I was wondering of the best way to go about creating a system, or structure. (Geared towards INTjs, but anyone can answer).

Let us use the example of creating a daily routine. My current environment is very bare, as per it being summer vacation. (I probably will take courses next year over the summer, having learned my lesson). There is somewhat of a depression in the air, I find. So I try to keep myself busy.

But there is the aspect of "being drained"

I don't know how to directly classify it, but it comes from when I think I am wasting my time on something that isn't necessary. But the couter to that is something that is necessary, but only for the short term. There are issues with practicality, and in general I dispise sleeping and having to eat - it really does get in the way. So in an attempt to overcome this, I've tried to come up with some sort of daily schedule, but it has not yet come to terms in the way I would like to.

I ask for your opinion not for so much that I am 'running low on ideas', but more so for an insipration perhaps, or at least something to compare or measure to or from.

I am a fan of to-do lists and prioritizing, for sure.
..... But then again perhaps part of the problem is that I don't like summer vacation in general, and maybe have issues with the concept of free time.

Your thoughts are welcomed