Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
When he was in high school, Pete Buttigieg wrote a prizewinning essay praising Bernie Sanders.

Gems include: “Such an atmosphere inevitably distances our society from its leadership and is thus a fundamental threat to the principles of democracy. It also calls into question what motivates a run for office — in many cases, apparently, only the desire to occupy it.”

"A new attitude has swept American politics. Candidates have discovered that it is easier to be elected by not offending anyone rather than by impressing the voters. Politicians are rushing for the center, careful not to stick their necks out on issues."

Lmao. Buttigieg became exactly the sort of politician he condemned. And lol at Jacobin listing him as the author.
Well, a vote for Pete Buttigieg is a vote for his parents, which is why I would probably not even vote for him against Trump. People make jokes about him being gay and his last name being like butt or booty but honestly I think those jokes would be funny if he were a real candidate. The only butt or booty that he brings to mind for me is the ones he brown-noses, especially with his facial expression always looking like he is sniffing a butt. Be gentle on Pete, since it's not like he decides what kind of politician he is. Also, don't vote for him.