More weird habits:
-I often forget myself nibbling on food. Cookies or potato chips...
-When I'm finished eating, there isn't even one grain of rice left on my plate (or even a small amount of pasta). There might only be some pork fat or fish bones.
-When I eat an apple, I eat all of the fruity parts. Even a bird couldn't get more out of it.
PS! It might seem that I eat enormously, weigh 200 pounds and am constantly hungry, but that is not so. I am normal weight and don't eat that often.

--> I identify with all of this

-Whenever possible, I always pull my legs under myself. They are close to my body, either crossed or otherwise below me/next to me.

--> I don't do that.

-I have to wear my watch. Even if I'm not doing anything or going anywhere. I just need to know the time.

--> I always try to make it a habit to wear a watch but don't get overly worked up if I forget.

-I am always late or arrive at the exact time. It's because I know how many minutes it takes me to go somewhere. "Oh, I have 3 more minutes before I must step out of the apartment. I have time to wash my teeth." 3 minutes later I also remember that my notebook is still on the table instead of my bag. One things leads to another and I'm late. Again.

--> Heh. I really identify with this one. I will often guess the time it will take to get somewhere and get it right on the nose. Creative use of maybe?

-I love detective series on TV. "Poirot", "Wire in the blood", "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and especially "Monk" (IMDb: Tagline: Obsessive. Compulsive. Detective.)

--> I don't watch these. Actually I don't watch any TV except once in a while for the news.

-I hate reading mystery novels. How do I know who is acting suspiciously if I can't read their body language.

--> I don't enjoy these either. I find them frustrating because I'm really poor at figuring out who did it. I overlook important details due to weak sensing and I overlook some of the relational aspects that go on between the people in the story due to weak F.

-I read very slowly. Usually 20-30 pages per hour. Much slower when it's something for school (studying). I don't like to skip sentences or words.

--> My reading speed is widely variable. Sometimes when reading a book for fun I'll skim through it but read really slowly the most interesting parts. When reading novels I don't like to skip sentences because I worry I'll might miss something that later proves to be important.

-When I post in this forum, I always use the preview button at least twice.

--> Heh. I don't use the preview button. I probably should.
