The concept of sub-types has been a little bit fuzzy for me, but with my recent change in perspective I have been able to come up with a conclusion which should explain many questions which have frequently been brought up on the board.

Someone may have already touched on this in the past.

Introverted behaving extraverts, extraverted introverts:

Now, they are out there. This implies the extravert conserves more of its energy, the introvert expends more of its energy. This, however, may not necessarily imply strength of the 7th function relative to the 1st(although there may be something here), so, a quiet ENTp isnt going to be very INTp, but rather something else.

In reality this could have to do with a producing/creative subtype. This could explain why, for example, withdrawn extraverts may tend to be more "creative" than the louder ones.

so it really has to do with a fusion of the j/p and e/i scales, rather than a linear MBTI style "degree of expression".

These subtypes may not actually exist in individual functions, but rather in the aspect of accepting or producing functions(j/p). So, with this said, the concept of a "quiet extravert" could imply that they have a strong judgement/creative capacity. The function you notice more is the one receiving more stimulation for whatever reason.

And with introverts, for an INTj to have an subtype they must also expend more energy, and, I would assume, have an even better developed subtype as well- One subtype automatically implies that the other corresponding inhibited function must also be strengthened.

So, since energy is being expended there is a price that the accepting functions(or producing, if the accepting functions are the subtype) must pay.

An Extraverted Perceiver with a perceiving subtype will be more forceful, sensual, and general in behavior and less conscious of their creative logical and ethical capacity.

You should get the drift now.

For me to have a strong ethical sub-type perhaps I must actually have a strong creative sub-type which would include logic, which would imply energy conservation and therefore withdrawl.

Of course, stimulation of functions by outside forces can and does cause this.

This is only an Idea, but its structural and I think that it's one of the best explanations available for us right now.