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Thread: Some quick socionics tests you may not have seen

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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Default Some quick socionics tests you may not have seen

    I just recently stumbled upon these.

    Do they work for you?

    16 Card Test by Filatova

    Brilliand-Hugo test

    The Socionics Valued Functions test

    On the 16 card test: I got ILI, but LII was one of the last few cards remaining. SEE was the card I could most quickly eliminate, followed by SLE. That should be telling.

    On the Brilliand-Hugo test I get IEI, N subtype OR LII, N subtype.

    The valued functions test was the most annoying one because with most questions, I wasn't clearly one way or another. I wanted a no preference option. The result was also atypical, I ended up getting SLI.

    Ne Distribution
    You scored 38% on Ne, higher than 61% of your peers.
    Ni Distribution
    You scored 31% on Ni, higher than 35% of your peers.
    Se Distribution
    You scored 35% on Se, higher than 52% of your peers.
    Si Distribution
    You scored 46% on Si, higher than 83% of your peers.
    Te Distribution
    You scored 35% on Te, higher than 64% of your peers.
    Ti Distribution
    You scored 38% on Ti, higher than 68% of your peers.
    Fe Distribution
    You scored 31% on Fe, higher than 55% of your peers.
    Fi Distribution
    You scored 0% on Fi, higher than 1% of your peers.

    What???? 0% Fi? Even Se is higher, that's just weird.
    Last edited by The Exception; 01-03-2015 at 01:50 AM.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Test result: Esenin - INFP

    Your proposed types are:

    INFp, F subtype


    ISFj, no subtype

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...

    69% Ne, 73% Ni, 46% Se, 31% Si, 27% Te, 27% Ti, 27% Fe and 15% Fi!

    YOUR ANALYSIS (Vertical line = Average)

    • You scored 69% on Ne, higher than 92% of your peers.

    • You scored 73% on Ni, higher than 97% of your peers.

    • You scored 46% on Se, higher than 77% of your peers.

    • You scored 31% on Si, higher than 59% of your peers.

    • You scored 27% on Te, higher than 40% of your peers.

    • You scored 27% on Ti, higher than 40% of your peers.

    • You scored 27% on Fe, higher than 47% of your peers.

    • You scored 15% on Fi, higher than 11% of your peers.

    Maybe I take it again another day.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  3. #3
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    Robespierre - INTJ / Huxley - ENFP

    ESFj, S subtype OR INTj, N subtype

    SLI - ISTp - Artisian
    31% Ne, 15% Ni, 42% Se, 58% Si, 50% Te, 35% Ti, 23% Fe and 38% Fi!

    Eh? That last test was a bit difficult on some questions.

  4. #4
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    LII - INTj - Analyst

    42% Ne, 23% Ni, 8% Se, 23% Si, 27% Te, 54% Ti, 31% Fe and 15% Fi!
    Description I: (Filatova)
    Logical Intuitive Introvert, LII, INTj, Robespierre (Analyst)
    Installation of the consciousness of the leading block: Reality is defined by its conformity with laws, which must be discovered by the LII. Through this it’s possible to more deeply investigate the essence of phenomena and processes.

    • : Thoughts carry an analytic nature. Knowledge is processed in accordance with conformity to laws. Erect a model, based on their experience, in their consciousness. Works scrupulously and meticulously, loves everything to be precise and in order, is very accurate in regards to details.
    • : Attempts to penetrate into the essence of phenomena and events, seeks the core reasons behind what occurs, generates new ideas. Knows how to foresee the ripening of global developments, possible dangers that may result.
    • : Cannot comfortably express volitional pressure. Cannot act in ways deemed dishonorable or deplorable. Is not oriented well in the sphere of personal health and maintenance.
    • : Must observe norms of morals and traditions deemed necessary. Behaves in a proper manner. Prefers intellectual contact to emotional contact. Holds self at a distance psychological distance from others. Emotional expression is restrained, often based on the norms dictated by society. Tries not to interfere/get involved in conflicts. Avoids emotional situations.

