This morning I had a dream of hiding in this building, from something I don't remember what or what most of the dream was about. I do remember hiding behind this glass veranda at the entrance of the building, facing this pond in an urban area. I was afraid some kind of giant fish or sea creature would emerge from the pond, so I felt safe in this building. It was nightime, but there were no stars. If I remember there was a slight glimmer of artificial lights reflected in the surface of the pond, which was otherwise pitch black.

I just remember I was walking through these rooms in the building (later on) and Dwayne Johnson was in one of them. There was some fries and a hamburger there, too (the room was a kind of a kitchen?) big fries and small fries. I ate the small fries, they had no taste, and looked uncooked, then the big fries but not the hamburger as it had already been bitten by someone. Anyways, Dwayne Johnson was there, and I started speaking what I thought was Dutch to him, but upon waking I realize they were just made up words that sounded Dutch.