"Justice is my trade". This is a type of a revolutionary or a political conspirator. In a conflict situation he usually organizes a committee to punish the offender. He believes that everything in the world must be logical and consequently just. He is capable of neglecting his own profit and safety when defending the offended. He sets for himself very high requirements. Unless somebody else takes care of him, he can easily drive himself to starvation. Garibaldi, Robespierre, Dzierzhynski, Jefferson are revolutionaries who devoted themselves to an idea.
I am curious as to what other INTJs consider for this "devotion"

I've been narrowing mine down for the last year or so, and I think I'll have "come to terms" (as in, fully accepted and commited) with a decision soon enough. This sort of concept - of a quest, or adventure, or journey, or great purpose, etc - was always there. from my early years.

I imagine progression in the sciences would be common. Tcau has taken up his psychorelativity/psychology. I feel a drifting towards physics. What about you?