MysticSonic wrote:
"How do you know that you are an INTj? If that is true, you should also be an INTJ. If, on the other, hand you are an INTP you should be an INTp."

That's not true, so stop spreading around that bullshit like you know what you're talking about.
I know perfectly well what I'm talking about, so stop spreading around bullshit like I don't. But I admit that it is easy to misunderstand what I mean, if you haven't bothered to read any of my many posts where I have tried to explain that. Almost every time I write "INTJ" or "INTP" I am referring to the two groups of people that have been identified by MBTI practitioners, David Keirsey, myself, and others as sharing the same physical, behavioural and psychological characteristics as INTjs and INTps.

Of course MBTT is wrong about the functions among other things, and of course your type is not identical to some test result you might get.

if you test INTP on M-B you might more likely be INTp on socionics, since M-B tests the four dichotomies and not the functional preferences.

BUT if you relate to the description of the M-B INTP, you're likely INTj.
Wrong. You are likely INTp.

However, I still think that on the M-B the INTP is like the "universal NT" type, so that all NTs can relate more or less to that description.
Wrong again. If you are an ENTj and you can can relate very much to the description of an INTP your image of yourself and your type does not correspond with reality.