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Socionic "mask": how it helps and troubles us

Author: SK Kamenev, Prokofiev, TN
Submitted by: "Socionics, mentologiya and Personality Psychology", 2009, № 6, p.10.
Our society is arranged so that, getting in certain life situations people put themselves on the "mask" with the deliberate purpose not always introduce themselves to others in a more favorable light. In this article we are talking about what are "masks". In what situations do they interfere with people who bring inconvenience and discomfort, and help in any interaction with the environment and achieving these goals.
Key words: socionics, TIM, "mask" intertype relationships, life challenges and problems, the functions in the cell model A.
The hypothesis of the presence of a number of people "masks" was put forward long ago and confirmed by studies of many socionists. In the works of different researchers 'mask' got different names and slightly different shades of meaning, such as "communicative model" (Yermak VD), "socionic accentuation" (SI Churyumov), "the accents of type" (VV Meged, AA Ovcharov). For the first time the existence of such a person mentioned properties K.-G. Jung. In the introduction to "The psychological types" [1] he wrote: "When abnormal conditions, that is where it is an extremely strong and at the same abnormal plants from their mothers, children may be imposed with respect to the homogeneous setting of violence to their individual disposition, which maybe elected to another type, if not prevented this abnormal external conditions. "
If you look at it from a practical point of view, we can see that the "mask" can both help and hinder our communication and interaction with people.
The negative impact of "mask"
Consider the scenario when the mask prevent us. This, above all, their unconscious and long wear.Solving a problem in life, people behave in certain, perhaps even frequently recurring situations as a representative of another type, and is not aware of this. Sometimes it happens that the "mask" worn so long that it grows like a true type of person.
This phenomenon leads to the following consequences.
Firstly, on arrival at a new job when they appear in unfamiliar company or on a first date, a person develops an opinion, determined by its mask. This is due to the fact that the first impression is just the mask. But after a while begins to break through this type. As a result, people work hard at the office to which he was taken, management expectations are not met, which leads to frustration and sometimes more unpleasant consequences.
Secondly, the man of moods on personal development and uses this knowledge to Socionics, but wearing a "mask", it is often difficult to deal with its type. It starts the confusion between real and Tim "mask" that leads to the fact that people tend to consider themselves at all by any third type.
In the present example (ILE) to "mask" (LSI). This man long doubted and wavered between TIM (ILI) and (LII) as well as on tests he had obtained a high probability (LII), and from the descriptions fit better (ILI), but the end did not suit neither one nor the other TIM . And only through activities socionics people deal with its Tim, being able to separate it from the "mask".
As a result, the presence of "masks" leads to the fact that human TIM as a dim and not bright.
IN Kalinauskas intertype linked with personal problems [2]. Repeated observations from the practice of counseling, TN Prokofiev and EA Udalova confirmed these patterns. In addition, TN Prokofiev, and E. Udalova [3] tied up with personal problems and also the presence of people "masks." If a person has a "mask" that is, one person would get along as two types, one might say, then, that between Tim and the mask are set intertype relations, which also signal the presence of similar unresolved personal problems.
Below is the list of matching "mask" problems.

