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Upon creation of groups of like-minded people united by a common idea, common goal directed towards solution of any major problems the knowledge of socionics quadras might be beneficial. Quadra consists of two similar in spirit dual pairs. Overall there are four quadras and each has its own worldview, own values, outlook on life, behaviour - all of what is called the "quadra spirit". Even the humour in the quadra is different.

Members of quadra are united by certain common interests and most importatly the lack of possibility for conflict. They always understand
each other, words and actions are not considered as offensive. Working together is extremely fruitful and productive.

Communication in the quadra removes phisical and mental tension, it stimulates, raises the tone, provides mental immunity to life's adversities. This is the ideal form of psychotherapy groups. Quadra can be formed from sufficiently large number of people and it is totally not nescessary to have the same number of people of each type.

It is worth to note that if a person from a different quadra is put into such a group he either feels himself extremely uncomfortable or makes the whole quadra feel like that. Who will win is determined by the intertype relations. Quadra almost doesnt notice certain "strangers" while others are "splitting" and "tearing" it.

If you want to form a unified team for bussiness then the most favourable relations will be on a team consisting of people from only one quadra.

We will look at each Quadra in more detail alongside with Gulenko (Based on material from an article "Quadras and their socio-psihological characteristics", Journal of Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology, "# 1, 1995).