View Poll Results: Courtney Love

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  • SLE (ESTp)

    16 64.00%
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    4 16.00%
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    0 0%
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    0 0%
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    1 4.00%
  • LSE (ESTj)

    2 8.00%
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Thread: Courtney Love

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    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Default Courtney Love

    Last edited by silke; 08-26-2015 at 03:39 PM. Reason: updated links
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

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    Check out my Socionics group!

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    I can see her pussy! ESTp.

  4. #4
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    I think that she is ISFJ.
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  5. #5
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

  6. #6


    I think she is ESTp and that Kurt Cobain was INFp.

  7. #7
    Joy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
    I can see her pussy! ESTp.
    good point.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  8. #8
    Dioklecian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
    I can see her pussy! ESTp.
    good point.
    ESTPs show their pussy like that??? NOt where I live
    Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.

  9. #9

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dioklecian
    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Quote Originally Posted by Sycophant
    I can see her pussy! ESTp.
    good point.
    ESTPs show their pussy like that??? NOt where I live
    Keep in mind, we're talking Courtney Love, here. COURTNEY LOVE, as in:

  10. #10
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    eh, I was just taking a cheap shot

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  11. #11


    Ha, I never let things like this happen when I was on heroin. I was a modest junkie.

    Hmm, I guess it's fair to assume that she does not care?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    this must be some insight into my type. i have always loved her in a weird way if only because she's completely insane.

    i want to think she's like, ESTj or ESFp. i don't see ESTp with her much at all.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  13. #13
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    Default Courtney Michelle Love

    Courtney Love

    ESTp --- --- Commander
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    using 4 subtypes: Harmonizing Commander (H-ESTp)
    using 8 subtypes: Expert Commander (Ni-ESTp)
    using 16 subtypes: Lyrical (or Visionary) Commander (ESTp-INFp)

    "Every time that I sell myself to you/I feel a little bit cheaper than I need to..."

    "...Just you wait 'til everyone is hooked..."

    - from Vanity Fair (NOVEMBER 2011); p. 201 (Love in a Cold Climate): Her coffee table was filled with vases of flowers, candles, cigarettes, ashtrays, a covered tray of cupcakes, and interesting books: The Frenzy of Renown: Fame and Its History, by Leo Braudy; Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles and the Imagination of Disaster, by Mike Davis. As I got to know Courtney, I found that a conversation with her could swing dizzyingly from Robert Graves to Sigmund Freud to the drug habits of Hollywood actors and actresses to Plato’s Phaedrus. “There is a hidden part of her that is the most highbrow of highbrow,” says her friend Gwyneth Paltrow. “She’s so erudite and brainy and it’s beneath this amazing punk exterior.”

    - pp. 202, 204: What had actually struck me in Azerrad’s book—and also in Charles Cross’s 2001 Cobain biography, Heavier than Heaven, the basis for a biopic now in development at Universal—was the thing that somehow gets left out of the Kurt and Courtney myth: how very much in love they were. “I’m so blinded by love,” Cobain said in 1992. “I’m just so overwhelmed by the fact that I’m in love on this scale.” “I’d never met anyone so outspoken and charismatic,” he told Azerrad. “It seems like she is a magnet for exciting things to happen.” He called her “the coolest girl in the whole world.”
    “Are you mad at him for killing himself?” I asked her.
    “Mad?" Courtney shouted. “Ya think?! If he came back right now I’d have to kill him, for what he did to us. I’d fucking kill him. I’d fuck him, and then I’d kill him.”
    It was just the kind of thing—her honesty and dark humor—that Cobain loved her for, and that continually gets her into trouble.

    - p. 227 (Where Did Our Love Go?): ‘I think the theme of loss is truly one of the driving things in her life,” said a friend of Courtney’s. “When you look at the conspiracy, it’s all part of this loss that has been part of her life since childhood. She’s always trying to find out where it went—whether it’s money or love.”
    Courtney’s troubled history has been examined at length—most of all by Courtney. It’s unusual to have a conversation with Courtney where she doesn’t mention one of the outrages of her dysfunctional hippie upbringing: That her father, Hank Harrison, allegedly dosed her with LSD when she was four (Harrison denies this). That her mother, Linda Carroll, now a therapist, twice left her in the care of others, a family friend when Courtney was 9 and a former stepfather when she was 12. “My mother wants to kill me,” Courtney says.
    Courtney—born Courtney Michelle Harrison in San Francisco in 1964—wound up in the Oregon juvenile-detention system at 13. At 16, she became legally emancipated from her mother—actually a woman with a “sizeable inheritance” of her own, according to her memoir, Her Mother’s Daughter—going on to become a stripper and then, improbably, a rock star.