    Description II: Source: Scientific Socionics Research Institute
    Logical-intuitiveintrovert(LII) aims at seeing and creating a system and regularity in everything. As a rule, they are erudites who do not like to make a show of their wide knowledge. They are extremely accurate and pedantic not only in the way of thinking but also in their environment. You will scarcely meet a person believing in miracles and trusting to luck among LII. Having set a goal they rely on their own diligence and good organization of affairs. Consistency, reliability, being stick to once given word – these are good epithets which can characterize this personality type representatives.
    LII’s drawback is the weakness of the ethics of relations which sometimes results in uncertainty, melancholy in emotional estimation of people. It is clearly seen in unfamiliar circumstances. Watching others, LII try to understand what fits this company, what is accepted there and what is rejected. However, they often fail to fit the situation. Their cheerfulness or gloominess can be out of place. Due to their weakness in differentiation of emotional nuances this type representatives see the people in black and white tones: bad – good, kind – evil, friend – enemy. LII are often characterized as thick-headed and stubborn (the function of will sensorics is hypertrophied). The fact is that they can not stand even slight falsity and lies. They can be very firm, solid like a rock, in the matters of high importance for them.

    Hard time with this quiz though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roro View Post

    ESFj, S subtype OR INTj, N subtype
    Congratulations! You dualized yourself!
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    Congratulations! You dualized yourself!
    So I noticed. There is yet a second dualization when taking into account the result on the last test and one of the two results on the first test.

    ESFj - INTj / ISTp - ENFp hybrid.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Roro View Post
    So I noticed. There is yet a second dualization when taking into account the result on the last test and one of the two results on the first test.

    ESFj - INTj / ISTp - ENFp hybrid.
    Well, aren't you just special?
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by LIIbrarian View Post
    Well, aren't you just special?

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Maybe I take it again another day.
    My first results gave me no closure so I took it again. I scored even higher on Te this time. I think I broke the quiz.

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...

    62% Ne, 81% Ni, 38% Se, 31% Si, 35% Te, 27% Ti, 35% Fe and 8% Fi!

    YOUR ANALYSIS (Vertical line = Average)

    • You scored 62% on Ne, higher than 85% of your peers.

    • You scored 81% on Ni, higher than 99% of your peers.

    • You scored 38% on Se, higher than 62% of your peers.

    • You scored 31% on Si, higher than 59% of your peers.

    • You scored 35% on Te, higher than 63% of your peers.

    • You scored 27% on Ti, higher than 40% of your peers.

    • You scored 35% on Fe, higher than 65% of your peers.

    • You scored 8% on Fi, higher than 3% of your peers.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  10. #10
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    INFp no subtype or... ESTP no subtype

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Round 3

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...

    69% Ne, 73% Ni, 31% Se, 38% Si, 35% Te, 27% Ti, 35% Fe and 8% Fi!

    And finally after 3 "unknown" results I got a type. This time I cleared my head before I took the test.


    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...
    IEI - INFp - Dreamer

    62% Ne, 100% Ni, 38% Se, 31% Si, 35% Te, 27% Ti, 42% Fe and 19% Fi!

    Description I: (Filatova)

    IEI – INFp – Esenin (Lyricist)

    The IEI places most value, in the world, within the luxurious gardens of his own imagination. Through this he is able to penetrate into the past and the future; to feel the surrounding world in its wholeness; to observe the dynamics of present occurrences; and furthermore to emotionally inspire people toward taking charge of activities deemed necessary.
    Ni - A dreamer and romantic, is easily separated from reality, knows how to sense events, to notice their dynamics. He sees the concealed potential within people, their inner essence, is capable of proposing new ideas in areas of interest.

    Fe – Knows how to influence the moods of others, to cause reactions deemed necessary by method of an “emotional surge”, but not by pressure, he readily manifests warmth and participation. Loves to speak about the moral problems, about the norms of behaviour, he calls those near to him to acknowledge his observations.

    Te - His fitness for work is unpredictable as it depends exclusively on his mood. He frequently possesses low energy and therefore finds it difficult to force himself to work. Organizing, systematization, hierarchy, structure… all these only serve to irritate and tire him, he doesn’t see the “living soul” in these, which is necessary to motivate him.

