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Thread: The tiny habits of INTjs

  1. #1
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Default The tiny habits of INTjs

    Sometimes details are more important than general things. We have all read general descriptions of INTJ, but it's even more interesting to find out about some little things that other INTJ also do. I want to encourage other people of my type to mention them so we can compare which ones are unique and which ones are very common among our type.

    I'll start:
    I love puzzles. Putting them together piece by piece gives me weird kind of satisfaction. If one piece has been lost and the puzzle is left incomplete, it's not nearly as good.

    When talking with someone, I look them right in their eyes. Even when I'm attending a lecture and the lecturer is talking about something that interests me.

    I have trouble falling asleep because my imagination gets more active when the lights go out. When I was about 11-14, I made up stories and visualized them. It was more about the characters than the story itself. When I was 16, I wrote many short stories.

    I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    When talking with someone, I look them right in their eyes. Even when I'm attending a lecture and the lecturer is talking about something that interests me.
    I actually had to work at the whole eye contact thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)
    Me too, but I envy them their ability to ignore rationality.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    (I HATE Flourescent bulbs).
    I agree, feels like they're draining the life right out of me.

    like tomatos a lot
    The smell of raw tomatos nauseates me, but I like them cooked.


    It is an established fact in my family that I am the master at Clue (you know, the board game). I win about 85% of the time (being generous :wink: ).

    I shake all non-carbonated beverages, except water, before pouring them.

    I walk down stairs with a haphazard rhythm and up stairs with a determined bound.

    I can't think if I'm too warm.

    I don't clean very often and can stand more clutter and dirt than I'd care to admit; but when I do clean, I get almost obsessive compulsive about it.

    I HAVE to take a daily shower before I do anything else. Breakfast, exercise, email, yard work, etc.: Doesn't matter if I'm just going to get dirty and sweaty right afterwards, I can't do any of it before my shower.
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  3. #3


    I can not give someone eye contact for very long without looking away

    I do not sleep very often, about 2-3 hours a night( if i get any longer i feel tired the rest of the day)

    I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)
    I have no fear, which means i often do things other people regard as irrational

    I love non fiction books, i HATE reading fiction

    I like to play chess

    When i do things i do them obsessively, like when i practice guitar i will play for about 6-8 hours without stoping

    I like to have debates with people

    I do not eat any vegetables( besides potatoes )

    Sunlight gives me a headache


  4. #4
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    Wow! I must admit that there are more similar habits than I would have expected.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    - always wipe the my knife on the mayonaise jar to make sure the excess stuff is preserved
    - calibrate the equalizer settings on my speakers based on the cd I am playing in order to bring out the tone in each song.
    - like ice cold milk
    - always wash my dishes several hours after I eat.
    - like the ambient peacefulness provided by light from lamps (I HATE Flourescent bulbs).
    - wiggle my toes inside my shoes
    - can't stand the sound of cars driving by my house all night.
    - like tomatos a lot
    I do almost all of them. Except that I have nothing against Flourescent lights. I only hate them if they flicker or buzz. And I don't calibrate my equalizer settings, because I can never get it perfect. I just constantly change the song on Winamp.

    I rarely wear socks at home and my boyfriend says that I wiggle my toes when I talk.
    I love tomatos, but what is there not to love? And cold milk. If it has been out of the refrigirator for 30 minutes, it's too warm.
    I like everything to be 100% dark and quiet when I go to sleep. I very rarely leave the computer on (It hums so loudly. )

    Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
    I shake all non-carbonated beverages, except water, before pouring them.
    I don't even let my sister open juice, before she has shook it. Also I am quite obsessive about carbonated beverages - No one should shake them! Not even a little. When the cap isn't on the bottle, I can FEEL the CO2 flying out. It took some getting used to that one of my friends doesn't like carbonated drinks and always shakes the bottle on purpose.
    Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
    I don't clean very often and can stand more clutter and dirt than I'd care to admit; but when I do clean, I get almost obsessive compulsive about it.
    100% the same. Sometimes I clean the kitchen for 4 hours in a row, just because some of the stains were hard to get rid of. I never understood why many INTJ profiles see me as organized and neat.
    Quote Originally Posted by XcaliburGirl
    I HAVE to take a daily shower before I do anything else. Breakfast, exercise, email, yard work, etc.: Doesn't matter if I'm just going to get dirty and sweaty right afterwards, I can't do any of it before my shower.
    I don't take showers in the morning but I have certain little things that I HAVE to do before I go to sleep. Apply lip balm, blow my nose, have a cigarette. If I don't do all of those things, I wont be able to sleep.

