At least an attempt at it. Feel free to criticise.

Subtype theories were invented to explain the differences between individuals of the same type, which should also affect their relations with other types.

There is one subtype theory, invented by Victor Gulenko which basically states that a person has a preference for either their 1st or 2nd function. For example:

There are Two INTJs, one is intuitive subtype, the other is logical subtype.
Both have:

1. accepting
2. producing

But the logical subtype uses:

1. accepting
2. producing

While the intuitive subtype uses

1. producing
2. accepting

There is another theory, invented by Lord smilex, which says that a person can switch between types- either between their comparative and their own type, or between their look a like and their own type. The person who switches more to their comparative would be accepting subtype, whereas a producing subtype would be the one that switches between their own type and their look a like more. A recent consensus showed that this was not an unfounded theory.

There is a confusion hovering over subtype theory on this forum,(and over all of socionics, for that matter!) and I wish to explain how I've combined both aspects of subtype theory into an explanation. An explanation as to why intuitive subtype INTJs(for example) are more "intuitive" and why they resemble their look a like more often than their comparative.

We start out with four simple theses:

1. iNtuition represses sensing
2. sensing represses iNtuition
3. thinking represses feeling
4. feeling represses thinking


a person seems to use either their first or second function more than the other.

With this in mind, we can say that an intuitive subtype of INTJ, since he uses his iNtuition more, would use his sensing less, and certainly would not resemble an ISTJ, and since his thinking is used less, this leaves a balance between his thinking and feeling, thus he feels closer to INFJ.

So... an Intuitive subtype INTj has:

1. accepting
2. producing
3. accepting
4. producing

but uses:

1. producing
2. accepting
3. accepting
4. producing

And while a logical subtype also has

1. accepting
2. producing
3. accepting
4. producing

S/he uses

1. accepting
2. producing
3. producing
4. accepting

That could explain some of the obsrevations made both by Gulenko and smilex- one subtype prefers one creative output over its preceding accepting function, whereas another subtype prefers to use a different creative output over its preceding accepting function.

This means that your subtype also affects your relations with your dual as well. An iNtuitive subtype INTj would probably be better paired up with a sensory subtype ESFj, because each type has the other's most repressed aspects as their most conscious ones, and a logical subtype INTj would be better with an ethical subtype ESFj. Unless of course, Im wrong in assuming that using your using conscious weak functions also makes you use your unconscious weak ones- this is still open for discusion in my book.

So what do you guys think?

1. Do you agree with my explanation?

2. Do you think that subtype affects dual relations? if so, how?

Debate away!