    - p. 229: “Ever since I was a little girl,” she said, “I wanted to be famous, because I thought, in the light, they’ll be fair to me. I prayed to God I could grow up and be famous because then they’ll be fair to me. Fair to me? Ha.
    “And then it turned out my calling was to be this provocateur. I wrote this song once called ‘Asking for It.’ ‘Was she asking for it? Was she asking nice? Did she ask you for it? Did she ask you twice?’ I was playing with this trope of the vengeful female. I thought, like Madonna, I could change my persona with my look. But what I didn’t understand—I didn’t get the brief on this—is they’ll never let you live it down.”

    - from THE FIRST SESSION CD booklet (1990 Flipside Interview):
    Caroline: She walked up to me and said, “Do you play drums?”
    Courtney: Because she was watching Dee from L7. Perceptive of me, wasn’t it?
    Caroline: Yes, Courtney.
    Courtney: I moved here from another place, from another band that we don’t want to talk about [Faith No More], determined to start my own band. Not my band, but a band, a good band. Not a bad band as opposed to some bands I’ve been in. Then I found the most talented, hot people that could make a good band.
    Al: Are you a native Californian?
    Caroline: Me and Eric are from San Pedro. Jill is from Covina.
    Al: Where are you from Courtney?
    Courtney: Portland, and San Francisco pretty much.
    Al: As far as this being the second Hole. . . .
    Caroline: That first band was a completely different band, it really was. It was a false hole. There were two other members that . . . the song writing completely changed from that point on.
    Eric: We’re a real group where everybody affects the band, it’s not just one person.
    Caroline: It’s not like one person’s mood swing affects the band. . . .
    Courtney: THAT’S RIGHT! Ha ha. . . .
    Al: What else makes this the real Hole?
    Courtney: Well, we all like Neil Young . . . and we all part our hair in the middle unless we have bangs.
    Al: Who makes up your flyers?
    Courtney: I’ve been making them, why?
    Al: I was wondering where you get a lot of the little quotes that you put on them?
    Courtney: Some of them are my little poems, some are like the last one was a Henry Miller thing, different stuff.
    Al: Is that inspiration for lyrics as well?
    Courtney: One thing about this band is that we are heavily into lyrics. That is the most important thing to me. I used to be in a band that is now a gigantic heavy metal band, who shall go nameless. I used to write lyrics for that band when I was 16 and they wouldn’t even look at them. That was bogus. Lyrics are important. I think you should have something to say.
    Al: Is there a general theme that runs through them?
    Courtney: I don’t usually write . . . I’ve been writing most of the lyrics—I wouldn’t feel very comfortable singing somebody else’s lyrics unless they are by Fleetwood Mac, but basically . . . I don’t write about guys or anything. . . .
    Caroline: They seem to be personal, or sometimes traumatic experiences.
    Courtney: Deep emotional lies. You know when you have a lot of angst, you tend to think that your angst is a very special angst and you give up of your angst.
    Gus: Do you all write the music?
    Courtney: Yes, the last song we wrote we all wrote, the song before that two of us wrote.
    Eric: In the beginning Courtney and I would write most of the music and the words, and since Jill has been in the band we’ve been jamming more and. . . .
    Courtney: The ball is rolling, the community, the unity is there.
    Al: What are some new songs that you’ve been writing?
    Courtney: We just wrote a song called “Dick Nail.” It’s about different kinds of, it’s an anti-misogynism anthem. It has a verse about rape, it has a verse about incest, it has a verse about—okay, it’s a male-bashing song! No, it’s not. . . .
    Caroline: It sounds like the rationale for a gang bang sometimes, the excuses. . . .
    Courtney: The words to the song are very simple, they’re like, you know in rape cases how people say “she liked it” or “she was asking for it” or “look at how she was dressed.” A lot of times in rape cases people don’t even go to jail because the woman was wearing a fucking miniskirt!
    Caroline: They’re exactly like the witch trials, you have to prove that you are completely, immaculately, virginly pure or else you are asking for it.
    Al: What’s another song. . . .
    Courtney: I wrote a song about my best friend. We write songs about each other.
    Al: But we can’t know who it’s about, right?

