Is it possible for someone to brainwash themselves to be another type?

I think so, I once convinced myself for a while that I was ENTp and when I took the test I tricked myself into answering thinking instead of feeling more often in the test. I knew which answers were which and this was a disadvantage in taking the test. Then slowly I realized that I couldn't rule out feeling and labelled myself as ENXp as while like Gilligan did. Then the realization came of me being ENFp after my friends clarified it. I felt more comfortable with it afterwards.

Anyways, aside from that can an INFj convince him or herself to be an ESFp or vice versa? That's a scary thought, and I know someone who scored as ISTj once in a test and then INTp on another one. I also know someone who scored ENFp and then INTj WTF?, though he was too silly to be an INTJ in my opinion.

The differences between them are too strong and it is quite scary in my opinion on how someone can actually believe they are something they are not. Finding out the truth is very hurtful, but it is better than living with a lie. Then again, it might be less painful and easier to believe a lie.

Anyways, were you once brainwashed by yourself or a test that you were a personality you were not, are you still brainwashed?