    Quote Originally Posted by theodosis
    I like to have debates with people
    Don't we all?

    Herzblut, your brother seems to have many obsessive compulsive traits that are very common among INTJ. "Always does that before doing other thing"

    More weird habits:
    -I often forget myself nibbling on food. Cookies or potato chips...
    -When I'm finished eating, there isn't even one grain of rice left on my plate (or even a small amount of pasta). There might only be some pork fat or fish bones.
    -When I eat an apple, I eat all of the fruity parts. Even a bird couldn't get more out of it.
    PS! It might seem that I eat enormously, weigh 200 pounds and am constantly hungry, but that is not so. I am normal weight and don't eat that often.
    -Whenever possible, I always pull my legs under myself. They are close to my body, either crossed or otherwise below me/next to me.
    -I have to wear my watch. Even if I'm not doing anything or going anywhere. I just need to know the time.
    -I am always late or arrive at the exact time. It's because I know how many minutes it takes me to go somewhere. "Oh, I have 3 more minutes before I must step out of the apartment. I have time to wash my teeth." 3 minutes later I also remember that my notebook is still on the table instead of my bag. One things leads to another and I'm late. Again.
    -I love detective series on TV. "Poirot", "Wire in the blood", "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and especially "Monk" (IMDb: Tagline: Obsessive. Compulsive. Detective.)
    -I hate reading mystery novels. How do I know who is acting suspiciously if I can't read their body language.
    -I read very slowly. Usually 20-30 pages per hour. Much slower when it's something for school (studying). I don't like to skip sentences or words.
    -When I post in this forum, I always use the preview button at least twice.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

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    INTJs sound obsessive-compulsive.

  6. #6


    -I read very slowly. Usually 20-30 pages per hour. Much slower when it's something for school (studying). I don't like to skip sentences or words.
    I can a whole book in about 20-30 minutes, that is a 600 page book; (20-30 pages an hour? I think you are sub vocalizing the text in your mind while reading, ehh? )

    Knowing the tme is pointless to me; I have a clock in my room, but i only use it to measure intervals of time( and plus I is not even set to the right time)

    I do not like change

    my sleeping schedule is - every 4-5 hours i sleep about 30 minutes; if i skip a nap then i will become extremly tired, i fall into a deep sleep almost imediently after i fall alseep
    i also have great memory of my dreams, and they are very vivid to me

  7. #7


    Err, thats me

    I do not have to do something for that long, but i want to and thats why i do things for those intervals of time; i do not think most intjs have ocd.

  8. #8


    I do not know when it is my turn to talk on the phone

    Debate, does not mean it has to have lack of imagination; i said it in a broad sense, and would consider conversational arguments to be to be a more accurate way to say it.

    Most think i am close minded, which is false

    I am bored by simplicity

  9. #9
    Kristiina's Avatar
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    I can honestly say that I am somewhat obsessive compulsive. Not always and not about everything, but I don't know anyone who is more obsessive compulsive. Maybe INTJ guys are less.

    My younger brother, who is also INTJ (what a chance, eh?), has similar traits but not that one.
    I have tried but I can't really pinpoint his similarities. He's from different gender and 16, so it is logical. And I don't even live in the same place anymore. I see him about 7 days during the whole year (including Christmas). One interesting fact though - he is also a capricorn. Well, at least I find it interesting. :wink:
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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  10. #10

    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina
    Sometimes details are more important than general things. We have all read general descriptions of INTJ, but it's even more interesting to find out about some little things that other INTJ also do. I want to encourage other people of my type to mention them so we can compare which ones are unique and which ones are very common among our type.

    --> Great idea!

    I'll start:
    I love puzzles. Putting them together piece by piece gives me weird kind of satisfaction. If one piece has been lost and the puzzle is left incomplete, it's not nearly as good.

    --> I enjoy them too but I don't do them very often because once I start I get addicted to it and must finish. It gets to be an obsession and it means I don't get other, more important things done. And yeah, having a missing piece kind of ruins the thing. I also do crossword puzzles but I'm not as good as them as I am at jigsaw puzzles. With jigsaw puzzles, if I sit there long enough, I will solve it. With crossword puzzles, there are some clues that I'm just not going to get no matter what because my fund of trivia isn't great enough. Which means I have to 'cheat'- look in a crossword dictionary or ask someone.

    When talking with someone, I look them right in their eyes. Even when I'm attending a lecture and the lecturer is talking about something that interests me.

    --> I have a tendency to look away while speaking. To me having to do the eye contact thing all the time interferes with my concentration.