    Courtney: No! Because it’s like in the context of our band—we have a press kit, 5 little pieces of press and each one of them mentions Sonic Youth, or another band, or . . . I think it’s a bad thing to continue that, name dropping, being associated with other bands. As if there’s not room for enough—I want every fucking girl in the world to pick up a guitar and start screaming. I’m totally fucking into it. I’m not into the competition, or calling it menstrual grunge, or saying there’s this influx of bands with pissed-off girls in them because now there’s five of them. Okay, all of a sudden that’s an influx, there’s too many when there’s 8000 bands with guys screaming. But that’s fine.

    Jill: It’s still like if it’s a girl then they’ve got to say it, like why do you have to say it’s a girl or a guy? They have to sell that “girl” thing. . . .
    Courtney: Fuck that girl thing!
    Eric: I wasn’t searching out to play with just girls.

    Courtney: I don’t go out to look for just girls, you try going to English Acid and going up to a guy in leather pants and saying, “Will you drum in a band with me?” They fucking laugh at you. So transcend the whole experience of the feminine aspect. I read this in a Limey paper, I thought it was a really good quote about how men have to dress up like women to like sing really emotional issues in heavy metal. Like what is Poison? They’re drag queens, they dress up like women therefore they get to confront emotional issues. The whole feminization of men in heavy metal speaks for itself. Well, scratch that because we want to transcend this whole “chick” thing. Fuck this chick thing. The whole thing with music is that it is cathartic, and if it wasn’t cathartic then I wouldn’t want to play it. When I was a teenager and I was in different bands it wasn’t as cathartic for me, but now shit travels through me and out of me, for me, and I think for all of us—shit travels out of us and into you. And that makes us feel better about our shit because we can share it.
    Al: So for someone who has never seen you, what kind of shit are you sharing?

    Courtney: Okay, like “Retard Girl,” that’s our single. It’s about getting picked on in school, anyone who’s ever been picked on in a big way, or a small way. I just got this vibe one day about how when I was in school I was really shy and sort of picked on, and I swore that I would never pick on people who were picked on. I pick on people that nobody else picks on. People think that song is making fun of some retarded girl but it’s about me! About that feeling of alienation. I was so quiet. I was the quietest person and I got picked on but I CHANGED MY WAYS!

    Eric: We’re all little misfits. . . .
    Al: The single is out with Sympathy, right?