    Si - He ably feels the beauty, harmony, and commensurability in the world, but badly manages practical tasks; he does not know how to efficiently spend money. Finds it difficult to manifest private venture, is always the slave, never the leader.

    Description II: Scientific Socionics Research Institute

    Intuitive-ethicalintrovert (IEI) can be characterized as a dreamer and romantic. Reminiscences of future and thinking of the past take IEI’s thoughts. This type representatives like to lay on a sofa with a book or go to the country to reunite with nature. But actually, nature is an insidious thing, it can give cataclysms like snow, rain and wind. That’s why such undertakings IEI usually holds in his own imagination. Strong intuition of time (the first channel) gives this type the inclination for mysticism and superstition. IEI believe in prophetic dreams and omens. Ethics of emotions (creative function) helps them to tune into the interlocutor’s feelings and grasp the deep strives of the other person’s soul.
    Unfortunately , people are not always able to use their creative function for the good. Sometimes one can meet IEI with exaggerated ethics of emotions, simply speaking, emotionally dissipated. Instead of comforting people with the warmth of their soul they start manipulating others and become whimsical. In exalted upsurge IEI can go into hysterics because “everything goes wrong’ and “nothing turns out to be as expected” (sensorics of sensations and logics of actions are weak functions). In a word, this type representative is not for hardships. Intuition of time can make him wallow in the world of illusions, dreams and imaginings. He would hardly muddle through a long-term matter. IEI can renovate the house for years or, having started moving the furniture in the morning, drop this occupation by lunch time.

    YOUR ANALYSIS (Vertical line = Average)

    • You scored 62% on Ne, higher than 85% of your peers.

    • You scored 100% on Ni, higher than 100% of your peers.

    • You scored 38% on Se, higher than 62% of your peers.

    • You scored 31% on Si, higher than 59% of your peers.

    • You scored 35% on Te, higher than 64% of your peers.

    • You scored 27% on Ti, higher than 40% of your peers.

    • You scored 42% on Fe, higher than 77% of your peers.

    • You scored 19% on Fi, higher than 18% of your peers.

    All Possible Results

    EII - INFj - HumanistESI - ISFj - JudgeIEI - INFp - DreamerSEI - ISFp - MediatorEIE - ENFj - PerformerSEE - ESFp - AmbassadorESE - ESFj - EnthusiastLSE - ESTj - DirectorSLI - ISTp - ArtisianLSI - ISTj - CommanderSLE - ESTp - ConquerorLIE - ENTj - EntrepreneurILI - INTp - ObserverLII - INTj - AnalystIEE - ENFp - AdvisorILE - ENTp - InventorUnknown

    So when I compared my 4 results I saw the pattern.

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...

    69% Ne, 73% Ni, 46% Se, 31% Si, 27% Te, 27% Ti, 27% Fe and 15% Fi!

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...

    62% Ne, 81% Ni, 38% Se, 31% Si, 35% Te, 27% Ti, 35% Fe and 8% Fi!

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...

    69% Ne, 73% Ni, 31% Se, 38% Si, 35% Te, 27% Ti, 35% Fe and 8% Fi!

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...
    IEI - INFp - Dreamer

    62% Ne, 100% Ni, 38% Se, 31% Si, 35% Te, 27% Ti, 42% Fe and 19% Fi!

    This quiz was a bit challenging I guess since not getting an answer sort of annoyed me. I might have answered "somewhat appealing" on things that I found very appealing in some questions, a couple of times, in an attempt to be more moderate and not answering "just like me" when I was thinking it was just like me. Now I wonder how the scores are calculated to give the results.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    SLE - ESTp - Conqueror

    15% Ne, 38% Ni, 46% Se, 8% Si, 8% Te, 38% Ti, 46% Fe and 31% Fi!

