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Thread: What's my type? (Round 2)

  1. #1
    SophiaDeep's Avatar
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    Default What's my type? (Round 2)

    Hi, would anyone help me please? I tried out some questionnaire questions, hope it will be enough.

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Both beauty and love are highly subjective and different for every person. There's no beauty or love formula. For me beauty is anything that can make me feel a special warmth and excitement, it doesn't have to be only visual, music can be beuatiful, words can be beautiful, it's all abou the special feeling within.Love grows from beuty, it's much deeper and much more long lasting feeling of warmth, hope, excitement. and also security. But love can bring all the negatives with it, melancholy, or loneliness, fear of loosing...
    What are your most important values?
    Honesty - I like when people don't pretend and can be their true selves, say their real opinions, creativity, originality, intelligence, knowledge, independence (in thinking, feeling and genrally life style).
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I used to have these kind of beliefs when I was younger, but the older I get the more rational I want things to be. What doesn't make logical sense to me, I can't accept and religion, or spirituality just don't. I tried to make my own explanations and my own beliefs, that make sense to me, like energies, or karma, because I can rationally explain the way they might work in real life, but nothing else really. I am not totally against religions, or existence of god though, I think very much is possible, so is the existence of something like god.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think they have no place in modern world and people should rather try to cooperate, create alliances to maximize the progress as a whole human kind. Kiling others just for the benefit of certain individuals, or groups is meaningless, pointless and barbaric. But everything has two sides and wars in past helped us with technical progress and development. For example the internet that was used as a military program in penthagon.
    Power to me.. when you have the ability to lead people, to organize them, make orders, when others listen to you, accept you and follow your opinions, or decisions.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    The longest conversations for me are about music, art, politics, psychology, philosophy, spirituality, religion, history, fashion, trends, society
    My hobbies are music, singing, acting, philosophy, psychology, sociology, politics, art, fashion, writing, literature.
    Music, singing and acting- because even though I am shy, I like to present myself in a creative way infront of others and these things allow me to do so. I love music because it can evoke the whole spectrum of emotions in me and can be a wonderfull source of inspiration. Philosophy, psychology, sociology- Because I am interested in society and people. I like to understand it and I like to be critical about it. I like to discuss these topics, because they stimulate me to think and make up my own opinions. I like to write my own peoms, cause it helps me to deal with my emotions and feelings. I like fashion 'cause I like to look trendy and attract attention with original style. I love analyzing peoms and cathing up the meanings in literature.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I am interested in alternative medicine like the use of herbs, or natural resources.
    I am also interested in healthy and bio food topics, and healthy life styles.
    The problem is that I have poor self control and pleasure and comfort often win upon health. I tend to enjoy phisical comfort too much and search for more and more of it and then I can have a total black out and for example after week of binges I suddenly go to hunger strike and so on.
    When it comes to my body, I can sometimes overly notice some symptoms and always fear the force, though it can be totaly irrational.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I hate them and avoid them as much as I can.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome
    My most favorite film of all is Pink Floyd The Wall...I totally relate to the idea of unfreedom of individuality, unfreedom of thinking and others being negative toward new ideas or independent opinions. I relate to all the critics of people and society that were in this movie and I love how metaphoriclly and artisticly the movie was made.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I can be irresponsible and I guess it can irritate others. I also tend to forget a lot about my obligations. I was told I can be arrogant when it comes to knowledge and opinions and that I am also too stubborn about them.
    I dislike how emotional and overly sensitive I can be, how much I care about what others think of me, I dislike my low self confidence, I dislike how can I be shy and socially wierd, that I am indecisive, irresponsible and terribly lazy.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    A lot of people told me I am communicative and social and that I seem self confident and intelligent. I was also told I am creative and have good sense of aesthetic.
    I like that I am creative, independent, and I can be pretty knowledgeable. I like that I am artistic and can have a good sense of style.
    Last edited by SophiaDeep; 03-23-2014 at 08:45 PM.

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    My first impression is that you value Si and therefore also Ne. I could see some things that pointed towards Ne already, but those are also accessable for an Ni-valuer. Still, I see a lot of Si and that's why I think, it must be Ne.
    I cannot really decide whether you prefer sensing over intuition though.
    Concerning the rational functions, I'm leaning towards saying it's Ti and Fe. Once again not quite knowing whether you prefer ethics or logic.
    This would make you part of the Alpha Quadra. So either ILE, LII, SEI or ESE.
    Do you consider yourself more of a planner and like to accomplish tasks in a linear way or are you working on some things in a parallel way and consider yourself more spontaneous?
    This and knowing whether you prefer sensing over intuition and ethics over logic or vice versa will help you determine your type.

    Hope I could help you!

