To part with the ENFp woman is complex, since on no account will she accept the fact that someone is tired of her. All her irresistable charm will be activated in order to bring to order the straying worshipper. So, what to do? We can advise only one thing: show her, that you use her, not she you. This she will not accept, and you, most likely, will attain the desired effect. But do not count on complete and final oblivion. With the random encounter your former friend will rush to your neck with a contented scream, to the big surprise of her new satellite.


The ISTp woman, being guided by her incomprehensible drives, can cease to show up to see you of her own accord - even before you see that you are not made for each other. But if your decision is already reached, and she is still there, act decisively. You will give her a list of your requirements - it does not matter what, provided that they began with the words: "you are obliged...", "you must...", and that they conclude with: "... you must do it more quickly!" Add flavor to this with stormy emotions. After this, you won't see the ISTp woman for a long time... as long as she, following her own impulses, does not show up at your door of her own accord.


In order to preserve her own image, the ESTj woman is capable of spending a long time preserving the image of stable relationships. Very often her men, not wanting to keep the rhytm of a slave field, attempt to leave, but this is not simple. The ESTh will again become tender and tempting, until her partner thinks it over, and here she will hope that he changes his mind. The natural way of break up does not work with the ESTj: the complete absence of enthusiasm from your side; she will simply take over herself your responsibilities. Common cheating leads to the best result - the ESTj will be deeply hurst, but this way is unsafe, since she is capable of taking revenge (moreover by means of someone else). Therefore we recommend this method : the meticulous criticism of her entire actions with a detailed analysis of errors.


No special measures are necessary to carry out the break up. If you decide to leave - you leave; neither reproaches nor scandals nor revenge will threaten you. Even if the INFj is slightly upset, she will try by all means not demonstrate this, and quietly she will disappear from your life.