    I have trouble falling asleep because my imagination gets more active when the lights go out. When I was about 11-14, I made up stories and visualized them. It was more about the characters than the story itself. When I was 16, I wrote many short stories.

    --> I will make up stories in my head but I don't have any stories out on paper.

    I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)

    --> Yeah, that bothers me too. hidden agenda, I suppose.

  11. #11

    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    If this is a "weird little things we do" type thread then I:

    - always wipe the my knife on the mayonaise jar to make sure the excess stuff is preserved

    --> Heh, I do that too. Actually I do that with just about any spread.

    - calibrate the equalizer settings on my speakers based on the cd I am playing in order to bring out the tone in each song.

    --> I don't mess with the settings (I'm pretty low tech). But I will have a tendency to listed to the same CD over and over again if I really like it. There are some CDs and songs I simply never get tired of.

    - like ice cold milk

    --> Same here

    - always wash my dishes several hours after I eat.

    --> This depends. Sometimes I wash them immediately, sometimes I wait a few hours. I hate having the dishes piled up too much or waiting several days to do them- then they're just gross. Also I wash all of my dishes by hand. I don't trust the dishwasher to do a good enough job. I also let the dishes, for the most part, air dry. This saves me some time.

    - like the ambient peacefulness provided by light from lamps (I HATE Flourescent bulbs).

    --> I don't really care one way or another.

    - wiggle my toes inside my shoes

    --> I'm sure I do this now and then but I don't really pay attention to it.

    - can't stand the sound of cars driving by my house all night.

    --> This doesn't really bother me unless I'm trying to sleep then it will. I don't usually hear the cars- I live in an apartment, not a house. But I can hear trains coming by (I live about five blocks from the railroad tracks) and this will bother me.

    - like tomatos a lot

    --> Me too. Plump, juicy, ripe ones are like heaven. But if they're not ripe enough or if they're too wrinkled, then they're gross.

    I think that is enuff.

  12. #12

    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    Quote Originally Posted by "XcaliburGirl'


    It is an established fact in my family that I am the master at Clue (you know, the board game). I win about 85% of the time (being generous :wink: ).

    --> I seem to win that game alot too.

    I shake all non-carbonated beverages, except water, before pouring them.

    --> I don't do this usually.

    I walk down stairs with a haphazard rhythm and up stairs with a determined bound.

    --> I haven't really paid much attention to this, but I suppose I do this to some extent.

    I can't think if I'm too warm.

    --> Also if its too cold, that bothers me too.

    I don't clean very often and can stand more clutter and dirt than I'd care to admit; but when I do clean, I get almost obsessive compulsive about it.

    --> I always like to keep things clean: Clean a little bit here and there rather than one big cleaning marathon.

    I HAVE to take a daily shower before I do anything else. Breakfast, exercise, email, yard work, etc.: Doesn't matter if I'm just going to get dirty and sweaty right afterwards, I can't do any of it before my shower.

    --> Heh. I'm the opposite. Sometimes I'll put off taking a shower to do something that's more interesting at the moment. But I always take a shower before going out in public.

  13. #13
    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Oops, I forgot to log in. Those three previous messages were mine.


  14. #14
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    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    More weird habits:
    -I often forget myself nibbling on food. Cookies or potato chips...
    -When I'm finished eating, there isn't even one grain of rice left on my plate (or even a small amount of pasta). There might only be some pork fat or fish bones.
    -When I eat an apple, I eat all of the fruity parts. Even a bird couldn't get more out of it.
    PS! It might seem that I eat enormously, weigh 200 pounds and am constantly hungry, but that is not so. I am normal weight and don't eat that often.

    --> I identify with all of this

    -Whenever possible, I always pull my legs under myself. They are close to my body, either crossed or otherwise below me/next to me.

    --> I don't do that.

    -I have to wear my watch. Even if I'm not doing anything or going anywhere. I just need to know the time.

    --> I always try to make it a habit to wear a watch but don't get overly worked up if I forget.

    -I am always late or arrive at the exact time. It's because I know how many minutes it takes me to go somewhere. "Oh, I have 3 more minutes before I must step out of the apartment. I have time to wash my teeth." 3 minutes later I also remember that my notebook is still on the table instead of my bag. One things leads to another and I'm late. Again.

    --> Heh. I really identify with this one. I will often guess the time it will take to get somewhere and get it right on the nose. Creative use of maybe?

    -I love detective series on TV. "Poirot", "Wire in the blood", "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and especially "Monk" (IMDb: Tagline: Obsessive. Compulsive. Detective.)