    Courtney: Yes. Sympathy for the Record Industry is the coolest record label in America! What I really like about Sympathy is the guy that runs it, John, is totally sincere and totally honest in his dealings, and is unambitious. He says when he has to get someone to answer the phones then he’s quitting. That’s a weird level to deal with because when you live in Hollywood you have to deal with schmucky insincere people—it’s really refreshing. He never questions the gender for a second or even talks about it.
    Al: Will we see more vinyl in the near future?
    Courtney: We’re doing another single. We’re doing a cover of “Both Sides Now” [by Joni Mitchell] and “Dick Nail” and a song called “Sweet Crystal Powered By God” which was inspired by Don Bolles. There was this biker cover band in Calavaras County called Sweet Crystal and their singer got saved by Jesus, so they changed their name to Sweet Crystal Powered by God. But that’s not what the song is about, it’s about a girl who goes on a murder rampage.
    Al: Let’s talk about your name and how it sums up what you’re all about?
    Courtney: Okay, the name, it came from my mom. She’s like a therapist and I said “I had a really fucked childhood” and she said “Well, Courtney, you can’t walk around with a big hole inside yourself about it.” Then I realized that a lot of different kinds of anger and stuff came from my hole, this hole that needs to be fed—that angst inside a person is like their hole. . . . Like when you feel that human emptiness and you have to feed it. . . . We’re trying not to be obscene, we’re trying not to be gross. We’re trying not to be anything; we’re just a vapor of fucking hell that passes through your hole and out the other side, and if it leaves a fucking impression then it’s fucking great.
    Al: When you were a kid was there any traumatic situation that may have led you to be in a rock band?
    Courtney: Start with day one and keep going. The exact moment of my birth and onward. I had a guitar from the beginning and I always wanted to be in a band. The whole concept of life just hit me one day.
    Jill: I met this hippie that had a bass and I didn’t know much about hippies. I was into punk rock at the time. Now I’m a hippie. I sold my 10 speed and got this bass and fell in love, and it’s the only thing that I know and want to do, and I’ll probably be in a jazz band doing comedy when I’m sixty.
    Eric: It was a combination of two experiences. One was waking up one morning in some pantyhose and having my mom look at me with this disgusting look—being disgusted that I was even alive, disgusted that I would do such a thing to myself during the night on top of my bunk bed without my little brother even knowing it. It was a combination of that and walking on the beach one day down in San Pedro, walking along the tide pools and I found a dead body. I thought they were filming a movie, it was this body which was pure white, it had been thrashed around a few days in the water, hitting the rocks. I walked up close to it and “oh my God!”
    Al: and that made you pick up the guitar?
    Eric: Yeah, that and the pantyhose thing, then I saw Kiss and saw Aerosmith and it was all over. I don’t know. I had to be a rock star.
    Caroline: I didn’t start talking until I was 4 or 5 years old because my sister did all the talking. I didn’t want people to see me talk because I thought my mouth looked real funny. Then I thought I was a ghost that was invisible, but I was also 5’10” in sixth grade, so that really didn’t cut it. But to this day I’ve always had the power to be invisible. I can completely avoid cops. I can be drinking, doing 75 miles an hour in the fast lane, and cops will pull beside me, look at me, and keep going. It’s really weird. So I always thought I was a ghost. I also always thought I was ignored so badly that I wanted attention. I wanted to affect people. Then I saw Karen Carpenter play drums on TV and I was so impressed that that was it for me. Then on a cruise to Catalina there was this band called the Icebreakers on the cruise ship, and they were whacking coconuts and had Hawaiian shirts and were acting really silly and they had a girl drummer. So after that I knew I had to play drums and it went from there.
    Al: Were you in a band before this one?
    Caroline: Yeah, I was in the Omelettes. I replaced Janet from the Love Dolls.
    Courtney: Pat Smear turned me onto the Carpenters. Karen has a really pure and beautiful voice and it soothed all of America for almost a decade. But Stevie and Lindsey really represent the true California sound that we are looking for.
    Al: You were in some other bands too, right, Jill?
    Jill: Yeah, I played with the Superheroines and I played with Sylvia Juncosa.
    Courtney: Me and Jennifer from L7 and Kat from Babes in Toyland had a band together that was chee-zee! Cheezee! It was fucking chamber music! It was hysterical. If the tapes ever come out I’ll kill myself. I was in . . . a couple of other bands. . . . The general consensus of this band is that Mary lied about Jesus.
    Al: In what respect?
    Courtney: Weeee are prettttty sure . . . that it wasn’t immaculate conception.

    - from Her Mother’s Daughter: A Memoir of the Mother I Never Knew and of My Daughter, Courtney Love by Linda Carroll; pp. 151-152 (Chapter 17): Hank had Courtney one night a week and every other weekend. One day she came home with psychedelic magic marker drawings covering her arms and legs. And I was horror-struck by her nightmares after the visits with him. She woke up screaming, “No, Daddy, no!” It was virtually impossible to soothe her afterward. The more I tried, the more she would stiffen, arching her back and resisting as though my touch were painful.
    I called my lawyer to see if I could stop Hank from seeing her. “I have to be honest,” he said. “I’d be concerned about my daughter visiting him, too. He doesn’t seem to know a lot about appropriate behavior.” But in 1966, in the most liberal city in the country, there was little a court could do about my concerns, he told me. “I don’t even think we can get him to pay his child support—that’s how loose the system has gotten.”

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    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    ILE. Enneatype: 8w7.

  17. #17
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    SLE-Ti 7w8 sx/sp

    Reminds me a bit of Madonna in ways, though not as composed; 7 vs 3 shows a lot. Also reminds me a bit of user ananke.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  18. #18
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Yeah, SLE is pretty clear after watching some interviews. No way she is ILE.

  19. #19
    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Reminds me a bit of Madonna in ways
    I was just thinking the same

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    SLE-Ti 7w8 sx/sp

    Reminds me a bit of Madonna in ways, though not as composed; 7 vs 3 shows a lot. Also reminds me a bit of user ananke.
    I agree with this. If she's Ti-ESTp, then maybe Normalizing subtype (ESTp-IXFj).

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    "I burn better in the dark/Don't let the light in/It's pure poison where you are/Is that me crying?/Tell me a happy ending story . . . . For every end in tragedy/I'll twist your heart out/For every evil, dumb, lazy/I'll tear the sun down/Tell me a happy ending story . . . . Oh, I swear, you're killing me, you're killing me/Oh, I swear, you're breaking me again/Oh, I swear, you're breaking me, you're haunting me/Oh, I swear, you're killing me again . . . . Is that me crying?/The stars crash down, don't let them in/Is that me dying?/Tell me a happy ending story . . . ."

