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Thread: Dream Interpretation Thread

  1. #1161

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    Had a dream about doing an excorcism last night. The demon basically posessed a man in the neighborhood (fictional neighborhood I think). I don't remember what it did to us, but I do remember we used weapons instead of using magic or whatever. Motherfucker would not die, it would just sit injured and keep throwing weapons back at us.

    It eventually perished, leaving a skull, some crows, and a red circle in its place. I don't really watch horror movies (or movies in general) so it was pretty interesting. I've been digging around some occult shit lately (no real practice though) and I notice my amount of "nightmares" are increasing (not particularly scary, but more associated with nightmarish themes). Not that I believe in that shit though, I think it's all placebo. Though, I think it's also connected to my strange urge to be in high pressure + high stakes situations lately.

  2. #1162
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    The girl I like became my roommate. I was happy to have her around. I saw her making supper, and she was singing. I didn't want to interrupt her because things seemed awkward between us. But I was very happy that she felt comfortable using the kitchen. I felt everything was right and healthy, and the air had taken on a golden color. The fact that my lease was soon to expire bothered me, and I decided that no matter what, if she renewed the lease another year then I would too.

    I released my dog outside. The neighbors with whom I shared the yard had just constructed a large, very tall wooden fence around that yard, which had become impossibly large. But the fence had large holes and gaps. I was scared that my dog would escape, and found myself crawling on the outside of the fence, trying to quickly plug holes before she could find them. The task was doomed to failure since I had to slowly shimmy along, and she was quite fast. But eventually the section of fence I was on bent back and fell because of my weight. I jumped off as it fell. My dog rushed through the fence, excited to see the outside world, but then lost interest. There was nothing outside the fence but emptiness, and so she leapt into my arms. Her yellow fur seemed bright and made an impression on me.

    Now I was making supper with the girl. We had argued a little over the garlic bread; the details and resolution I forget, but the argument was made up soon. I had offered to boil some vegetables (potatoes?). But as I boiled them I realized they were becoming soup; the water was turning gold. Carrots and Chinese cabbage were included now among other vegetables. I mentioned this to the girl. She said in an annoyed tone that OK, we could have soup instead. But I could tell she wasn't really annoyed. I could feel my mind loosening, as if I were drunk, and I wondered if the steam had something to do with it. But I didn't want to leave her, nor the golden soup.

    Waking up from dreams like this is always depressing. Anyway: three dreams about home and the color yellow.

  3. #1163
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    I had another archetypal dream last "night". While I don"t know for sure whether the whole Jungian Paradigm is true or not, I like to use his concepts, as I consider them as philosophically valid. So I dreamt about my Anima. It wasn't a lucid dream though. It was really comforting and I felt like I was in total surrender and we were in love. It wasn't sexual but the atmosphere was highly erotic, there were kisses, there were hugs, no words though, just pure emotion and affection, maybe a slight touch of passion too. I don't really remember her face but she had full lips and big eyes with a compassionate look. She had a beautiful milky skin. Her hands shape was just the way I like them (I'm not a hand fetichist !). Her curves were generous and she was slightly overweight with a large breast.

    There wasn't a particular plot in the dream, it was just she and I.

    I have to say that I systematically listen (headphone) to ASMR videos when I go to sleep. In fact way before ASMR existed I used to listen to hypnosis/sleep helping audio tracks. Also I sleep wearing earplugs since the mid 90's. One thing I added to my sleep habit is sleeping pills (Zopiclone 7.5 mg). I started taking them about 1 month ago. I only take half a pill though but It became a habit (I'm a man of habits !). But I digress ! Please type my Anima !!