    --> I don't watch these. Actually I don't watch any TV except once in a while for the news.

    -I hate reading mystery novels. How do I know who is acting suspiciously if I can't read their body language.

    --> I don't enjoy these either. I find them frustrating because I'm really poor at figuring out who did it. I overlook important details due to weak sensing and I overlook some of the relational aspects that go on between the people in the story due to weak F.

    -I read very slowly. Usually 20-30 pages per hour. Much slower when it's something for school (studying). I don't like to skip sentences or words.

    --> My reading speed is widely variable. Sometimes when reading a book for fun I'll skim through it but read really slowly the most interesting parts. When reading novels I don't like to skip sentences because I worry I'll might miss something that later proves to be important.

    -When I post in this forum, I always use the preview button at least twice.

    --> Heh. I don't use the preview button. I probably should.


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    This was from another thread, but it fits here:
    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    I used to walk to school everyday 2 miles one way in 48 degree weather in a T shirt just to make sure the cold air didn't "win." Now that I know socionics and see my own stupidity I have cut back on this sort of thing a lot.
    I do the same thing. Right now I'm suffering from painful sunburn on my shoulders because I refused to put sunscreen on at the waterpark yesterday . I also avoid taking anything when I have a headache, etc. for that same reason.
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

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    Are not INTjs suppose to be concerned about their health?

    Getting sunburned and frostbitten out of stubbornness or refusing to take medication doesn't seem very healthy.

  17. #17

    Default INTJ habits

    I love Sudoku puzzles, anyone that likes puzzles should try it its pretty neat.

    When I have an exciting idea I unconsciously rub my hands, which others interpret as mebieng cold.

    I hate Fiction book, I love Non Fiction ones, specially Psychology and Business related.

    I don´t clean up often but when I do, I am defintely obsessive about it. I try to keep everything as maintainance free as I can.

    I believe I see the underlying motivation of people´´s actions, I am very perceptive. A lot of people have confirmed this.

    Mmm I belive that´´s it for now. I find these posts quite helpful.

    Its nice to see there are other INTJS out there


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    INTj habit: constantly checking that they have not lost their keys.

  19. #19

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    INTj habit: constantly checking that they have not lost their keys.
    Yeah... Also, whether or not I remembered to lock the door. (Especially if I'm getting dressed or taking a shower. )
    TiNe, LII, INTj, etc.
    "I feel like I should be making a sarcastic comment right now, but you're just so cute!" - Shego, Kim Possible

  20. #20

    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    he always twirls his hair with his hands, so he's getting bald spots, so my mom is threatening to shave his head if he doesn't stop. [/quote]

    Wow! I really worry about how often I twirl my hair.

    Right now I'm suffering from painful sunburn on my shoulders because I refused to put sunscreen on at the waterpark yesterday . I also avoid taking anything when I have a headache, etc. for that same reason.

    I got shingles I was so badly sunburned one time. Now I apply copious amounts of #50. I would use #300 if I could. I rarely take medication. I think of my immune system like a calous - the more blows it takes the tougher it gets.

    INTj habit: constantly checking that they have not lost their keys.

    I lock the doors to my car. When I get out I pull the door handle to make sure it is locked. Sometimes I do that twice.... I don't have a door handle to the drivers side anymore. There is a tiny piece of plastic I can snag to open it.

    I also am an EXTREMELY slow reader.


    I like gardening. However, I am very reluctant to pull anything to eat because I don't want to stifle the growth of my plants.

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    Greetings INTj_Curious.

    Anyone else like to defrag their comp a lot?
    I am a defragging fiend!

  22. #22


    Also cannot think when I'm hot. I just recently bought a home, and the only thing I really cared whether they fixed based on the inspection was that the AC was working properly.

    Actually, there's a lot of things that interfere with being able to hear myself think that drive me nuts.
    - being hungry
    - buzzy or high pitched sounds, loud music
    - my children arguing

    I spend a lot of time making sure my environment is frictionless - engineering and reengineering smooth workflow in the kitchen, for example. Making sure I don't have to go around or step over things in commonly used pathways.

    I find games (especially multi-user ones) annoying as well.

    Despise TV. Rarely watch movies, even. They make me feel claustrophobic. Hate stuff on for "background noise", even a low radio. What is wrong with silence? It's beautiful!

    Weird with the outdoors. I can enjoy it for a while, but after a while all the *sensations* get to me, especially wind. I just feel exhausted after an extended period outside. When I do exercise, though, my favorite is walking. I like to touch the trees as I pass them. I'm like a little kid with that too - I'm always running my hands on fences, etc. as I pass.

