Quote Originally Posted by mclane View Post
This issue (gender position) depends on subtypes. IEI-Fe is more masculine than IEI-Ni, LIE-Ni is more androgynous than LIE-Te. Also, it depends on appearance vs actual maculinity/feminity. Someone might look more feminine, but turn out to be masculine in behavior or viceversa. Moreover, grooming is another factor, A LIE-Ni uses minimal grooming, hence a LIE-Ni woman might seem more masculine but it is not a reliable measurement for determining feminity. Enneagram is also a very important factor. This is all a very simpleminded approach to the issue it wouldn't surprise me if it has been done by an ESI (and if I'm not mistaken, Filatova is a self-typed ESI).
I agree with everything you said. But don't you think all or almost all ILE-Ti look more feminine (body, face, features, lipstick, earrings, nail polish, application of those things, smoother movements, better fine motor coordination, quieter) than all or almost all ILE-Ne? Do you agree with me that ILE-Ti act more stereotypically feminine in some ways (give more compliments, are more optimistic, are more articulate, their liveliness looks smoother, more elegant, more driven by bodily urges than emotional urges, and is more appropriate to what's going or not going on around them, and are better at care-giving and rule following) compared to the ILE-Ne? Do you agree with me that the ILE-Ti is the "female subtype" overall?

But yes, subtype plays a huge difference in masculinity vs femininity, the SLE-Ti is much more feminine than the SLE-Se and SLE-Ti seem more feminine overall than masculine. Same with LSI-Se being more feminine than LSI-Ti. I personally think not showing intense emotion is more feminine, and LSI-Se show less emotion (especially intensity), on average (not a huge difference, but it's certainly there, they're a lot less tense, much less likely to yell or explode, except sometimes to get what they want) than LSI-Ti and LSI-Se behavior is much less influenced by their own emotional states and they're much more objective, driven by logic and their own experiences, and professional in their behavior towards others (of course their are exceptions).