  4. #1164
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    dreamt we were driving a car at night, there were scarves with meanings ando ther rules, one time we took off we forgot some of them and I got off the car to carry them, I don’t recall I fi I did this preemptively with the thought that they are on the ground behind us, before we took off. We were supposed to go to a house and find a room with a gypsy kid and smth smth about him, I oriented myself when I arrived bc I heard my family talk and say the description of the thing I needed to find and found their room. It was too small for me meaning there were tables but not enough space for me to fully sit anywhere/have my own space. I sat on the gypsy kid’s left leg and pulled a chair from below his chair or smth to the left and moved there instead. My mind started generating memes about how capricorns are “sustained” and accomplished and thin whatever, like “Capricorn is a sustained witch!” with acompanied images and emoteful voice acting and aquarius are just fat lazy and unacomplished, then some guy who was like looking at what was happening as if it was a movie, I think he wasnt present inside the situation or not fully like the rest at least, commented that women are good at giving me “non-advice with a good-for-everyone modifier”. I also told my family we forgot about the things, the gypsy kid had a mom, and the gypsy kid was complaning to her “- Mom, shes this;- Mom she’s that blah blah blah” was it about my sister on his right leg or was he upset
    my grandma, parents and sister were at the dinner besides me and the gypsy kid’s mom, tho I wonder if his mom isn’t my older sister and hes not my nephew but I iwsh it was clearer if that was the case.
    for those who dont know capricorn rules the bones so they are generally mroe boney and aquarius is air and electricity so they look more like inflatable baloon men
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

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  5. #1165
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    I dreamed that I was in a building, like a large gymnasium, with hundreds of women who were preparing for some kind of (beauty?) contest. There were all the sociotypes there, and all the enneagram variations, and some women were concentrating on their clothes, and some were concentrating on makeup, and all were beautiful in their own way.

    I, however, only felt attracted to one type of face, and I thought to myself how strange it was to place the importance of a particular facial type over any other of the characteristics that she might have.

    I guess I'm just shallow.

    I'm certainly not nuanced.

  6. #1166
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    A semi recurring one is I have no car, but I have a phone, but I do not recognize the contacts, so i call the numbers and get the person but i'm unrecognizable. So I dead reckon my way hone, and I walk up to the house and I'm a John Doe.

    Weird. Distressing to the max.

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    My father told me to burn down their house because of an infestation. So I did. The rest of the family eventually found out we were behind the fire and felt betrayed.

  8. #1168
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    a green hooded snake that could transform into a puma/lynx in a city park area, dont recall if it came at us or smth but i was carrying it with my hand/fingers holding its head so it wouldnt bite me. it made me uncomfortable bc i was concerned the way i was holding it was making it uncomfortable and mb hurting it somehow. we walked back and forth until i found a place that seemed green and spacious enough to let it go there. multiple times i think we tried other places adn the cat/snake would run around a bit and then return. i think it may have actually bit me at some point it but its venom wasnt dangerous, just annoying or smth.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

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  9. #1169
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    I dreamed that some kind of tyrant had detonated a nuclear missile in the exosphere. I had a global view on the event, from the missile's take-off to its explosion.

  10. #1170
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    In most of my dreams, I'm standing or walking around, but last night, before bed, I watched a video on the technology behind the SR-71 ( and in my dream, I was riding a bicycle. Higher tech than walking, I guess.

    I dreamed I was in a large public building full of people, and I was expertly maneuvering my bicycle around and between them. I was pretty proud of how I was handling the bike, but when I rode the bike outside, I managed to ride it right into a shallow river and fell off and got completely soaked. I was thinking that I'd have to wash my clothes in a public restroom sink, because they were the only clothes I had.

    I interpret this dream to mean that I aspire to the high technology of the SR-71 but my subconscious is telling me that I can barely manage a bicycle.

    This is kind of weird, because in real life, I actually am involved in what would be considered to be high technology projects. Taking thermal images of the ground from space, tacking satellites, designing 50,000 watt turbulence-compensating hand-held laser systems, designing holographic gun sights, and on and on it goes. But inside, I feel like I'm not measuring up to my potential. My ESI interior decorator said that she thinks I feel like I'm "not good enough".

    I don't think this is an LIE thing. I think this is a "having bad parents" thing.

    So, if you are a parent, treat your children well, as the song says.

  11. #1171

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    I had this intense dream where a car crashed into me out of nowhere. It was pretty scary.
    Dreams Demystified, a site of dream interpretations, suggests that dreaming of a car crashing into you might signify struggling to maintain control of a situation in your life. Lately, I've been in this constant battle with my girlfriend, and it feels like things are spiraling out of control. Every conversation becomes an argument, and I struggle to keep things together. It's like no matter what I do, I can't seem to regain that sense of balance and harmony we once had. So yeah, it does feel like a car crashing into you.
    Last edited by fenix; 03-06-2024 at 10:08 AM.

