Diana, oh come on!
Socionics is the study of information metabolism. It places the functions on a scale where at least 2 functions are strong and at least one function is weak. Have you ever seen an INTj teacher? I have. I felt sorry for him, because he really didn't seem to be enjoying being there. He could become the best teacher ever if he tried, but he just wanted to go back in his office to work on his experiments.

I am a bit busy, I'll try to make it short. If socionics doesn't even give us a glue of what we will be good/bad at, then socionics means absolutely nothing. Of course a person can LEARN to do something. God gave us a brain for something!

It's a pseudo-problem. All these people "totally convinced" that socionics works, but at the same time shouting that it tells us absolutely nothing about a person. Make up your bloody damn mind already!

If we want to analyse anything in the context of socionics, and not spend an hour explaining our every thought, we have to generalize!