Identity (no mask): The absence of "masks" says the simplicity and reliability of the person. The man is honest enough with yourself and others, not trying to play someone's role, remains adequate to itself
"Mask": is the problem of leisure: a man needs a rest, comfort, relaxation, encouragement and support
"Mask": is associated with rejection of the idea that the problem is and what it should be solved. There is no motivation to solve problems
"Mask": is associated with problems of implementation of the individual, the implementation of creative, proactive delivery of results
"Mask": is the problem of work: the feeling that pressure of work prevents live a full life. Difficulties in organizing work, allocating priorities. Or "mask" is the problem of a long job search
"Mask": is the problem of inner freedom: stiffness, inability to make an independent move, the tension escape from reality into a world of illusions. A person has accumulated internal stress, with whom he can not cope. As a result - creating a tense atmosphere for others, care in the world of illusions: computer communication, which replaces the real life, or computer games, the feeling of being lost, inconsistent with the reality
"Mask": is associated with survival. Man does not live freely, and "survival" is doing what is "necessary", without comparing it with his forces and capabilities. There is no balance of work and rest, recuperation necessary
"Mask": is related to everyday problems. The man is not enough organized way of life, to how to restore power
"Mask": is the problem of struggle: the struggle of a man passionate about (with someone - people, circumstances), makes this fight more important than they should, or simply struggle is relevant at this time. In any case, the presence of "mask" makes life, interferes with focus, to choose their own, not someone else's money to solve problems
"Mask": tells about the problem of choice. Man is not inclined to make a clear choice for a long time staying in a state of vibration and thus making it difficult life for themselves and others. This mask also speaks of the inner conflict of man
Kindred"Mask" is the problem of self-affirmation. At one time, man has not learned to assert himself worthy of the means, not mastered the techniques approved its position among men, it is now forced to act against its own type, breaking himself to "cover up" their weaknesses, has to be presented to others and even themselves (and, I imagine - in the first place) like a different person
"Mask": is associated with learning problems
"Mask": is the problem of debt (a person feels superior to others, as if he "must all"). Feels entitled to impose stricter requirements for people without the need first and foremost with themselves
/Supervisee"Mask": is associated with an inability to ask from their debtors to repay a greater tendency than others to ask. The man thinks that "it all should", "conscience - the best inspector." The paper can be problems associated with the inability to ask subordinates for the execution of
"Mask": is the problem of avoiding liability for the decisions. People tend to make their own decisions, but shift the responsibility for their performance on other
"Mask": is the problem of avoiding responsibility for making decisions. People tend to be obedient executor, but do not make decisions yourself, to shift responsibility for them on the otherHow to use this function in practice?

The practice of observation and consultation has shown that man's relation to its issue or problem to solve can be seen and understood by him as to the appropriate intertype relationships.
For example, dual relationships are associated with the problem of leisure. Most people love to relax.And most are very good to his Douala. And if a person is afraid of their duals? The phenomenon is not very common in Socionics, but it is sometimes found.
Here is an example of a girl (ILI), which says its duals, (SEE), a tough, demanding, that she was afraid of them. At any mention of the (SEE), she flaps her hands: "No, no!". And as her affairs with rest? The girl is working "avidly", said that neither late nor early in the morning can not be distracted from thinking about work. As a result, having been at last in a long vacation, decided to go with the creative work on the job "from bell to bell." "In order not to think" - she said. Will she did?
In such cases, the recommendation to learn more regularly helps to relax. And not just on vacation.Requires full relaxation at the end of the week and 1-2 hours each day. And, as practice shows, the relationship with dualom in this case adjusted.
= Attitude toward the problem to intertype relationships
holds both for comfort and for the neutral and stressful intertype relations.
For example, the relationship conflict. Are they suitable for a family? For most people, such marriages are unacceptable. But then a man says that he lived 50 years happily married to conflictor and would not like another fate. Relations correspond to the solution of the conflict problem of choice. And indeed, we hear from this man, he likes to make choices in different situations. His many years of work he connected with the theory of probability and mathematical statistics. And even for the soul has chosen a hobby that is associated with a permanent option, a play on exchange rates.
Worked out the formula is valid for both intertype relationships between people, and for the relationship between Tim and his human "mask."
Let us consider the case when the "mask" prevents us from. For example, a "mask" controlled by, associated with problems of debt-holders makes it softer and more vulnerable. One gets the impression that these people are hardly aware of their personal interests and are willing to sacrifice them to please society.
Here is a verbatim quote that said (LII) in a "mask" (IEA): "Everybody wants to please and to all be good. The company feels an urgent need in whatever was to maintain an ideal relationship. It is very difficult if people are bad for you. "