    Oh yeah, I forgot this:

    "Live Through This [DGC, 1994]
    Punk aesthetic or no punk aesthetic, Courtney Love's songs wouldn't be compromised and might be deepened by steeper momentum and more articulate guitar noise. But they prevail anyway. Their focus is sexual exploitation, and not just by the media, evil straights, and male predators of every cultural orientation. She's also exploited by Courtney Love, and not only does she know it, she thinks about it. These are the confessions of a self-made feminist bimbo--of the girl who wanted the most cake. Just because she's a phony, whatever that means, doesn't mean the world isn't out to deny her her props. A"

    "America's Sweetheart [Virgin, 2004]
    Her celebrity on steroids and her voice in shreds, a drug-abusing unfit mother charms, fucks, or buffalos her way into some old-fashioned major-label money, commits commercial compromise on demand, and delivers an album as invigorating in its contempt for rock professionalism as Neil Young's Tonight's the Night. If the little girls barely know who she is, good--a lifestyle irresponsibly seductive in a powerful person like Keith Richards is only pitiably misguided in this has-been waiting to happen. But she's right about one thing. The world does owe her a living. A-"

    'Nobody's Daughter [Mercury, 2010]
    Most people don't like her, and actually, I don't either. So I can't claim you owe it to yourself to enjoy Courtney Love's much-delayed first-album-since-2004. Nor even that these songs cast a revealing light of her scabrous persona--beyond "Pacific Coast Highway" ("I'm overwhelmed and undersexed") and "Never Go Hungry" ("I don't care what I have to pretend"), they're typical wails of punk-schooled rage from "Skinny Little Bitch" to "Letter to God." Thing is, I can use some new punk rage in my life, and unless you're a fan of Goldman Sachs and BP Petroleum, so can you. What's more, better it come from a 45-year-old woman who knows how to throw her weight around than from the zitty newbies and tattooed road dogs who churn most of it out these days. I know--for her, BP Petroleum is just something else to pretend about. But the emotion fueling her pretense is cathartic nevertheless. A-'

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    "I knew a boy/He came from the sea/He was the only boy who ever knew the truth about me/I'm overwhelmed and undersexed/Baby, what did you expect?/I'm overwrought and so disgraced/I'm too ashamed to show my face/And they're coming to take me away now/What I want I will never have . . . All of this world’s shame won’t stop my arrival/And all this world’s fame and drugs and plague won’t stop my survival . . . And I’ve lost myself completely/I look to you my shooting star . . . And you know I’m drowning . . . Miles and miles of regret/It hasn’t happened and it won’t happen yet . . . And miles and miles of regret . . . Pacific Coast Highway, I crashed/Pacific Coast Highway, anguish/Pacific Coast Highway, you better live/Pacific Coast Highway"

    “ . . . when you’re gone it gets so cold/I swear I’m too young to be this old . . . Yes, I crawled on glass to grasp at straws/Stuttering, staggering through/And I’ve pierced the last hole in my arm/To gouge out the pieces of you/And your staggering, stuttering greed/And your never ending need/And your terrible awful deeds/And your lack of truth in these things/You know the whole thing is rigged/You’ll always quit/You always did/To the most delusional stare/And all that I have is out and laid bare . . . Oh, I’ve been bitter/You know what’s true and you know what’s right . . . I know that I’m a hungry lost girl/But please stick around/And I’ll build you a world/I’ll build you a world/I’ll build you a world...”

    ESTp --- --- Organizer
    using 2 subtypes: Logical Organizer (Ti-ESTp)
    using 4 subtypes: Normalizing Organizer (N-ESTp)
    using 8 subtypes: Social (or Anxious) Organizer (Fi-ESTp)
    using 16 subtypes: Protective (or Vulnerable) Organizer (ESTp-ISFj)

  23. #23
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    Hmm. She's sort of a legend. Like, the perfect blend of ridiculously fake and brutally emotionally honest all wrapped into one. Making fun of the Hollywood celebrity thing but inevitably embracing it, being fully aware that life is only what we make of it. A+ Courtney.