    Sensory Logical Extrovert, SLE, ESTp, Zhukov(Organizer)
    The SLE defines herself by her direct force on the world. Her purpose consists of correctly designing and balancing her resources so as to organize them in the necessary direction for success: Thus things are made possible to conquer

    • : Basic qualities include volitional pressure, the uncontrollable desire for activity, a competitive demeanour and resoluteness. For an SLE, victory is paramount. Knows how to create comfort, to make any object conveniant in her private life. Posseses good taste in the selection of clothing

    • : Knows how to precisly organise the resources available to her, to differentiate between primary and secondary object. Splendid organisers of any scale. In work focuses on the "large-scale", not interested in fine details
    • : Easiliy able to associate with anyone at a close psychological distance, however finds it difficult to feel the nuances/moods between people and in relations. Tries to hide personal emotions, thus seems, to others, to be "dressed in armour". Often not able to understand the manifestations of her own emotions and moods: Thus she may insult another person and not even realise that she caused offense.
    • : Finds it difficult to see something in a new way, does not make note of novel possibilities, prefers the path proven by experience. Rejects all that is irrational. Irrationality leads to guessing whereas SLE prefers to stick to dies that can undoubtedly be counted upon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post

    SLE - ESTp - Conqueror

    15% Ne, 38% Ni, 46% Se, 8% Si, 8% Te, 38% Ti, 46% Fe and 31% Fi!

    Sensory Logical Extrovert, SLE, ESTp, Zhukov(Organizer)
    The SLE defines herself by her direct force on the world. Her purpose consists of correctly designing and balancing her resources so as to organize them in the necessary direction for success: Thus things are made possible to conquer

    • : Basic qualities include volitional pressure, the uncontrollable desire for activity, a competitive demeanour and resoluteness. For an SLE, victory is paramount. Knows how to create comfort, to make any object conveniant in her private life. Posseses good taste in the selection of clothing

    • : Knows how to precisly organise the resources available to her, to differentiate between primary and secondary object. Splendid organisers of any scale. In work focuses on the "large-scale", not interested in fine details
    • : Easiliy able to associate with anyone at a close psychological distance, however finds it difficult to feel the nuances/moods between people and in relations. Tries to hide personal emotions, thus seems, to others, to be "dressed in armour". Often not able to understand the manifestations of her own emotions and moods: Thus she may insult another person and not even realise that she caused offense.
    • : Finds it difficult to see something in a new way, does not make note of novel possibilities, prefers the path proven by experience. Rejects all that is irrational. Irrationality leads to guessing whereas SLE prefers to stick to dies that can undoubtedly be counted upon.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The Socionics Valued Functions test
    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...
    LSI - ISTj - Commander
    23% Ne, 23% Ni, 46% Se, 35% Si, 23% Te, 50% Ti, 31% Fe and 8% Fi!

    Brilliand-Hugo test
    Your proposed types are:

    INTp, N subtype


    INTj, N subtype

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    16 Card Test by Filatova - got LSI right off the bat

    Brilliand - Hugo test - ENFj N subtype or ISTj T subtype

    The socionics Valued Functions test -
    LSI - ISTj - Commander 23% Ne, 50% Ni, 65% Se, 8% Si, 27% Te, 81% Ti, 54% Fe and 31% Fi!
    ipsa scientia potestas est-adaequatio intellectus et rei

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    Card test: INTp. No contest, card fit like a glove.

    Brilland-Hugo test: INTp, no subtype OR INTj, no subtype.

    Valued functions: ESFp. Se,Ni,Te,Fi,Fe,Si,Ne,Ti. Interesting.

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    16 Card Test by Filatova

    I couldn't pick any that 100% fit me of the ones that I fully understood.

    But anyway, it was easy to guess which card is which type, the most fitting were SEE, ILI and SLE if I ignore the parts that I didn't understand. SEE was easiest to understand of these btw

    Brilliand-Hugo test

    ESTj, S subtype OR ESTp, no subtype (I think because in the last question both ESTp subtypes applied pretty well to me..)

    The Socionics Valued Functions test


    You scored 62% on Se, higher than 93% of your peers.
    You scored 54% on Ni, higher than 81% of your peers.
    You scored 31% on Te, higher than 52% of your peers.
    You scored 23% on Fe, higher than 38% of your peers.
    You scored 23% on Ti, higher than 28% of your peers.
    You scored 15% on Si, higher than 21% of your peers.
    You scored 15% on Ne, higher than 13% of your peers.
    You scored 8% on Fi, higher than 4% of your peers.