    Love Sunday morning coffee and the paper. Total info junkie. Have 80 million magazines in the bathrooms.

    Surprisingly superstitious. Not with traditional ones like black cats or ladders, but I get this weird feeling sometimes that the route I take to my destination will somehow change what will happen when I get there - like I can affect the outcome of my future.

    Truly, truly, truly mortified if I incorrectly use [your, you're], [their, there, they're], and [it, it's].

    Resist (procrastinate) getting into the shower, but always love it when I do.

    Buy waaaaay too many books.

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    well, I am an INTP so I suppose I can be similar:

    I have trouble falling asleep because I am always thinking

    I love puzzles, but I never finish them even though I try

    I avoid eye cotnact, I look to the side of the person's head

    I don't worry about doing "irrational things" like not wearing helmets, it is the person's choice, although i would wear one myself unless I was too lazy to go get it.

    I prefer lights being off because they hum when they are on

    I am ocd about food sometimes

    If my shoes aren't laced perfectly I redo them many times

    If things are crooked I may fix them

    I get emotionally upset when things are lower than my expectations

    I over analyze situations and imagine every possible outcome before deciding on a course of action that usually will be changed

    oh yea, and I used to write a lot of short stories, but now it is mainly poetry.

  24. #24



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    Default hmmm

    let's see....

    1. i catch myself doing some things that Adrian Monk does. i have to have my hangers in the closet all facing the same way.
    2. i correct pictures that don't hang quite level, although with some willpower i am able to ignore it when i'm feeling lazy.
    3. i am definitely obsessive when i do something that interests me. once when i had to write a simple ACAD program i worked on it day and night, needing it to be perfect, and even when i made myself sleep, i dreamed of working on it and saw solutions, so i woke up, switched on the computer and tried out what i dreamt.
    4. speed read
    5. writes poetry and short stories, started as a teenager (age 12 upwards). i used to write poetry in the exam hall because i usually finish with something like half an hour to spare. i don't leave, just in case something occurs to me and i want to change an answer. so i fill the question sheets with poetry to pass the time.
    6. multi-task, when i am not obsessed with any single thing.
    7. when stressed, i devise systems to improve order in my house and in my room.
    8. i rotate my clothes so that they all get worn, and i rotate the CDs and cassettes in my car so they would all be listened to more or less equally. i intentionally randomise to add interest, if it starts getting predictable. (yes, this one habit is unanimously voted as the weirdest in my circle of friends)
    9. also have no fear - at least not for the same things others are afraid of.
    10. dislike repetition and inefficiency and therefore would optimise everything from projects at work to doing the laundry.
    11. if i feel controlled and trapped, it's hard for me to focus on anything - i just switch off and find it hard to stay motivated. if i feel free, i do not need any external motivation.
    12. generally view eating, exercise etc. as inconvenient things that must be done in order to maintain the biological machine i live in. sometimes i enjoy it, but in general it's considered 'maintenance'.

    there, that should do it for starters.

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    Default Re: The tiny habits of INTJ

    When talking with someone, I look them right in their eyes. Even when I'm attending a lecture and the lecturer is talking about something that interests me.
    i've had a hard time looking someone in the eye. but now i'm getting better. ever since i learned about pupilometrics, the study of the pupil increasing in size if people find you attractive.

    using this method, i can look them square in the eye. i've found some people seem to like it as they often look when i'm around. it may actual go on in a deeper level, but i still have to study this.

    I have trouble falling asleep because my imagination gets more active when the lights go out. When I was about 11-14, I made up stories and visualized them. It was more about the characters than the story itself. When I was 16, I wrote many short stories.
    i can usually fall asleep ok. however (it only happened twice), when 5 songs were playing in my head at the same time, 12 different thoughts, etc. my body spasmed, i heard what sounded like an explosion, and it was silence. i thought i broke my brain. but it seems to be a reset of some kind. hopefully nothing bad will come out of it in the future.

    my dreams however are very intensly detailed. i can often have lucid moments. or try to make sense of the dream by anylzing it as if it were real life. i remember once looking for a date and location, but couldn't find it on a label. or i'll have dreams of the same location but from different areas, or different times (with aging in the middle).