  12. #1172
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    Okay slightly weird but I dreamed of a man trying to talk to me. I entertained the talk though I think I was waiting for a ride or someone else so overall I was preoccupied. He was round and fat, an obvious feely person and amiable-looking. My dream self seemed to know him as an acquaintance (I don't know him irl though). Before I went on my way he surprisingly gave me a gift with an elaborate easter-themed packaging. It's not just wrapped with a printed wrapper, the whole packaging is an art by itself. It has an actual nest with eggs though not sure what exactly are those made of but overall it's high quality. I was already holding some paper bags and I'm not the type to bring a lot, so though it was nice what I did was deconstruct the whole thing, kept some of the materials that seemed important enough and threw the basket away. I was rushing though, so I didn't really pay much attention to what I threw away. I went away, then I saw him again. This time he gave me a flowers - it was faint but I saw some sunflowers and some orange-y flowers. But this time his actions seemed kinda sad and he implied that he is not worth my time or something like that. He left, and I wondered why he thought that and I realized maybe he saw that I was deconstructing his gift. I realized that seemed stupid and rude. So I went back to find the basket and it turns out there were other items there like scented lotions and stuff lol. So my dream self thought maybe it looked like I didn't like the gifts even though I actually did.

    I'm thinking this dream is a message that I might miss out on the nice things because I'm too focused on something else.

  13. #1173
    dewusional entitwed snowfwake VewyScawwyNawcissist's Avatar
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    dream: there was an evil woman at a big but complicated school or university thing, she was a teacher? Like mb she was dangerous or something. I invited othres to hunt her down I killed her and scraped her organs off her skin. I think this had to do with smth related to disposal. Idk if she wasnt also a demon or a reptilian or somehow influenced or possessed or her body was evil idk? Also I and I think everyone could jump very high

    another dream: I was at a hotel-like place, but im not sure if it was a hotel, it was rather large and more luxurious than any place ive ever seen I think but thats common with my dreams, seeing better landscapes buildings everything, I was with my mother and sister. then a woman with 2 children came and she remarked she was an aryan. I was concerned and annoyed why do they have to stay with us cuz I felt like I have to strain to mask and not be able to be myself and harm myself in the process, the children turned out may have been 12 or a big number, I don’t recall being able to count them definitely more than 7 I think, the mother had dark hair, idr if the first 2 kids also had dark hair that became blonde later or if they also had blonde hair of if it didn’t change. U know also some ppl have dark hair but it looks blonde simultaneously im not able to tell. Anyway the children made a gift for me and happily brough me it.i vaguely recall a wooden something, or it was jutst a wooden texture and it was like a minishelf with books inside I don’t recall if that was exactly it or smth else. I also was concerned the mother would hate me and look down on me cuz she’s aryan, and that the kids would take up all the space cuz even if it was big there wasn’t many beds like where’d they stay or smth. They seemed like a happy family and I felt relieved when they were friendly. They weren’t really obnoxious at all.

    both in the same day consecutively one after the other.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

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  14. #1174
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    It's the end of the month, so I went over my finances and found that things are much, much better than I thought they would be. Income is going nowhere, but financial and real estate investments are going up fast. I attribute this, in order, to living in the States, to a good economy, and to inflation. Lastly, to my being LIE. Lol.

    So, of course, I had a dream last night. A compensating dream.

    I dreamed that I was living alone in a strange university city. I had found a cheap hole-in-the-wall apartment near the downtown that rented by the week and I was, apparently, living there. Late, late at night, I decided to go out to find a bookstore to look for some books on philosophy, but for some reason, I went out in my bathrobe and a pair of slippers, and with disheveled hair. With Si PoLR, I figured that it was dark and no one would notice.
    After many hours in a little arcane bookstore, I found some grimy and tattered paperbacks, bought them, and headed home. As I exited the store, I realized that hours had passed and it was now bright morning outside. I passed a group of unfortunates who were waiting in line on the sidewalk for government checks, but they were dressed more respectfully than I was. They stared at me as I passed them, probably hoping that they wouldn't fall as far as I had.
    I also realized that I didn't remember where I lived. (I've had trouble with directions all my life.) I approached a female university student but she wouldn't look at me, and I realized that I looked like one of those mentally unstable people who haunt university towns.
    I tried a second woman, and for some reason, she took pity on me when I asked, at a safe distance, if she knew where Green Street was. I thought that Green Street might be the name of the street, but I couldn't remember the exact address. She said she did know, and pointed towards where she thought Green Street was.
    Then, I woke up.

