Is there any empirical evidence that the whole Intertype relationship hypothesis/theory works? It's a very thorough framework in that it attempts to define the general characteristics of every possible relationship between every possible pairs, but my experience with such frameworks is that they are usually too elegant to have any actual relevance to reality, especially if they were conceived through, quite possibly unjustified, extrapolation of very small set of observations. I am not sure whether this is exactly the case for the Intertype relationship hypothesis/theory though.

However, from hearing personal anecdotes in this forum, I am no longer skeptical that relationships between Duals work. To my amazement it is said that ESFj appear to be ideal for INTj, which is counter-intuitive to me. I always thought a T type would be more appropriate because then, INTj would not neccessarily have to deal with unreasonable responses in a relationship. But I suppose there is still much that I really don't understand.

So do people have any anecdotes or references that they can share about all relationship types except Duals that might give a more experimental look at the Intertype framework and its actual relevance to reality.