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    @Aylen I wrecked the function test too

    second trial:
    INFp - Dreamer

    35% Ne, 81% Ni, 31% Se, 15% Si, 23% Te, 35% Ti, 50% Fe and 8% Fi!

  19. #19
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    Default LSE with a 0% Te rating

    Filatova: SLE
    Brilliand/Hugo: LSE or Se-SEE
    HelloQuizzy: SEE; 54% Se, 46% Ne, 46% Ni, 46% Fi, 38% Ti, 15% Si, 0% Te
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Filatova: SLE
    Why did you pick the SLE over the SEE card? Just curious

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    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Why did you pick the SLE over the SEE card? Just curious
    I thought I was stuck between SLE and ESI, and then I double-checked; that second-to-last card was EII.

    I found the SEE card, and the "manipulate", "lead", and "nature" stuff was enough to knock it out early on. I always saw what I did as removing obstacles, getting everything out of my way and everyone else's, and then the path of freedom just opens up right then and there without having to organize anyone or anything, or say anything at all. Taking action's great, but taking action's gonna run into its walls too. I can only pour so much coffee into my body, and eat so much meat and protein bars, and then I'm gonna start breaking down, not so much in physical ways right off the bat, but I won't know what I'm doing or what I'm doing it for, and I'll know something's missing, and it might be me going mad right then and there, but stuff won't feel right at all. I will find there's one of me and more than one not-me, I'll feel outnumbered by tens, hundreds, thousands, or more, and all that I'll remember is "fight like hell and don't die". As for looking up to people, that's far too linear; I'll have something to learn from every human being, something in common, but I'll be damned if I see myself as absolutely eclipsed by anyone, and I hope no one feels that way about me. "Powerful" is hard; any chain of command from far enough away will look more like a circle, and human strength can be outdone by a chimpanzee or a forklift.
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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    - Card Test (Filatova) : Test result: Dreiser - ISFj (but I would have actually left 3 cards open, had the test permitted that)

    - Hugo type indicator:

    Your proposed types are:

    ESTj, T subtype


    ISTj, T subtype

    - Valued functions Test

    Your result for The Socionics Valued Function Test ...
    ESI - ISFj - Judge

    42% Ne, 58% Ni, 54% Se, 0% Si, 31% Te, 31% Ti, 27% Fe and 65% Fi!
    Description I: (Filatova)
    Ethical-Sensory Introvert ESI – ISFj – Dreiser (Conservator)
    Installation of the consciousness in the leading block: the ESI: conditions for normal life are found in the harmony of human relations, the observance of ethical norms and morals, cautious storage of traditions, and volitional efforts towards then retention and maintenance of this system of values.
    1. Fi – The moralist, considers it important to observe moral statutes, traditions and rituals are important for they help when experiencing difficulties. Very emotional but these emotions are often deeply concealed. If she feels her kindness is being taken advantage of she can unexpectedly lash out and shout.
    2. Se – Uses external conformity to hide her inherent demands and persistence, which sooner or later will let themselves be known. Loves order and cleanliness and devotes much resources to achieving such. Proceeds from the general principle that purity guarantees health.
    3. Ne – She badly sees the concealed motives and possibilities in both events and people. Is capable of assuming illusion or slyness in others where it does not exist. Weakly forecasts the course of events, especially of distant ones. Most frequently only sees the immediate profit.
    4. Ti – Abstract theories are only dealt with, with difficulty. Conscientious, she nevertheless does not know how to make her work technologically efficient or effective. She attains successes exclusively due to her perseverance with great expenditures of time and resources.
    Description II: Scientific Socionics Research Institute
    Ethical-sensoricintrovert (ESI) is a real stoic and a guardian of moral principles of the society. There are many lawyers, investigators, doctors and teachers among them (ethics of relations in the first channel). ESI women are known for their deep attachment for the family. Having taken the burden beyond her strength, that is, work, household and children, they do no complain about their fate but heroically bare the severities. No other psychological type can be compared to ESI in their selflessness and reliability (will sensorics is the creative function). ESI type can be a doctor not only for a soul but also for a body. Fighting evil is this type’s distinguishing feature.
    ESI’s drawback is in the super rationality of this type. Certain orthodoxy and maximalism negatively distinguish them from others. Let’s remember numerous stories of the ancient Greece. What should the main character choose: love or duty? ESI would choose the last. Doing that, they often become hostages of inner loneliness. Interesting people and relationships falling beyond their values drop out of their sight. This type representatives are at odds with intuition of opportunities and that’s why are capable of untimely or inappropriate initiative. Later it can turn into numerous troubles – “the initiative is punishable”.