    In reality, this dream isn't far from my actual life. The only real difference is that I usually get dressed before leaving the house.

    Obviously, this was a dream meant to remind me that, without the buffer of money, my life objectively looks pretty terrible. It is missing some pretty big parts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Okay slightly weird but I dreamed of a man trying to talk to me. I entertained the talk though I think I was waiting for a ride or someone else so overall I was preoccupied. He was round and fat, an obvious feely person and amiable-looking. My dream self seemed to know him as an acquaintance (I don't know him irl though). Before I went on my way he surprisingly gave me a gift with an elaborate easter-themed packaging. It's not just wrapped with a printed wrapper, the whole packaging is an art by itself. It has an actual nest with eggs though not sure what exactly are those made of but overall it's high quality. I was already holding some paper bags and I'm not the type to bring a lot, so though it was nice what I did was deconstruct the whole thing, kept some of the materials that seemed important enough and threw the basket away. I was rushing though, so I didn't really pay much attention to what I threw away. I went away, then I saw him again. This time he gave me a flowers - it was faint but I saw some sunflowers and some orange-y flowers. But this time his actions seemed kinda sad and he implied that he is not worth my time or something like that. He left, and I wondered why he thought that and I realized maybe he saw that I was deconstructing his gift. I realized that seemed stupid and rude. So I went back to find the basket and it turns out there were other items there like scented lotions and stuff lol. So my dream self thought maybe it looked like I didn't like the gifts even though I actually did.

    I'm thinking this dream is a message that I might miss out on the nice things because I'm too focused on something else.
    This dream seems like a dream that an LII would have of an ESE.

    Not battle-typing, not battle-typing. Just sayin'.

    An ILI would dream of an SEE being imperious and god-like. Of who they are, not of the things they design. The ILI would focus on the humanity and extroverted capriciousness of the SEE's character, not on the "Si taste" that a person has.

    Not battle-typing, not battle-typing. Just sayin'.

  16. #1176
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    It's the end of the month, so I went over my finances and found that things are much, much better than I thought they would be. Income is going nowhere, but financial and real estate investments are going up fast. I attribute this, in order, to living in the States, to a good economy, and to inflation. Lastly, to my being LIE. Lol.

    So, of course, I had a dream last night. A compensating dream.

    I dreamed that I was living alone in a strange university city. I had found a cheap hole-in-the-wall apartment near the downtown that rented by the week and I was, apparently, living there. Late, late at night, I decided to go out to find a bookstore to look for some books on philosophy, but for some reason, I went out in my bathrobe and a pair of slippers, and with disheveled hair. With Si PoLR, I figured that it was dark and no one would notice.
    After many hours in a little arcane bookstore, I found some grimy and tattered paperbacks, bought them, and headed home. As I exited the store, I realized that hours had passed and it was now bright morning outside. I passed a group of unfortunates who were waiting in line on the sidewalk for government checks, but they were dressed more respectfully than I was. They stared at me as I passed them, probably hoping that they wouldn't fall as far as I had.
    I also realized that I didn't remember where I lived. (I've had trouble with directions all my life.) I approached a female university student but she wouldn't look at me, and I realized that I looked like one of those mentally unstable people who haunt university towns.
    I tried a second woman, and for some reason, she took pity on me when I asked, at a safe distance, if she knew where Green Street was. I thought that Green Street might be the name of the street, but I couldn't remember the exact address. She said she did know, and pointed towards where she thought Green Street was.
    Then, I woke up.

    In reality, this dream isn't far from my actual life. The only real difference is that I usually get dressed before leaving the house.

    Obviously, this was a dream meant to remind me that, without the buffer of money, my life objectively looks pretty terrible. It is missing some pretty big parts.
    Do clothes mean anything in particular to you?