    I am bothered when I see other people do irrational things. Especially when it's dangerous. (rollerskating down a steep hill without pads and helmet)
    this annoys me more when they get other's involved. like a child or a pet.

    other little quirks. (besides being a really bad speller). i have a catalog of millions of sounds in my head. i can tell you simply by listening to something what might be wrong with it.

    i'll come up with the conclusion of what a manager might of said to us, months before anyone else figured it out. if i tell them what they really meant, and what will happen - they never believe it until it really happens exactly the way i said it would.

    i'm finding that even some of my managers are afraid of me. they talk down to others, but in some cases, he almost seemed like he was kissing up to me.

    i'm a pack rat, and have everything. but since i remember in pictures and motions - i will tell you exactly where it should be down to the inch.

    i tend to forget things if i do the same thing over and over. like locking the doors, i need to readjust my routine in an obsessive/compulsive way. but then i do the chant, and don't do the action. or use the wrong action for the wrong event.

    i have a tendency to tell someone what i think of them if they ask. like someone was looking for pity sympathy, telling me how she was so much older than myself. i agreed with her. she wasn't expecting that, she laughed - after all i should agree with my elders....

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    My habits sometimes seem to border on OCD.
    Here goes:

    I have a tendency to check locked doors two to three times to actually make sure they are locked.

    I really can only write papers standing up at my dresser. I have the hardest time writing while I am sitting.

    I also have a hard time looking in people's eyes (I am starting to lose that because my current job requires me to be around a lot of people-I am a quality assurance agent at a call center).

    I don't like the t.v. to be loud. (only on rare occasions do I like the volume to high).

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    i also have great memory of my dreams, and they are very vivid to me

    i heard some people dream in black and white - i wonder how many can do that? i've dreamed in cartoon, both watching and being the character. mostly One piece (anime, he's made of rubber).

    in the dreams i hate knowing who i'm with, without actually knowing who i'm with.

    the better dreams are those that i can reset because they are dumb, or involve someone breaking or stealing something of mine. i can reset it there. i was so used to doing that, that when i broke my camera in the real world, i did try to reset it. it didn't work.

    some times i can move things with my mind in dreams, or transport. i'm hoping that some how i'm convincing some dormant part of my brain that i can actually do these things. and be able to do them in the real world. i doubt it would ever happen, but i'd love to get a pen i dropped, open a door, or get the remote, without ever lifting a finger.

  29. #29
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    I eat way too much junk food.

    If I'm not at school I'm on the computer.

    I love to sleep.

    I also love non-fiction and hate fiction.

    I browse Wikipedia endlessly during my free-time.

    I love prog rock.

    I love to organize things but I hate keeping them organized.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    I love to organize things but I hate keeping them organized.
    Totally know what you mean.

    I hate bad graphics in computer games. If it's technologically possible to have better graphics, then obviously the graphics team has been lazy and hasn't given their best efforts.

    I get addicted easily. Now I'm addicted to su doku puzzles. When I start one of them, I won't stop until I'm finished.

    I love knowing that I'm having a dream, but still being able to make some choices.

    I hate lying. Telling the truth is less risky, takes less time and feels better. I'd rather tell the person that I simply refuse to answer. Only white lies, nothing more. (PS! I was raised a christian so I can't shake off the imprinted guilty feeling. I go red and start fidgeting when I do lie.)

    Yesterday I did a test about OCD. In the A part, I got 8/20 and in the B part, I got 9/20. They said something that can be simplified into, "you probably have slight OCD, but you should get professional consultation to know for sure."

    PS! MysticSonic. Name one type that doesn't like to sleep. I always postpone going to sleep, but just like everybody else, I love the feeling of paralyzing sleepiness.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

    Old blog:
    New blog:

  31. #31


    PS! MysticSonic. Name one type that doesn't like to sleep. Razz I always postpone going to sleep, but just like everybody else, I love the feeling of paralyzing sleepiness.
    I do not like to sleep. If I did not need to sleep to survive I would not (I sleep about 2 hours a night).

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    I don't like going to sleep if I'm doing something that I find interesting, which happens a lot. Then I end up finally collapsing from exhaustion, or I go to sleep because I know I need to get up the next morning for some scheduled event.

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    Default sleep

    theodosis - really? i value sleep over food, most times. i can cut down on food without feeling much ill effect, but i cannot cut down on sleep (i need about 8 hours, more if i've been made to socialise and extravertise). if i do i get cranky, unhappy, etc.

  34. #34


    theodosis - really? i value sleep over food, most times. i can cut down on food without feeling much ill effect, but i cannot cut down on sleep (i need about 8 hours, more if i've been made to socialise and extravertise). if i do i get cranky, unhappy, etc.
    I do not value sleep over food; I disregard them both most of the time. I am also a vegetarian...

