us with our problem, we were too good and now we can't stop ourselves.

    anyone in power who denies climate change and what it's going to make us face is just being willfully blind. but i guess they don't care bc they're rich and they will always have more amenities. that's the issue... we are a species that can care about immediate families and our tribe, but we start struggling when it becomes bigger than that, when it becomes the entire world.

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    I support free trade...maybe I’m a woke gamma capitalist after all

  22. #62
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    have always seen the 'bible belt' region of usa as very Fe leaning beta
    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    I understand by facts that telepathy exists. At now I experiment with future guessing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post
    yeah but his actions showed nothing of the sort. trump and his ilk ARE the swamp... whether we trade one version of the swamp for another doesn't matter. no one as rich and blind as trump can't be the swamp. he is the enemy he said he was going after. i really think basically he and his family are very self-interested and all of this was just about them personally. nothing donald or ivanka or any of them say can be trusted.
    There's a difference between a party that doesn't have a lot of support from many of the billionaires (2021 Republican Party) and a party with many of the billionaires backing it (2021 Democratic Party). The reason why the billionaires supported the Democratic Party is because that the Democrats could move jobs overseas contributing to more income inequality. Bezos, Zuckerbergs, and the Coastal Elites doesn't support the Democratic Party out of their good hearts. They supported the Democratic Party because they are aligned with them economically and socially.

    look like if you are trying to say that the right wing isn't for elites that's just wrong. the right wing does everything in their power to deny income assistance to poor ppl. they WANT the class divides more than any other. they are the most unabashedly evil. the left (in US) is evil too, but they will speak as though they are not, which is to say they at least understand evil lol.
    That's the effect of the 6th party system but I don't think it would survived in the 7th party system. A party could be socially conservative and economically populist and vice versa (modernist and economically neoliberal). Just recently, Peru elected a socially conservative economically populist president (Pedro Castillo), and it look like it could happen here. If you are wondering what is the 6th party system, here's an Wiki article on this ( The Republicans were once a party of big business and social liberal reformers while the Democrats were a party of social conservatism and labor. Party switched platforms every 30-40 years. The Party of Biden / Clinton is different from the Party of FDR and Andrew Jackson. The Party of Trump is different from the Party of Hoover, McKinley, and Lincoln.

    i'll die bf think MTG is SLE. she's a total ethical function ruled idiot. what logic? give me a break. i like Ti creative and she can't help me with Ti because mine is stronger than hers lol. maybe it's an IQ difference? she's a really stupid person lol. i think both beta and delta STs can often be right wing in general though...
    There are clips where she pointed out hypocrisy and double-standard from the Left via Ti logic. I think she's an enneagram 6w7 counterphobic which is less stereotypical for an SLE and is more emotional. If she's not SLE, then SEE or EIE is my second or third choice. She's more likely to be SLE than Trump is.

    well, that would be nice, but then they'd have to stop voting for the richest among us to get even richer... like do you see how the way in which they vote contradicts this? maybe they just wanna win the culture war? but that's like winning the what's the best garnish for your plate war. it's a distraction imo.
    The problem is that the Democrats are not honest about it, and they are the same shit. They have been dishonest since Bill Clinton became President. Ever wonder why states like Wisconsin and Michigan switched to the Republican Party in 2016. It's because of Trump's campaign promise which I agree that he failed to deliver in terms of worker's issues. More free trade and globalization means less jobs for those who needed it and more demand for people to go to college and get themselves into college debt thus being slave to the banks. Trump's platform is partially what former Union Democrats in Michigan and Wisconsin wanted. Moving jobs to other countries (China and India) who would pollute the environment even more and thus contribute to your concern about climate change. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone here in this thread besides the Gamma capitalist. The ideology of populism would prevailed with or without Trump. Trump might be a shit president but at least, he is moving the Republican Party in the right direction. We just need someone to replace him: neither Trump nor neocon. With rich billion dollar corporations censoring everything, it would make the populist factions even becoming more popular than the Gamma neoconservative factions. It is a wake up call for Republican voters to see that corporations hate them.

    although i think mb populism indicates a failed system, that would kinda be better... honestly i would prefer beta rule i think to this runaway gamma capitalist crap. it's basically that gamma IS neoliberalism and it has failed, so it's either progress (deal with mire of delta morality) or regress (go back to power dynamics in their raw form - beta). gamma got way too high on the Te, it has no checks, and delta doesn't check it the right way imo.
    I agree.

    what do you think about the idea that they just go with their rich donors? i mean that's all i see... i just am here, and so many of us are, and they promise things and we vote for those things but they never deliver bc they don't really serve any of us accept in words alone.
    I remember that 1900's guild age capitalism (which have the same inequalities as today) got them to Teddy Roosevelt and then eventually to FDR. I wonder if that could applied to what is occurring now and in the future.
    Last edited by Tim; 06-27-2021 at 01:01 PM.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Tim, why don't you like globalist free trade supporters?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tim View Post
    The problem is that the Democrats are not honest about it, and they are the same shit. They have been dishonest since Bill Clinton became President. Ever wonder why states like Wisconsin and Michigan switched to the Republican Party in 2016. It's because of Trump's campaign promise which I agree that he failed to deliver in terms of worker's issues. More free trade and globalization means less jobs for those who needed it and more demand for people to go to college and get themselves into college debt thus being slave to the banks. Trump's platform is partially what former Union Democrats in Michigan and Wisconsin wanted.