  17. #1177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    This dream seems like a dream that an LII would have of an ESE.

    Not battle-typing, not battle-typing. Just sayin'.

    An ILI would dream of an SEE being imperious and god-like. Of who they are, not of the things they design. The ILI would focus on the humanity and extroverted capriciousness of the SEE's character, not on the "Si taste" that a person has.

    Not battle-typing, not battle-typing. Just sayin'.
    @one should definitely be battle-typed. That said, I don't know if I've ever dreamt of an ESE. Do you dream of your duals?

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Do clothes mean anything in particular to you?
    I think that clothes can say a lot about the person wearing them, so I tend to judge people by the clothes they wear. There are several dimensions to this.
    Some people don't give a lot of thought to how they dress, and this says that they don't give a lot of thought to how they dress.
    Some people do give a lot of thought to how they dress, and this says that they do give a lot of thought to how they dress.

    Beyond that, clothes, to me, are primarily coverings for the skin which reduce abrasion and promote warmth, and secondarily can act as social indicators of status.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @one should definitely be battle-typed. That said, I don't know if I've ever dreamt of an ESE. Do you dream of your duals?
    I don't think that I dream of Duals as such, although I have dreamed of individuals who are Duals. Now that you point it out, it seems a strange omission, because I notice Duals all the time in real life.

    I believe that dreams are often conversations between the lizard brain and the mammalian brain, and since the lizard brain knows little of mating nuance and nothing of child-rearing, maybe the topic has never come up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    I think that clothes can say a lot about the person wearing them, so I tend to judge people by the clothes they wear. There are several dimensions to this.
    Some people don't give a lot of thought to how they dress, and this says that they don't give a lot of thought to how they dress.
    Some people do give a lot of thought to how they dress, and this says that they do give a lot of thought to how they dress.

    Beyond that, clothes, to me, are primarily coverings for the skin which reduce abrasion and promote warmth, and secondarily can act as social indicators of status.
    Lol, OK. I was just wondering if clothes meant anything besides the obvious in your dream.

    I know you were joking, but if there was any seriousness in what you said about judging people for their clothing, then do you think your bad clothing in the dream reflected how you see yourself?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    I don't think that I dream of Duals as such, although I have dreamed of individuals who are Duals. Now that you point it out, it seems a strange omission, because I notice Duals all the time in real life.

    I believe that dreams are often conversations between the lizard brain and the mammalian brain, and since the lizard brain knows little of mating nuance and nothing of child-rearing, maybe the topic has never come up.
    Maybe that's what dreams are, but both reptiles and other mammals are able to sense certain things people can't, or maybe we distract and fool ourselves into not noticing what we sense. If dreams stick with you, I think it's because the parts of your soul you might usually ignore are trying to talk to you.

    I might guess that the reason you don't dream about ESIs much is exactly because you're thinking about them so much while waking. I take it you're alluding to sexual dreams. People don't exclusively find duals attractive, and I don't think they really understand duals well either; sometimes they even dislike and distrust them at first because of that. And when people choose mates they generally don't choose duals. You've been chasing duals for a long time, but you don't seem so successful; you still want a partner, so your soul is whispering to you that you could choose an alternative course of action, maybe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Lol, OK. I was just wondering if clothes meant anything besides the obvious in your dream.

    I know you were joking, but if there was any seriousness in what you said about judging people for their clothing, then do you think your bad clothing in the dream reflected how you see yourself?
    I can tell you that I don't think I dress well. I normally just get someone else to pick out my clothes, because I don't trust my judgement in that area at all.
    I think I was dressed in an old bathrobe in the dream as a way to remind myself that, despite being able to stack up money, I'm socially inept.

    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    Maybe that's what dreams are, but both reptiles and other mammals are able to sense certain things people can't, or maybe we distract and fool ourselves into not noticing what we sense. If dreams stick with you, I think it's because the parts of your soul you might usually ignore are trying to talk to you.