    (and Se-SLE for her type)

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    Excellent insights/evaluation/observations. I can't figure out her subtype. I kind of want her to be Ti-ESTp since it makes sense in terms of Kurt Cobain having been Fe-INFp (which is the consensus typing anyway) and my being Fe-INFp and plus she kind of looks like Madonna at times, and there seemed to be some dissonance between her and Trent Reznor (Ni-INFp), Marilyn Manson (Ni-ENFj)... Yet if one just looks at things in terms of two subtypes Se-ESTp seems to make more sense. I definitely think that she's ESTp-IXFx either way. Most likely either ESTp-INFp or ESTp-ISFj.

    I think when my ex-boyfriend saw this picture he said/typed something like, '...Three screw-ups in the same location...'
    My ex-boyfriend thought Courtney Love VI'd ENFj. Of course in reality she VI's SLE.

    "It's too bad/'Cause no one cares/There's not a net/There's no one there/Can you fly?/You'll never reach me/I'm too high/It's my own myth/I'll decide/To finish what I started/Like I know the meaning of life/Look at me/I'm gonna jump/There's not a net/I'm so far up . . . I know the meaning of life/It's dark but love is so light . . ."

    - from ******s by Larry Kramer; pp. 24-25: . . . Jack was now going to a dyke shrink who had offered the hopeful, positive suggestion: "Mr. Humpstone, I think you may be a heterosexual manqué," and so perhaps not distant would be the day when his current inferiority . . . would vanish, freeing himself up for sparking, roaring fires with the wooing Robbie Swindon, so patiently waiting in the wings.

    I used to sing this song at karaoke (I've also sung "Doll Parts" and "Malibu"):

    "Oh make me over/I'm all I wanna be/A walking study in demonology/Hey, so glad you could make it/Yeah, now you really made it/Hey, so glad you could make it now/Oh look at my face/My name is 'might have been'/My name is 'never was'/My name's 'forgotten'/Hey, so glad you could make it/Yeah, now you really made it/Hey, there's only us left now/When I wake up/In my utopia/It's too early for that bell jar [(un)dress]/Wilted and faded somewhere in Hollywood/I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh/No second billing/'Cause you're a star now/Oh . . . Mom/They aren't saints like you/Beautiful garbage/Beautiful dresses/Can you stand up?/Or will you just fall down/You better watch out/Oh, what you wish for/It better be worth it/So much to die for/Hey, so glad you could make it/Yeah, now you really made it/Hey, there's only us left now/When I wake up/In your dystopia/Have you ever felt so used up as this?/It's all so sugarless/Hooker, waitress/Model, actress/Oh, just go nameless/Honeysuckle, she's [he's] full of poison/She [he] obliterated everything she [he] kissed/Now she's [he's] fading/Somewhere in Hollywood/I'm glad I came here with your pound of flesh . . ."

    Logical/Normalizing subtype:

    'Prefer to remain in the shadows, not to demonstrate their aspirations, but constantly hold their hands on the pulse of all proceedings around them. Outwardly appears balanced and phlegmatic. Before acting, checks all versions of possible consequences and only then enters into the game. Distrustful and careful, skeptic, conservative and realistic. Because they are not very sociable, may appear to be introverted. If they have their aim on a victim, they act slowly, by the method of the "compressive ring".'

    'Sexual behavior

    Tend to occupy a “wait and see attitude” as they are prone to doubt others feelings towards them. Their emotional expression may appear somewhat forced as they prefer to await the initiative of others; afterwards are tender and attentive with an aim of improving sexual techniques. Internally are sentimental; love uncommon adventures. Not quick to forget past offences. Have need of someone reasonable, flexible and diplomatic. Their partner should be affectionate, attractive, merry and optimistic.'

    Versus the Sensory/Harmonizing subtype:

    "The sensory subtype is witty and impulsive… while seemingly concealing within them latent threats they appear unappeasable. However, they are sharp, aggressive and persevering people. Notably resourceful, they are able to manifest vindictiveness in doses that make life for their ill-wishers simply intolerable. Their character appears full of contrasts and unpredictability. Towards those whom they love they are often tender, even sentimental. Their sense of humor easily incorporates sarcasm and caustic irony. Are talkative, charming, witty, critical and sharp, love epithets and slang expressions. Their movements are fast and gait centered, When walking their slightly bent knees provide them with an ingratiating feline resemblance. Appreciate life and tend to watch over their health, periodically exercising through sports/gymnastics. Dresses tastefully and expensively. Usually provide a bright impression of a self-assured and prospering person."