The influence of "mask" the work functions of the model A
Anyway all the "mask" and including "The Mask" under control, bring down the order and content of the functions in the cell model A. This "mask" requires the owner to work on the weak role function, like passing it off as creative. That is one "climbs" in his superego. As you know, the superego, we are only what is "necessary" that we "should" the community to maintain its social face. And it is no real creativity will come of it.
Another disadvantage of a strong "mask" is controlled by the confusion associated with the interaction of the background function and the bounding function of TIM "mask". This leads to difficulties in both diagnosis and the difficulties in finding help and self-help. Let us consider the example of what it is confusion.
It is noticed that the above (ILE) in "Mask" (LSI), very often from difficult situations out for yourself by limiting yourself and others by the logic of action. When you start talking with him on this point, it is clear that he questions the logic of action appear to be complex, as though he put up the frame. The result is that a restrictive feature "masks" as it restricts the background features of this TIM. And it is a well-functioning background function is an indicator of the reliability of the individual [7,8].
Bounding the same type of function (ILE) - intuition of time, his "mask" (LSI) has been working as an activation. This leads to the fact that a person is very difficult to find inner freedom: instead, to limit unnecessary activity on the environment intuition of time, he feels the need to intensify deystvoviya on it. Intuition of time is perceived as a referential function, forcing to follow the standards adopted in the reference group, people are very afraid of being late, do something wrong time.
"Mask" under control also prevents the holder to establish true confidence to loved ones. This is due to confusion in the suggestive function. People with this problem very seriously and relax. They think that they can not give yourself the time it should devote to others. "I can not deal with them and with his looks, because I have too many obligations to her mother in law. And even if you have some free time, because I do not work, and sit with a child, I have to spend time with him "- that is such a problem has been raised already mentioned our girl (LII) at the fact that it fails to follow the his appearance, and she really wanted to. In this passage heard words such as "should" and "liabilities."It was so one-sided sense of duty is expressed in people with "mask" controlled.
How to "mask" can help us
Now consider the second version of "masks", namely those cases where they are helping us. This is a short putting on a "mask" of a TIM, which may be as unconscious and conscious, especially when a person takes the shape of a socionic type.
You can use it in conjunction with the supervisor or subordinate to endear a man in negotiations with business partners, in acting, in diplomacy and politics. And also in my personal life ... For example, knowing the type of future in-laws, and knowing that it (EII), a girl with Tim (SLE) (intertype relationships - conflict) during short meetings can wear a "mask" (FEL) (co-player-in-law for .) It is only necessary to note that it's easier to put on static "mask" Static types and dynamic - dynamic.Depending on what Timy open at a given (SLE), it order to reduce tensions, could still wear, for example, "mask" (IEE), a type of mirror for the in-laws.
Consider the resulting pattern of interaction in models for A (SLE), (LSE) and EII).

THC (EII) - sensory-willed, and suggestive feature - the business logic. Both these functions are one-dimensional. V (SLE) and (LSE), these four-function.
But the fact is that those functions which have (SLE) are conscious, at (FEL) in the subconscious.(FEL) provides support for them without words, in fact the unconscious of the block. A (SLE) overloads these functions in-law a huge number of this informatsii.Iz (SLE), in order to play co-player(EII), to give him information from his Ida, that is, with the background and the bounding functions.The truth is not very easy because for these functions are not very comfortable to talk a lot. But building relationships with future in-law, and not worth very much to say, better contrast, more than listen and listen - then the chances like.
Another essential factor - the reduction of information from this basic function, as it accounts for pain(EII). If a man puts on a "mask" (FEL) or (IEA), the information about strong-willed sensorics not meant to be heard in such extent that feeds it (SLE). Information should be brief and clear, no ambiguity.

Thus, we examined the options when the "mask" hinder us and when help. Using this knowledge, we can control our quality of life, making it the comfort, prosperity and welfare and avoiding those situations where the "mask" binds us and prevents us from developing. We can also manage their socialization, establishing favorable contacts with people of any socionic types, briefly putting himself on the right "mask", if necessary.