    I might guess that the reason you don't dream about ESIs much is exactly because you're thinking about them so much while waking. I take it you're alluding to sexual dreams. People don't exclusively find duals attractive, and I don't think they really understand duals well either; sometimes they even dislike and distrust them at first because of that. And when people choose mates they generally don't choose duals. You've been chasing duals for a long time, but you don't seem so successful; you still want a partner, so your soul is whispering to you that you could choose an alternative course of action, maybe.
    As a kid, I was told that Feelers were not acceptable mates. Of course, I was also told that Catholics were not acceptible mates, so my parents had some issues. Still, I believed them until I actually met some Duals.

    I actually do think that my Duals are attractive, and I always have. I just thought that they were attractive ditzes. It took me a while to get past my early prejudices and see them as intelligent human beings. Sometimes, as very intelligent human beings. And weirdly enough, I've gone back and looked at pictures of some GFs I had before I knew about Socionics, and most of them were ESIs.

    I've dated every introvert in the Socion, and ESIs are by far the best combination of everything that I'm looking for.

    More recently, I have been actively looking for ESIs, and I've been finding them, but I've been running into the problem that is clearly stated in the book "Bad Boyfriends", which is that, if you aren't attached in a relationship by the age of thirty, then you might have a problem being attached in a relationship. It's not a problem that I have, but it is a problem that the women I meet seem to have.

    Plus, I'm also very particular.

    I want an ESI woman who is attractive, intelligent, sensible, grounded, family-oriented, stable, slightly submissive and slightly aggressive. Pick any ten.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    This dream seems like a dream that an LII would have of an ESE.

    Not battle-typing, not battle-typing. Just sayin'.

    An ILI would dream of an SEE being imperious and god-like. Of who they are, not of the things they design. The ILI would focus on the humanity and extroverted capriciousness of the SEE's character, not on the "Si taste" that a person has.

    Not battle-typing, not battle-typing. Just sayin'.
    I always appreciate taste but I don’t really enjoy Ti activities if just on my own Adam. I don’t think I have ever done any Ti-lead worthy thing ever in my years of being alive. In reality if you ask me I would rather wrap an easter gift nicely. Seems pretty low-effort to me. The man could be an Alpha SF though I agree with you, and to be fair I do admit I always choose laziness over effort so maybe it’s just me shutting off all of my functions (if that’s possible).

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    @one should definitely be battle-typed. That said, I don't know if I've ever dreamt of an ESE. Do you dream of your duals?
    I guess I have to be Alpha. ILE-H for me yay or yay cast your vote

    (I was about to link my suuuuper old typing thread, I kept on looking but I just remembered I deleted it already! It was just ILI vs ESI with DEAD the only one saying ESI)

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    I guess I have to be Alpha. ILE-H for me yay or yay cast your vote

    (I was about to link my suuuuper old typing thread, I kept on looking but I just remembered I deleted it already! It was just ILI vs ESI with DEAD the only one saying ESI)
    You don't have to accept the opinions of random idiots on the internet, but I don't think you are ILE. You seem much too steady for that. Too carefully thoughtful.

    Instead, let me say that, to me, your avatar (a little kid eating a cookie) seems (little kid = Infantile, cookie = Alpha Si) more LII than anything else.

    Just my opinion, and my opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.

    Let me also say that, whatever your type is, you are a pleasure to have around.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I don't think that I dream of Duals as such, although I have dreamed of individuals who are Duals. Now that you point it out, it seems a strange omission, because I notice Duals all the time in real life.
    I spoke too soon. Last night I had a long dream about two ESIs on the forum. I was sitting between them in a taxi going to their therapy session.
    It was a long dream, but I don't remember much from it. One thing stood out for its strangeness; at one point, I was riding a bicycle with a round rear wheel and a polygonal front wheel. It was hard to ride, and I was wondering how the tire stayed on the rim.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    You don't have to accept the opinions of random idiots on the internet, but I don't think you are ILE. You seem much too steady for that. Too carefully thoughtful.

    Instead, let me say that, to me, your avatar (a little kid eating a cookie) seems (little kid = Infantile, cookie = Alpha Si) more LII than anything else.

    Just my opinion, and my opinion is worth exactly what you paid for it.

    Let me also say that, whatever your type is, you are a pleasure to have around.
    You too! We were sad when you were gone for a looong time.

    I can see that, I act super childish. I think people I know irl would type me an infantile automatically.
    What a bummer to have ESE as a dual if ever though, if I would be honest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    You too! We were sad when you were gone for a looong time.