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    I can also give you some insights into what made me decide on those four functions for you:

    1. You describe beauty as something subjective that causes an inner warmth and excitement. You use a lot of emotional terms here, mixed with sensual and aesthetic impressions => Si and Fe
    2. You want things to make logical sense for you, you want to understand things like e.g. society => Ti
    3. You think many things are possible, obviously tried out a lot of things when it comes to religion, see the two (or more) sides of everything, offer alternative solutions for war => Ne
    4. You care a lot about health and physical comfort => Si
    5. You dislike daily chores => probably not Te
    6. You describe yourself as emotional => Fe

    Plus: You seem to like Pink Floyd and they are associated with the Alpha Quadra.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kadda1212 View Post
    My first impression is that you value Si and therefore also Ne. I could see some things that pointed towards Ne already, but those are also accessable for an Ni-valuer. Still, I see a lot of Si and that's why I think, it must be Ne.
    I cannot really decide whether you prefer sensing over intuition though.
    Concerning the rational functions, I'm leaning towards saying it's Ti and Fe. Once again not quite knowing whether you prefer ethics or logic.
    This would make you part of the Alpha Quadra. So either ILE, LII, SEI or ESE.
    Do you consider yourself more of a planner and like to accomplish tasks in a linear way or are you working on some things in a parallel way and consider yourself more spontaneous?
    This and knowing whether you prefer sensing over intuition and ethics over logic or vice versa will help you determine your type.

    Hope I could help you!
    Thank you for this! You hitted my confusions, that I need help with. I used to be very sure about being Ne, and an intuitive type, but then some people made me insecure and typed me as a sensor, though I myself think I am intuitive and I don't relate to sensing types much. I still take it as a another possibility for me to be an S type though...
    I am definitely more spontaneous, I am not very good at planning and organization, 'cause I tend to forget about lot of things. Though I try to put some order into my life, and I try to for example make day plans, but I usually end up doing something else anyway.
    when it comes to your 2nd post I'll answer it right over:
    You care a lot about health and physical comfort
    I wouldn't say I care a lot about health. it's more like I can notice symptoms in my body and turn them into terrible scenarios of illnesses thought it might be completely irrational. But I won't go to the doctor anyway and I try to ignore these symptoms as long as I can usually just with that hope they will somehow go away...When it comes to physical comfort, I meant more pleasure. I like to feel sensing plesure and I can intensivly search for it. As a contrast to caring about health, I can behave intollerant to my body, when it comes to overeating, drinking, smoking, and similar things which are plesurable, but not actually healthy. I enjoy them all to be honest

  5. #5


    i cant read what u write
    are you both Fe creatives by any chance???

  6. #6
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    From reading your questionnaire, ethical and intuitive.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    From reading your questionnaire, ethical and intuitive.
    Yes I would agree on that more than on logical type. I've scored nothing esle than NF type on socionics tests, the problem is I scored every NF type possible and I relate to all of their descriptions to some degree.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SophiaDeep View Post
    Yes I would agree on that more than on logical type. I've scored nothing esle than NF type on socionics tests, the problem is I scored every NF type possible and I relate to all of their descriptions to some degree.
    Where do you see yourself in relation to this

    In socionics, "extraversion" is a perceptual quality defined by a focus on the characteristics and behavior of objects (people, things, events) outside the observer. In contrast, "introversion" means a focus on the observer's response to and perception of objects.
    Extraverts: qualities of objects are taken for granted, while interrelationships between objects are seen as being malleable; change interaction of objects to better fit qualities of objects.
    Introverts: interrelationships are taken for granted, while qualities of object are seen as being malleable; adapt qualities of objects to better fit their interrelationships.
    I would think if someone leads with intuition it would be easier to figure out their own type. You just can't let other people make you doubt yourself but I feel it is always good to get feedback but weigh it against your own knowing. That's what I do anyway.

    I am not sure if that advice would apply to the logical or sensing leading types. Since they have different modus operandi .

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    @sophia Deep: I guess it's still Si-valueing. Not all Si-egos are health freaks, but they may sure be a little bit inclined to feel ill and have a lot of food allergies, thus care a lot about what they eat and so on. I also notice Si-egos are obsessed with the weather. If it rains and they forgot to bring an umbrella they automatically feel discomfort because they are reminded of how they felt when being soaked. That is Si, a rich memory of sensual impressions inside your body. If you actively search out the things that made you feel good, if you often look inside your inner sensations, that's Si.

    I see that you would type yourself more as an ethical intuitive type. You seem to be an irrational type, I guess, one of the perceiving functions is probably your leading function.
    I cannot really place you into the Delta Quadra, as I haven't seen anything mich at all that points to Fi or Te.
    Just recently I heard a brilliant definition of Fi: It means you would have a radical inner moral code which defines what is good and bad and(!) this code would apply to any given situation without exceptions. You would feel violated if someone doesn't respect your moral code and probably say something about how offended you are.
    In this way I finally realized for example, that my grandma is an Fi-valuer and not an Si-valuer as I believed. For her it's Se and Fi in combination: her determination to control her territory and be the alpha she-wolf, the matriarch of the family, somehow almost a control freak when it comes to family matters (Se) and then she is constantly obsessed with what has to be done, what one should do, like greeting people on the street, cleaning your shoes, etc. (Fi - and it makes me go berserk mode). Also, her obsession with thinking about what could have happened, the many possibilities in situations like car accidents (Ne), and what people say on TV, "They have said..." being one of the things she often starts sentences with (Te).

    Maybe you can now say whether you lean more to the Fi-side or the Fe-side. Fe would be gathering emotional data from other people, like facial expressions and voice tones, thus being able to mimic others/ mirror them, having a good emotional intelligence, recognizing emotions in others.
    Te is concerned about gathering scientific proofable data, Ti more about the logical consistency of things.

    You are the one who knows yourself best. From what you've wrote I thought about Fe and Ti.
    You can also try to think of which qualities you actively search out in others, are drawn to. Things you feel that you lack but need more of it.

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