    "Sexual behavior

    Demonstrative and behave unpredictably. Are sexually daring and energetic; animated in interaction and possessing feelings of humor. Are sexual and diverse in both moods and erotic reactions. Strongly emotional, are inclined to ignore the feelings and attitudes of other people and to consider their interests. An imperious and demanding partner, but can be thoughtful and affectionate. Find it difficult to restrain jealousy. Require an attentive, loyal, and reliable partner, whom will remain utterly submissive to their initiative."

    Robert Christgau:

    'Celebrity Skin [Geffen, 1998]
    Better punk than actress, better actress than popster ("Celebrity Skin," "Awful"). **'

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    SLE-Ti 7w8 sx/sp

    Reminds me a bit of Madonna in ways, though not as composed; 7 vs 3 shows a lot. Also reminds me a bit of user ananke.
    Oh, come on, SLE 7w8 is what Madonna is. She's no 3...

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    Quote Originally Posted by neverthesame View Post
    Oh, come on, SLE 7w8 is what Madonna is. She's no 3...
    Yeah that seems plausible I guess, but she seems really contained for an SLE 7, and too grounded for a head-triad type IMO.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    For a good example of SLE 7w8, watch Girl, Interrupted. Angelina Jolie's character is SLE-Se 7w8 sx/sp.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Fi type

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    A VERY typical SEE. Looks similar to scarlet johansen who is also an SEE.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    I actually kind of like the Girl, Interrupted movie. I agree, SLE-Se 7w8 sx/sp for Angelina Jolie's character makes a lot of sense. I'm leaning towards IEI-Fe 4w5 sx/sp for myself, although I could be wrong about at least part of that. In some ways, although not really/entirely realistically, that movie reminded me a bit of my times in psychiatric institutions/rehabilitation places as an adolescent. Of course the most memorable being the place I was for about three months, where you just stayed there for the week and went home on the weekend. There was this girl there, who arrived there about a month after I did, and who was probably the same type as Angelina Jolie's character in Girl, Interrupted and Courtney Love: SLE-Se 7w8 sx/sp.

    Madonna as a 3 makes sense I think. Courtney Love once said something about Madonna's blind ambition or something. Unfortunately, I can't find that (original) article from the '90s. Of course Courtney Love and Madonna probably have more in common then they'd like to think, although Madonna has probably perceived Courtney Love as being crazy. I think Madonna wanted to sign Courtney Love's band to her label circa 1994 I think, or around then, maybe even earlier . . . I don't know. Anyway, Courtney Love didn't want to, she went with Geffen and the rest is history. That didn't really work out in the end, but Live Through This is a brilliant album. It would've probably been weird if it was released through Madonna's label.

    Here's an article I found (it's anti-Courtney), yet has some interesting quotes:

    'In the course of Love’s rambling missive she labels Madonna, "calculating" and "weak as an artist." . . . "Hard work and major discipline doesn’t equal great art and all of those are great things — I covet them. I have great discipline and do work like a bionic thing," wrote Love in typically incoherent fashion.'

    Regarding Courtney Love as SEE (and/or an Fi type) one of the only things that makes that seem potentially plausible is that she adores, idolizes, and has been influenced by Bob Dylan (who some type ESI). Yet that doesn't necessarily prove anything. I like Yukio Mishima (who some type LIE) and Fyodor Dostoevsky (who many type EII) and I'm probably not an Fi type. If Mishima and Dostoevsky really are ENTj and INFj respectively, then I'd probably feel really sad (more than I already do) if I had to live in a purely Fe/Ti world. Being Fe-INFp doesn't mean one can't appreciate Fi.... and even being Fi-PoLR doesn't mean that one cannot appreciate forms of Fi (usually from one's supervisor) .... I guess that may be another reason why Courtney Love makes more sense as an Se-ESTp (as opposed to a Ti-ESTp) if Bob Dylan is Se-ISFj.

    I was wondering, if Courtney Love said things like "when I was in school I was really shy" and "I was so quiet. I was the quietest person . . ." then (if she is Se-ESTp) is she more likely to be, say, the Harmonizing subtype, or can she still be the Creative or Dominant subtype? This subtype thing kind of confuses me because I've seen stuff on the16types that would say Se-ESTp is Creative or Dominant and Ti-ESTp is Normalizing or Harmonizing, while on wikisocion for example a description that can be found under Se-ESTp is also used to describe the Harmonizing subtype on a different page.