    I can see that, I act super childish. I think people I know irl would type me an infantile automatically.
    What a bummer to have ESE as a dual if ever though, if I would be honest.
    My LII sister, after trying many different guys, said that she got along best (socially, not in bed - she said he was terrible in bed*) with an EIE, but that they'd kill each other if they lived together. She married (for the third time) an LSE. She said that he was by far the best in bed that she'd ever had, but she could not control his spending.

    My guess is that an LII could easily control an ESE's spending. Actually, it's more than a guess, because I've seen it happen, and the ESE was perfectly fine with the LII controlling his spending. He was almost proud of it, actually. Maybe because he could show off his financially-savvy wife to the world.

    But, overall, I hear what you are saying.

    And thanks for the compliment.

    You might be an ILI. I know there have been times when I thought you definitely were ILI. But then again, I took a lot of drugs in my youth.


    This, more than anything, is why I (a Victim) won't even try my EII (Infantile) secretary, even though she's made it plain that she'd be willing to give it a shot.
    I have no intention of trying to compete with her Te-Si LSE Dual for the favor of her sexual mind.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-03-2024 at 12:17 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    My LII sister, after trying many different guys, said that she got along best (socially, not in bed - she said he was terrible in bed*) with an EIE, but that they'd kill each other if they lived together. She married (for the third time) an LSE. She said that he was by far the best in bed that she'd ever had, but she could not control his spending.

    My guess is that an LII could easily control an ESE's spending. Actually, it's more than a guess, because I've seen it happen, and the ESE was perfectly fine with the LII controlling his spending. He was almost proud of it, actually. Maybe because he could show off his financially-savvy wife to the world.

    But, overall, I hear what you are saying.

    And thanks for the compliment.

    You might be an ILI. I know there have been times when I thought you definitely were ILI. But then again, I took a lot of drugs in my youth.


    This, more than anything, is why I (a Victim) won't even try my EII (Infantile) secretary, even though she's made it plain that she'd be willing to give it a shot.
    I have no intention of trying to compete with her Te-Si LSE Dual for the favor of her sexual mind.
    Not just about the money matters. ESEs are very fluent in social situations and are very proud of that ability but to me that's just all they do. I don't appreciate it very much and prefer people who are less of that, because ESE's presence is too much of a pressure for me to act in the best way around people. I feel like I can't size up people first (I have to be open and friendly immediately), I can't be silent (I have to show engagement and know how greet people properly), most importantly I also start to feel that I cannot even hide from people and not invite them. Their presence doesn't give me space to think about what I feel about others first and choose which one I should attach to. My pickiness is "trying to isolate for no reason" to them. They don't speak my language.

    Sometimes, it gets worse when they start to expect sophistication, being "cultured". Can't explain it well, but there is too much polishing stuff for others going on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by one View Post
    Not just about the money matters. ESEs are very fluent in social situations and are very proud of that ability but to me that's just all they do. I don't appreciate it very much and prefer people who are less of that, because ESE's presence is too much of a pressure for me to act in the best way around people. I feel like I can't size up people first (I have to be open and friendly immediately), I can't be silent (I have to show engagement and know how greet people properly), most importantly I also start to feel that I cannot even hide from people and not invite them. Their presence doesn't give me space to think about what I feel about others first and choose which one I should attach to. My pickiness is "trying to isolate for no reason" to them. They don't speak my language.

    Sometimes, it gets worse when they start to expect sophistication, being "cultured". Can't explain it well, but there is too much polishing stuff for others going on.
    one, I completely get what you are saying.

    I never felt as uncomfortable and as wrong as I did when an ESE publicly accused me of social transgressions. I have no defense against that, and I hate it.

    If you have that reaction to them, too, that indicates to me that you might be in their opposite Quadra, Gamma.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    one, I completely get what you are saying.

    I never felt as uncomfortable and as wrong as I did when an ESE publicly accused me of social transgressions. I have no defense against that, and I hate it.