    YOUR ANALYSIS (Vertical line = Average)

    • You scored 42% on Ne, higher than 66% of your peers.

    • You scored 58% on Ni, higher than 85% of your peers.

    • You scored 54% on Se, higher than 88% of your peers.

    • You scored 0% on Si, higher than 1% of your peers.

    • You scored 31% on Te, higher than 52% of your peers.

    • You scored 31% on Ti, higher than 48% of your peers.

    • You scored 27% on Fe, higher than 46% of your peers.

    • You scored 65% on Fi, higher than 95% of your peers.

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    I thought I was stuck between SLE and ESI, and then I double-checked; that second-to-last card was EII.

    I found the SEE card, and the "manipulate", "lead", and "nature" stuff was enough to knock it out early on. I always saw what I did as removing obstacles, getting everything out of my way and everyone else's, and then the path of freedom just opens up right then and there without having to organize anyone or anything, or say anything at all. Taking action's great, but taking action's gonna run into its walls too. I can only pour so much coffee into my body, and eat so much meat and protein bars, and then I'm gonna start breaking down, not so much in physical ways right off the bat, but I won't know what I'm doing or what I'm doing it for, and I'll know something's missing, and it might be me going mad right then and there, but stuff won't feel right at all. I will find there's one of me and more than one not-me, I'll feel outnumbered by tens, hundreds, thousands, or more, and all that I'll remember is "fight like hell and don't die". As for looking up to people, that's far too linear; I'll have something to learn from every human being, something in common, but I'll be damned if I see myself as absolutely eclipsed by anyone, and I hope no one feels that way about me. "Powerful" is hard; any chain of command from far enough away will look more like a circle, and human strength can be outdone by a chimpanzee or a forklift.
    Well what you do is a sort of manipulation, just not done with bad intentions I guess.

    What do you do to not run into walls with just taking action?

    The last part is interesting, how you try to relativize power, hmm, is this a typical Gamma view as opposed to Beta?

    For the SLE card, how did you interpret "force" though...? I want to see how you identified with that card