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kirana
    theodosis - really? i value sleep over food, most times. i can cut down on food without feeling much ill effect, but i cannot cut down on sleep (i need about 8 hours, more if i've been made to socialise and extravertise). if i do i get cranky, unhappy, etc.
    Me too. I prefer sleep over food. I need at least 10 hours a night otherwise I am muggy all day

    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    I also love non-fiction and hate fiction.

    I browse Wikipedia endlessly during my free-time.
    Just like me. I disliked to read literature, but I was forced to for classes at school. I think it's a waste of time

  36. #36


    No lights when sleeping. Built a foil-taped-to-sheet system to cover the window perfectly. Must have fan on for white noise to mask sudden/irregular abject sounds. Always dress in the same clothes everyday: gray reeboks, kaki pants, black belt, black polo shirt. I go for hat stints for several months on occasion, then a total lack of hat for another few months. The hat is cammo, to hide my hair.

    I keep all toiletries in a bag, take them out and use them in order. When done, put them back in bag and clean sink so as to look just cleaned.

    I weigh myself daily.
    I calculate my eating with time spent and calories devoured. I eat the same thing every day: Protein patti, oatmeal, bowl of vegatbles w/ fluxuating amount of crackers.

    Each item in my house is placed in position for a purpose, either funcationally or aesthetically, and in purposeful juxtaposition to each other item in the house. (Apartment rather)

    I'm obbsessed with attaining the ideal health, BUT, not at the cost of my time. This means I'm no meat head, just as fit as I can get witht he time I think is reasonable to maintain health, not appearance.

    I do not carelessly abuse caffine as I get -wired-.

    At work, all sounds must be muted out. I wear ear plugs. I have many hours to read at work, and have found that I'm a slow reader due to the inner voice obstacle someone mentioned above. I'm still practicing.

    I have a PDA and it is my second girlfriend.

    Next week I will be documenting all costs in terms of time and money, along with all benefits in a databse to be updated daily so that I can see how things affect my mood. This will be semi-objective data used to understand just how imporant social interaction is to my mood. Among other things.

    When I open doors, I try to use my sleeve so as to limit the chances of germ contact. I use my knukles at ATMs and at the fast check out in the supermarket.

    I must flip my keys around my finger once before I put them in my pocket. As soon as I began forgetting, I realize then do it. I will probably never loose my keys.

    I have ceased all non-essential activites I had aquired in my 7 year stint of social exploration while in highschool and immediatley after in college through nothing more then my own will power. I'm proud of this fact as those I left behind are still playing the same dumb game, and those that quit usually had a trumatic experince to inspire them. The activities include: hardcore drug use/selling, hanging out with a group of close friends, small talk, watchning t.v. (It's been weeks since I turned it on) playing video games (almost a year) and bad eatcing habits/not excercising. This momentum of seeking perfection seems to be picking up.

    I digress.

    I've also developed a comfort with simply not replying to small talk. It takes some will power to be the one provoking those "uncomfortable quite moments", but the illiciters sometimes catch on. Though, I've seen dogs learn quicker.

    I find feelings of guilt in online communcations because I feel I have an unfair advantage, and, when I meet the person IRL they'll think I'm a fraud because my acuity escapes me in social situations. I have found, though, that IRL speaking with just one other person, I'm like a conversational god, more then one and I'm like a complete dunce. This is typically followed by private feelings of paranoia which tends to lead to seeking of validation or invalidation of the paranoid thoughts by confronting of the parties when alone with them as to the validity of the thought about the conversation with the other party. Typically, I just try to avoid the whole damn mess.

    Eye contact is either all or nothing. Salesmen get the evil eye, I really give it to them. Informal, I try to look at them when accentuating my ideas or when I think they are trying to vocalize their accentuations. Romantically, it's been awhile but I'd probably behave the same. I find that "looking off into the distance" helps me to think while in social situations.

    I also have recently discovered, in intense emotional situations, that my abilities of purposeful obfusication (read: ambiguity) are heightened to seemingly imaculant levels. Am I talking about sex, or you, or a book, or what you said, or what's going on, or all of them? I almost do it unconciously. It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.

    Jesus this is getting retarded. : )

  37. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by guest
    No lights when sleeping. Built a foil-taped-to-sheet system to cover the window perfectly. Must have fan on for white noise to mask sudden/irregular abject sounds. Always dress in the same clothes everyday: gray reeboks, kaki pants, black belt, black polo shirt. I go for hat stints for several months on occasion, then a total lack of hat for another few months. The hat is cammo, to hide my hair.

    I keep all toiletries in a bag, take them out and use them in order. When done, put them back in bag and clean sink so as to look just cleaned.