    If you have that reaction to them, too, that indicates to me that you might be in their opposite Quadra, Gamma.
    I mostly just talk back when that happens to me, but I don’t even think it’s the best thing to do. Just have no choice

    I actually think I’m your mirror!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    My guess is that an LII could easily control an ESE's spending. Actually, it's more than a guess, because I've seen it happen, and the ESE was perfectly fine with the LII controlling his spending. He was almost proud of it, actually. Maybe because he could show off his financially-savvy wife to the world
    FWIW: not an ESE, but my SEI ex used to send money from her paycheck into my bank account so that I wouldn't spend it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
    FWIW: not an ESE, but my SEI ex used to send money from her paycheck into my bank account so that I wouldn't spend it.
    Do you mean, "so that SHE wouldn't spend it, BECAUSE YOU wouldn't spend it?"

    -Adam "obnoxious stickler for details" Strange.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 04-04-2024 at 12:22 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange
    Do you mean, "so that SHE wouldn't spend it, BECAUSE YOU wouldn't spend it?"

    -Adam "obnoxious stickler for details" Strange.
    I mean that I try to make money in my bank account stay there. シ

    Neither of us were making much money, and we were living together and splitting expenses. If she gave the money to me she knew I'd either spend it on necessities for us, or just keep it until/unless it was necessary.

    (Re. money sitting in an account, since I feel that you'd say something about this, it's only recently that I've saved up enough to consider investing.)
    Last edited by FreelancePoliceman; 04-04-2024 at 04:49 PM.

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    can someone explain the dream i had where i was spongebob and me and keanu reeves were trying to assassinate mr krabs bc he was doing a ketamine trafficking mafia pyramid scheme

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    Two dreams:

    #1 I apparently have a weird neighbor and she keeps on urging me to go hang out with her. It was midnight and I felt doom but she kept urging me to because it's exciting for some reason. I thought hell no because she seems nuts. It was pure chaos- I was seeing sprits around, there were scary looking creatures that I can sense, I can't explain very well but just they were all gross. Maybe they actually weren't real but I was seeing them in my mind's eye. It was a blur but she was able to get in my house eventually and I saw some spirits being able to get inside the walls too and she got very excited and told me to follow them because "who knows where they are going!" The walls started to look like gross muscles that are contracting/breathing (not sure if it's also my vision). I made a lame excuse to get away and I ran inside the house to find a room to hide in.

    #2 There is this woman who got killed by an evil guy in black and I couldn't accept that I was only able to arrive right after she dies so I turned back time. The scenes just keep on repeating, with each time I do things differently than before but whenever we get to the end I would always see her dead.

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    dreamt i'd killed a toxic CEO or smth, but i regretted it bc i'd robbed him of his redemption. i was full of rage, but then after i realized i was wrong, at some point i thought was i just supposed to be there watching others ruin lives without being able to do anything about it or barely anything, and just forgive them? God is in control of our lives thus im robbed of agency so why are we even here. nothing i can do can't be achieved or compensated without me, ofc a negative of the otherwise is that if i mess up then i myself created a horrible dent. i tend to just not think about that when these thoughts come bc i see no point in thinking about it, but why do they keep returning then, i also felt like smth was missing in me (in the beginning i thought maybe part of it was knowing that i was wrong/empathy for the CEO). also i had murdered another person but i doint remember. both murders felt real, as if i'd really doen them in real life, i thought it may have to do that if you hate someone its as if you've already murdered them. i was horrible to realize.

    another part at a smth like a park a dragon froze someone/their legs and someone figured we should take them to a place to melt well bc for some reazon the first thought was to break the ice but ofc it wouldn't work. now this reminded me about "breaking the ice" with ppl. maybe u can also melt it...
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    I dreamed I opened a small pack of milk powder, put it near the face of my companion and pinched it repeatedly that powder came out and got on his face. He was anxious and was trying to look for some service crew or someone who could attend to him and I thought I should get his attention playfully.

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    my husband had a dream that I was a lesbian. my brain is focused on analyzing that one today lol
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aster View Post
    my husband had a dream that I was a lesbian. my brain is focused on analyzing that one today lol
    I'd say it could go one of two ways.

    One, he feels he's not getting enough attention from you.

    Two, he's hoping for a threesome. Lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'd say it could go one of two ways.

    One, he feels he's not getting enough attention from you.

    Two, he's hoping for a threesome. Lol.
    maybe it’s both
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