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    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Well what you do is a sort of manipulation, just not done with bad intentions I guess.
    Mmm, probably? it's hard for me to expand upon this, but there's a specific and covert area of manipulation that I see people operate in, and this makes no sense to me, so I will want to raise hell until all of this is brought to the surface so I can figure out what to work with. As far as I know, I may be doing the covert shit too (I hope not), maybe as involuntary as breathing, and this raises all sorts of other issues, like how much of a passenger I am in my own body.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    What do you do to not run into walls with just taking action?
    Usually I'll get exhausted, so I'll find some place to rest, work on something else, and then boom, maybe a eureka moment will happen, maybe the world will have something more important than whatever it was I was trying to do that wasn't getting done; if I'm mentally exhausted, I'll remember that anything learned will take at least one night's sleep and some huge meals to have it stay learned, so it'll be food and rest and time to rejuvenate myself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    The last part is interesting, how you try to relativize power, hmm, is this a typical Gamma view as opposed to Beta?
    I have the most linear notions of power relations as positivist/process/narrative; top-down hierarchy for LSI, and something more service-based and from-the-ground-up for EII. Positivist/process/asking is omnidirectional, with ILE more detached, and SEE more involved, so democratic for power relativity, with aristocratic Delta having power run in reverse.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    For the SLE card, how did you interpret "force" though...? I want to see how you identified with that card
    I'll see a main goal of making sure there's no power over me, or anyone else on earth, and furthermore, any sentient creatures on earth, and I'll figure out what's in the way, what's impeding life itself. Death is a decent-enough name for one of these things, but take away the transformative aspects of death, and what's left is stasis. If I were to get infested with worms, my life would be traded for theirs, but who has the vision, who is more valuable? If the worms had their way, they'd eat the only thing keeping them alive, and if I ever see any great works of art made by tapeworms, I'll suspect humans had a greater hand in it. "Humans first" is too simple, because humans and dogs raised each others' lives to new heights by cooperating thousands of years ago. I see bears walking on their two back legs, making off with dumpsters on the news, and I see a missed human opportunity. I see copyright law as another massive and senseless obstruction, an attempt to create artificial rules to a game that needs not exist, treating something as free as an idea, a concept, a means of organization, as if it were to be imprisoned by the same restraints that matter itself is subject to. I see fear and pretense responsible for this, and fear is another huge thing in the way of life that has to be overcome. I see life itself as force-with, anything in the way of life as force-against, I want the first to win forever over the second, and I want to find out where my biases are, to know what I'm overlooking, so I can see more.
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Mmm, probably? it's hard for me to expand upon this, but there's a specific and covert area of manipulation that I see people operate in, and this makes no sense to me, so I will want to raise hell until all of this is brought to the surface so I can figure out what to work with. As far as I know, I may be doing the covert shit too (I hope not), maybe as involuntary as breathing, and this raises all sorts of other issues, like how much of a passenger I am in my own body.
    Cool I also prefer directness

    Usually I'll get exhausted, so I'll find some place to rest, work on something else, and then boom, maybe a eureka moment will happen, maybe the world will have something more important than whatever it was I was trying to do that wasn't getting done; if I'm mentally exhausted, I'll remember that anything learned will take at least one night's sleep and some huge meals to have it stay learned, so it'll be food and rest and time to rejuvenate myself.
    Oh I see. I don't think the card referred to the idea of taking action until you drop dead. Though it's true SEEs are described as very much not letting go of the goal (Se & Strategic too) and you did express something like the opposite here

    I'll see a main goal of making sure there's no power over me, or anyone else on earth, and furthermore, any sentient creatures on earth, and I'll figure out what's in the way, what's impeding life itself.
    That ties into the linear notion of power relations then?

    Death is a decent-enough name for one of these things, but take away the transformative aspects of death, and what's left is stasis. If I were to get infested with worms, my life would be traded for theirs, but who has the vision, who is more valuable? If the worms had their way, they'd eat the only thing keeping them alive, and if I ever see any great works of art made by tapeworms, I'll suspect humans had a greater hand in it. "Humans first" is too simple, because humans and dogs raised each others' lives to new heights by cooperating thousands of years ago. I see bears walking on their two back legs, making off with dumpsters on the news, and I see a missed human opportunity. I see copyright law as another massive and senseless obstruction, an attempt to create artificial rules to a game that needs not exist, treating something as free as an idea, a concept, a means of organization, as if it were to be imprisoned by the same restraints that matter itself is subject to. I see fear and pretense responsible for this, and fear is another huge thing in the way of life that has to be overcome. I see life itself as force-with, anything in the way of life as force-against, I want the first to win forever over the second, and I want to find out where my biases are, to know what I'm overlooking, so I can see more.
    Guess there's more examples of your notion of power and you know what's funny yeah you can interpret the 1st statement in the SLE card this way, it was way too generic ...I interpret it completely different from you in some aspects
    Last edited by Myst; 01-06-2015 at 06:38 AM.

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    Fila tova's card test actually got the same one as me...what are the odds from a random description test?

    Test result: Dreiser - ISFJ

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    The hugo test and valued function links both gave me a not found error reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Does anyone have a working link?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Putting it all out there View Post
    The hugo test and valued function links both gave me a not found error reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Does anyone have a working link?
    perfect avatar
    is this rubicon (old ESE member)?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I win. 1st try LIE. And you guys said ESTp.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alomoes View Post
    I win. 1st try LIE. And you guys said ESTp.
    I said wat

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    LIE on the card test

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