    I weigh myself daily.
    I calculate my eating with time spent and calories devoured. I eat the same thing every day: Protein patti, oatmeal, bowl of vegatbles w/ fluxuating amount of crackers.

    Each item in my house is placed in position for a purpose, either funcationally or aesthetically, and in purposeful juxtaposition to each other item in the house. (Apartment rather)

    I'm obbsessed with attaining the ideal health, BUT, not at the cost of my time. This means I'm no meat head, just as fit as I can get witht he time I think is reasonable to maintain health, not appearance.

    I do not carelessly abuse caffine as I get -wired-.

    At work, all sounds must be muted out. I wear ear plugs. I have many hours to read at work, and have found that I'm a slow reader due to the inner voice obstacle someone mentioned above. I'm still practicing.

    I have a PDA and it is my second girlfriend.

    Next week I will be documenting all costs in terms of time and money, along with all benefits in a databse to be updated daily so that I can see how things affect my mood. This will be semi-objective data used to understand just how imporant social interaction is to my mood. Among other things.

    When I open doors, I try to use my sleeve so as to limit the chances of germ contact. I use my knukles at ATMs and at the fast check out in the supermarket.

    I must flip my keys around my finger once before I put them in my pocket. As soon as I began forgetting, I realize then do it. I will probably never loose my keys.

    I have ceased all non-essential activites I had aquired in my 7 year stint of social exploration while in highschool and immediatley after in college through nothing more then my own will power. I'm proud of this fact as those I left behind are still playing the same dumb game, and those that quit usually had a trumatic experince to inspire them. The activities include: hardcore drug use/selling, hanging out with a group of close friends, small talk, watchning t.v. (It's been weeks since I turned it on) playing video games (almost a year) and bad eatcing habits/not excercising. This momentum of seeking perfection seems to be picking up.

    I digress.

    I've also developed a comfort with simply not replying to small talk. It takes some will power to be the one provoking those "uncomfortable quite moments", but the illiciters sometimes catch on. Though, I've seen dogs learn quicker.

    I find feelings of guilt in online communcations because I feel I have an unfair advantage, and, when I meet the person IRL they'll think I'm a fraud because my acuity escapes me in social situations. I have found, though, that IRL speaking with just one other person, I'm like a conversational god, more then one and I'm like a complete dunce. This is typically followed by private feelings of paranoia which tends to lead to seeking of validation or invalidation of the paranoid thoughts by confronting of the parties when alone with them as to the validity of the thought about the conversation with the other party. Typically, I just try to avoid the whole damn mess.

    Eye contact is either all or nothing. Salesmen get the evil eye, I really give it to them. Informal, I try to look at them when accentuating my ideas or when I think they are trying to vocalize their accentuations. Romantically, it's been awhile but I'd probably behave the same. I find that "looking off into the distance" helps me to think while in social situations.

    I also have recently discovered, in intense emotional situations, that my abilities of purposeful obfusication (read: ambiguity) are heightened to seemingly imaculant levels. Am I talking about sex, or you, or a book, or what you said, or what's going on, or all of them? I almost do it unconciously. It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.

    Jesus this is getting retarded. : )

    Make it so Number 1.

    anyways, Did you know that Captain Jean Luc Picard is an intj?

    Interestly, how many intj here has pda? I do, i have one since i was 20.

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    I had one, then I lost it.... (I was 13)

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by guest
    I also have recently discovered, in intense emotional situations, that my abilities of purposeful obfusication (read: ambiguity) are heightened to seemingly imaculant levels. Am I talking about sex, or you, or a book, or what you said, or what's going on, or all of them? I almost do it unconciously. It's just another instance of what I like to call "the reflections" that seem to show themselves to me from time to time.
    This is interesting. I think I know what you're referring to. It seems like INTj's say things, sometimes perverted, sometimes insulting, and they don't really realize they are saying it.

    for example, i knew this INTj that I drew these pictures of trolls with me as a joke. eventually this INTj in question started generating an elaborate storyline about the trolls which seemed to indirectly insult me, like one of the trolls was a metaphor for me, and another troll was a metaphor for someone else that I was sort of competing with. The storyline completely hit me in the worst place and my guess is that the INTj didn't even realize the significance of what they were saying. like it was unconscious.

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    hm yeah ww

    mystic, that is weird, i read that if you like non fiction you are a literal thinker, which would pertain more to sensing. If you like fiction you are an abstract thinker, which would lend to logical form. This was in a book about learning style.

    I personally dont like reading like, historical stuff or that kind of nonfiction

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