Quote Originally Posted by Crispy View Post
That's not what it says. It's read: "If you have a piece of evidence that goes against my understanding, I don't care, because my understanding is still correct. The evidence is misleading and does not describe the way the world generally works (as I have come to know)."
I keep hearing this about Ti, and if it's uniformly true then I've got to be Alpha SF. Whatever happened to accounting for all the possibilities?

There is not 100% certainty in a regular self defense situation.
Bad guy is attempting to kill your family.
You decide to stop him.
Your family is dead.
You attack.
Bad guy is dead.
You go to jail for murder, because you attacked too late (not self-defense anymore).

Your waiting for a 100% certainty (because clearly there were more unseen consequences) would end with a worse situation. The mother fucker got away.

(I didn't know there were so many people against the death penalty here: "Nobody's really bad!": poor mislead souls.)
The level of certainty about the values a society should have vs. the biological certainty that you have a right to live without being victimized are very different. Almost everyone has a share of the latter in varying degrees, making the former a dependent variable.