    Moving jobs to other countries (China and India) who would pollute the environment even more and thus contribute to your concern about climate change. It's a lose-lose situation for everyone here in this thread besides the Gamma capitalist.

    The ideology of populism would prevailed with or without Trump. Trump might be a shit president but at least, he is moving the Republican Party in the right direction. We just need someone to replace him: neither Trump no neocon. With rich billion dollar corporations censoring everything, it would make the populist factions even becoming more popular than the Gamma neoconservative factions. It is a wake up call for Republican voters to see that corporations hate them.

    I remember that 1900's guild age capitalism (which have the same inequalities as today) got them to Teddy Roosevelt and then eventually to FDR. I wonder if that could applied to what is occurring now and in the future.
    I'll take the bolded as your answer. It's true enough, even though what many mistakenly call global "free trade" has lifted more people out of poverty in the last few decades than any other mechanism. But most of them have been in third world countries, and a side effect (but not a necessary one) of exposing the US workers to competition from people whose alternative to poorly paid work is starvation, has been to freeze the wages for the past forty years of Americans who have a very hard time finding alternate work when their jobs go overseas.

    Oh, and it was Reagan who broke the unions and Nixon who opened up China to "free trade."

    Last edited by Adam Strange; 06-25-2021 at 11:05 PM.

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    I should add that there is no such thing as truly free trade. Marketplaces always have rules. If they didn't, you could sell your children into sex slavery for a pair of used shoes and some people would.

    The problem is that the trade deals made in the past fifty years hurt the average worker and benefit the rich. These deals aren't a natural consequence of "free trade". They are a consequence of managed trade rules. All you have to ask yourself is who the trade rules are benefiting, and who is making the rules and can you influence them to write rules which make your own life better?

    Autoworkers in the US have to compete with autoworkers in other countries, but doctors and dentists in the US don't have to compete with the excellent graduates of foreign medical schools. Why not? The doctors and dentists in the States got together to form a union called the AMA and fought off rules which would recognize the degrees of foreign doctors. They managed trade rules, in other words, and then tell you that trade is "free".

    Another problem is the way that election campaigns are financed. I'll bet that you don't give money to your local politicians. Most people don't, and then they wonder why their "representatives" don't represent them. If those officials need money to get elected, and thus avoid having to actually work for a living instead of just lying to your face, you can bet that they are going to vote their wallets.

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    Call me a crazy conspiracy theorist,

    But I think the Anti-Christ will take full advantage of the dark-sides of feminism/globalism/climate change, leveraging their powers to meet his end

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    Manhattan: Gamma/Beta

    Queens, Staten Island and Southern Brooklyn: Delta/Gamma

    Gentrified Brooklyn: Delta/Alpha

    The Bronx and East Brooklyn: Beta
    Last edited by Averroes; 06-27-2021 at 03:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Another problem is the way that election campaigns are financed. I'll bet that you don't give money to your local politicians. Most people don't, and then they wonder why their "representatives" don't represent them. If those officials need money to get elected, and thus avoid havin payg to actually work for a living instead of just lying to your face, you can bet that they are going to vote their wallets.
    Fi reaction: but that's morally wrong. like most ppl can't afford to pay the politicians and they should know better

    But I get it, I think basically that humans have a hard time resisting circumstances and the politicians get shuffled into a lifestyle and eventually live long enough to see themselves become the villains.

    But no one can legit pretend this system works.

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    Tim[ said it better than i could. The STs from both Quadra,especially youngerSTs, are becoming republican as are many gamma sfs especially those subtypes towards beta. The thing is, is people have gotten fed up with the gamma nt corporatocracy and misunderstanding and the sts are the most likely to see fault with the corporatorcracy-the products are over priced, not all they could be, the companies are not independent, they’re using government to raise prices. So yes, it looks like the gamma nts will be the most likely to transfer to the Democratic Party which props them up, while all other white people will be leaving it. Just about any ST who has looked in places other than the mainstream news can see through it and can see the benefits of smaller business, but the NFs of both parties, as well as some older sts, who can’t vote intelligently, along with the alpha sfs will be the least likely to see through the problems created by the gamma nts.

    I think in the future we are going to see a lot more sli and lse politicians, with beta sts creating smaller businesses and gamma nts constantly failing in some places and asking for state favors in other places. They are going to make beta sts look like the bad guy to some people, because then the gamma nts will be accusing them of being greedy and supporting no regulations, when it’s really the gamma nts that would be the selfish ones who don’t care about what is enjoyable, who keep cutting corners. I realize that many gamma nts go against that completely, but as a general rule, I think the gamma nt businessmen will be the worst and most happily dependent on the state e.g., Jensen huang, ceo of nvidia, making bad or mediocre products.

    rather, not gamma nt types abusing the state, but lie and eie ni abusing the state for profit. Ili products are a bit more original and high quality compared to the products by lie and eie ni and Ili are not as money hungry as the other two.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 04-01-2022 at 09:32 PM.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

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    Brazilian people seems Alpha SF
    Souls know their way back home

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