Choose ONE of the four sections below that describes you the CLOSEST (OVERALL). Once you have chosen a section, choose ONE of the four descriptions in that section that describes you the LEAST WELL.

 Detached critical analysis; clear and independent thought and worldviews; appearance of self-control. Description 1 (ENTj)
 Explorative; light-hearted curiosity; optimistic; focused on interests; interested in ideas; usually upbeat; detached curiosity. Description 2 (INTp)
 Goofy; don’t reveal inner life; interested in processes; passive relaxedness; ironic attitude. Description 3 (ENTp)
 Unrestrained optimism; like movement; energetic; opportunistic; like to test limits. Description 4 (INTj)

 Strong tastes and preferences; enthusiastic and forceful about likes and dislikes; socialites; emotional involvement; reflect values of community; large emotional range. Description 1 (ISFj)
 Soft, helping; gentle smile; touch naturally; comfort oriented. Description 2 (ESFp)
 Flair, playfulness; socialites; physical centre of attention; hands-on involvement in world around them. Description 3 (ISFp)
 Concerned about proper behaviour; stand their ground; hard to convince; conservative views and methods. Description 4 (ESFj)

 Wacky, goofy, dreamy; clown; interested in people’s inner life and where people are going with their emotional life. Description 1 (ENFp)
 Alarm, dramatism, restraint; purposeful emotions and involvement. Description 2 (INFj)
 Gentle but have firm principles; demonstrate positive attitude; willingness to share your world. Description 3 (ENFj)
 Playfulness; bit of irony; acceptance; frivolous; warm curiosity about people and relationships. Description 4 (INFp)

 Forceful; demanding of others; go-getter; not easily intimidated; ready for battle. Description 1 (ISTp)
 Tough, controlling, serious, decisive, tough-minded, disciplined, mistrustful; stand their ground. Description 2 (ESTj)
 Always busy with projects; practical and sceptical; action oriented; professional; active involvement. Description 3 (ISTj)
 Soft blankness; internal independence; hard to impress; not easily excited; emotionally cool. Description 4 (ESTp)