    E minor (Cancer)

    "You should learn when to go/You should learn how to say 'No' . . . When they get what they want and they never want it again . . . Go on, take everything, take everything, I want you to . . . Yeah, I'm the one with no soul . . . Go on, take everything, take everything, I dare you to/I told you from the start just how this would end/When I get what I want and I never want it again"

    This is probably one of the only Hole songs my Mom (sort of) likes--"Best Sunday Dress" [I think at least part of it was originally written by Kat Bjelland (must've been that 'chamber music' band they had a long time ago). [Of course if one were to describe it more accurately, the original "Best Sunday Dress" was more just a collaborative effort between Kat Bjelland and Courtney Love in their band at the time -- Pagan Babies.] Strong Fleetwood Mac/Stevie Nicks influence. Most of the lyrics are Courtney's (I'm assuming). Since there are extra lyrics/passages that weren't in the Pagan Babies original version then it's safe to say that Eric Erlandson also contributed to a bit of the music as well on this one.]
    A minor (Sagittarius) [from what I remember]

    " . . . And I walk straight into this mess of mine . . . Watching you burn . . . Watch me with his sorrow/Forgive me all his pain/And I've come here to confess/To the wind and the rain and the glorious fame/And I've come here all undressed/For the numb and the dumb all say the name that you burn . . . Take him to the river/Forgive us all his pain . . . I'm coming undone/He comes from the coal mine/I see you shine like a diamond and curse us all goodnight/And I put on my best sunday dress/And I walk straight into this mess of mine/And I come here all undressed/For the poison and pain and you take what is mine/That you burn . . . Take me to his sorrow/Forgive us all his pain . . . Watching you burn . . ."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa Darmandzhyan View Post
    A VERY typical SEE. Looks similar to scarlet johansen who is also an SEE.
    I actually like Scarlett Johansson somewhat. Vicky Cristina Barcelona was a pretty good movie, and I particularly liked what I think was the last line of the movie (or at least close to it anyway) -- I kind of related to it. Even her role/acting in Lost in Translation made the movie seem better than it really was [regarding Sofia Coppola I like The Virgin Suicides a lot more; Lost in Translation reminded me a bit of the Saint Etienne (and Étienne Daho) song "He's on the Phone" (D Major/Aquarius) which I also like quite a bit.] I'm going to assume that Scarlett Johansson is either an Se-dominant or Fe-dominant type. I don't really care to narrow down her type beyond that right now (although of course other people already have).

    Regarding the Se-ESTp girl I knew at the psychiatric rehab (8 years ago) [she was somewhat similar to Brody Dalle, Courtney Love, etc. (yet I think she was actually 12-years-old or so at the time] . . . anyway I recently talked to this EIE guy who I knew from there, and I wrote, "i thought [the Se-ESTp girl] was cool", and he replied, "she was as long as she was being kind!"

  32. #32

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    Crikey she drives me crazy, i really can't stand her. It's odd, there is some attraction, but it's poisonious...she's about as toxic as fucked up ESTP's come.

    Now this is a story all about how, my type got changed, turned upside down. Just wait for a minute and watch chatbox right there, & I'll tell how Gem became the moderator with blue hair.

    In typology central friended and praised, on the picture thread was where she spent most her days. Chilling out, selfies, relaxing all cool, And all typing some people and getting them schooled.

    When a couple of girls who were up to no good, Started annoying her & her friends in the forumhood, She got in one little flame war & got pissed off & said 'I'm moving in with that exboyfriend in the forum with the socionics toffs.

    So Gem pulls up to the forum for a year without being a hater, And yells to typocentral 'Yo creeps! Smell Ya later', Became a mod in her kingdom she was finally there, To sit on her throne as the mod with blue hair.


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    She is such a heroine. Candid, aggressive, wild, self-destructive, she's like my SLE soul mate.Though the intense unhingedness is quite off a warning to other betas about where we could end up if we just went with the impulse.
    Last edited by betterthan; 07-11-2013 at 11:49 AM.
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

  35. #35
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    She seems utterly lost and crazy.

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    I always liked her creativity.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blackburry View Post
    She seems utterly lost and crazy.
    Maybe? I don't know her, but at least I have no interest in meeting her in a dark alley.
    Man grows used to everything, the scoundrel!


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    i can't vi too many surgeries

    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    SXE for sure, I lean towards SLE.

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